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Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Friends,

What a wonderful week we have had and it has finished on a high with our Footy Colours day today and the Father's Day breakfast. We had an amazing turn out on a working day which just goes to show the great effort our parents make to be part of our special school community. A big thanks to all the staff and parents who helped cooking, serving and cleaning. As you can see by the photos there was a great deal of fun and I hope all enjoyed the delicious egg & bacon rolls.

As you would be aware St Kevin's is undergoing its four yearly whole school review and our teachers have been extremely busy working through a number of important school improvement areas to review and discuss so that we can identify our strengths and areas for improvement. A key part of the review is to gather data from parents, students and teachers about all aspects of our school. Many of you would have completed surveys in the past, however, from this year a new survey platform is being introduced. This September I will be asking all St Kevin's Families to complete the School Improvement Survey. In the coming weeks I will send information and log in codes so that one survey per family can be completed. All senior students and teachers will complete the survey at school. Below is a short video about CEMSIS (Catholic Education Melbourne School Improvement Surveys)

St Kevin's and GEKA McKinnon Community Garden

On Wednesday our Year 5&6 class visited McKinnon Kinder and met a very large group of extremely excited 3&4 year olds. I can't be sure who had the most fun but it was great to see that our children have such great social skills and were able to win over the confidence of these young children in such a short time. In a couple of weeks we will back there to begin work on the community garden.

Parish Education Board Meeting

Next Wednesday 4th September our PEB will meet again to review a number of initiatives put in place focusing on the marketing and improvement of our school. These members along with so many other parents give time and energy to our school which continues to demonstrate, to me, the strength of this community.

Important Reminder

  • Hot Food - Dear Parents, some children have been bringing instant noodles to school for lunch which require boiling water. Unfortunately due to health and safety restrictions we are not able to provide the boiling water and therefore I would ask that these lunch options are no longer brought to school.

Nigel Rodrigues


Let's Get Moving - with Alli Watts

Let’s Get Moving’ is coming to St Kevin’s!

Lunch Orders

Available Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Please label paper bag with child’s name and class, include money and these will be collected from the office.