Trinity Gazette

Maths Week

By Lucy McGradle

Trinity High School had a week of celebrations from the 28th of September to the 4th of October all in the name of Maths!

This celebration looked at the importance of Maths in our daily lives by joining in with activities across Scotland and in school.

In Trinity High School, there were many events that we took part in for Maths week. Some such activities included: taking part in battling online see more

Book Week Scotland

By Amy Little

Book Week Scotland is an annual celebration of books and reading that takes place across Scotland. Scottish Book Trust organises the events and has activities such as author live events where school kids can learn more about books that they’ve been see more

Food Bank Appeal

By Andrew Osisanya

All throughout the festive period, Trinity High School have been doing their part to raise supplies for the food bank appeal.

The collection commenced on the 27th of November with a non-uniform day in which you had to bring in any food item see more

Netball Needs

By Lucy McGrandle

Netball players should be paid more! The game netball is unfortunately not very well known around the world or in specific the UK, which is not so good for the professional netball players that are only getting paid £75,000 between see more

Plan Bees

By Rachael Kyle

Several S2 pupils had the opportunity to go to Plan Bees in Wishaw as part of their Bee Keeping course.

Plan Bee is a bee sanctuary where you can see the bees and harvest their very own jar of honey.

This was a whole day event where pupils got to experience these insects first-hand; wearing hair nets, gloves and an apron on in order to go into the see more

S1 and S2 Make Waves at CamGlen Radio Station

by Jennifer Ford

Throughout the year, a variety of S1-S2 pupils have had the opportunity to participate in hosting their own radio talk show at Camglen Radio station.

Camglen Radio is a local Radio station in Rutherglen. It started broadcasting on 19th March 2015. This station plays both modern and old songs and is see more

Top 10 Most Nostalgic Moments of the Decade

By Eva Muir

As 2020 has just begun, our favourite decade has just ended. We all enjoyed similar cartoons, games and toys throughout our childhood, but no one has the exact same memories from their toddler years and upwards. Keeping that in mind, I have compiled a list of the most common and nostalgic things that came out of this decade, from 2010 all the way to present day. Hopefully, at least one of them will give you a flashback 'see more'

Listen to this Global Warning

By Amy Little

Two words are sending the world, particularly Generation Z, into a flurry of panic. And these two little words are - climate change. But what is climate change?

Well, climate change, and the ideology surrounding the drastic weather change in the climate, has been around for years. The possibility that weather patterns could change, natural disasters become commonplace and crops could die causing food shortages as a result were all used in films, thought of as fictional. But now it is a real and dire matter. The ice caps are melting. Lakes are drying up. Australia as well the Amazon are burning. Thankfully 'see more'

Launch of 'The Bone Sparrow'

By Amy Little

Pupils in S1-S3 received a copy of ‘The Bone Sparrow,’ by Zana Fraillon, last week to celebrate the launch of the whole school novel!

Organised by Mr Arnold, the Literacy Coordinator, it is hoped that it will develop the students’ love of 'see more...'

Magnificent Maths

By Aoife Rennie and Dylan Gillespie

The launch of Maths week in September was a huge success with S1 pupils being involved in a variety of fun and challenging 'see more...'

S1 Crack Carfin Grotto!

By Joseph John

As a welcome to Trinity High, the RE department organised to take the new 1Ss to Carfin Grotto. Not only was this an educational trip 'see more...'

Inspiration STEMS for S2's!

by Jennifer Ford

18 excited S2 pupils are ready 'see more...'

The Inside Scoop with Mr Cutler.

By Shing Wong

For those of you who may not know Mr Cutler, he 'see more...'