Google Classroom

These training videos explain how Lanark PS will be using Google Classroom for Home Learning.

Please watch these videos to support you and your child in this new form of learning and teaching.

Accessing Google Classroom

Accessing Google Classroom from Glow launch pad.mp4

Accessing Google Classroom Glow Launch Pad

Accessing Google Classroom via. apps, devices and mobiles


If you experience difficulties accessing, check you are using the Glow Google account (the one that starts gw... ) to access Google Classroom and not your own or a family member's personal home Google account.

Stream Tab- Communicating

PUPIL- STREAM Finished.mp4

What is the STREAM TAB for?

  1. To post a question to ask your teacher for help.

  2. To share your learning with your teacher and class.

  3. To read news and announcements from the teacher.

  4. To find out when my classwork tasks are due.



Classroom Tab- Weekly Home Learning Tasks

Classroom 1.mp4

Watch the video to find out what the Classroom Tab is for and how to use it for your learning.

What is the CLASSROOM TAB for?

  1. To access weekly learning tasks.

  2. To create and submit online learning.

  3. To access important resources and websites.

  4. To find additional Literacy and Numeracy learning resources.

Classroom Tab- Accessing, Creating & Submitting Work

PUPIL- Access, Create, Submit.mp4

Watch the video to find out how to access, create and submit online home learning tasks to your teacher on Google Classroom.

*Information also given about using the free G Suite tools


Watch the video to find out how to submit written tasks to your teacher on Google Classroom.

*This example is using an Android phone and the user is already signed into their Glow Google account.