Geomatics (NRM 3212)
B.Sc. Forestry

Introduction to Remote Sensing Part-1

Introduction to Remote Sensing Part-2

Introduction to Remote Sensing Part-3

Satellite Systems

Digital Image Processing Part-1

Digital Image Processing Part-2

Interaction of EMR with atmosphere

Digital Image Resolution

Types of Resolution

Introduction to Photogrpammetry

False Color Composite & True Color Composite

Multiband Operations

Introduction to GIS

GIS models and data representation

Introduction to GIS database management system

Aerial Photography

Introduction to Photogrpammetry

Scale, Focal Length and Height

Relief Displacement Formula

Database Management System (DBMS)

Topology, Thematic and Raster Overlay

Visual Image Interpretation

Map Projection and Types

Microwave Remote Sensing

Raster data storage and compression

Global Positioning System

How GPS works?