For Students

If you are enrolled in Senior Paper or Senior Project course, please see your teacher for the Google Classroom code. All instructions and forms are on Google Classroom.

What Students are Saying about Senior Paper Research Process

  • New skills I gained include figuring out how to finesse the databases/ tweak my search words to find the right information and how to find the right sources online.

  • The class helped me discover my passion for animals and my research for my final paper caused me to change many of my ideas on food production and the ethics of farming.

  • Credible, reliable, and informative sources make this paper much more like college essays that we will work on in the future and this paper is a good practice with that.

  • The research on this paper flew by because I was interested in this field. I learned things that have provided me with important knowledge that I can use in the future as I figure out my career.

What Students are Saying about Senior Paper Course

  • If senior paper taught me anything, it’s that hard work will always be worth doing.

  • This class isn’t the sole reason that people walk at graduation, but it’s finally a class that allows you to prepare for your future by doing something that could contribute to that future.

  • Of all of the classes I have taken in high school, Senior Paper will definitely be one to remember. It all started when a short advisory assembly introduced the idea and opportunity that I am incredibly grateful for.

  • This seriously was a life changing semester and I could not have gotten to where I am without [the teachers’] help. Running this course was a risk and it definitely was a success. I can’t wait to see how these projects will affect the community and school down the road.