ST KEVIN'S SCHOOL RULES Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful

Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Friends,

It has been a great start to Term 3 with so much happening both in and out of classrooms. Whilst our children's formal learning takes place in class a great deal of other important skills are gained in the playground as our children experiment, create and explore. It is so rewarding to see the initiative and imagination our children have and how this can lead to the development of great social and problem solving skills. Of course at times we as adults need to be on hand to ensure that the safety and well being of each child is maintained.

Parish Education Board

On Wednesday evening our Parish Education Board met to discuss many important issues facing our school. As we know the enrolment of new families is our biggest challenge and something we are constantly working hard to improve. As a board our main focus has been on maintaining our current student numbers and of course increasing enrolments in prep and in other year levels. I understand that with the closing of St Aloysius Catholic primary school recently and PCW secondary girls college there would be some raised concerns about our own school. As communicated last year, St Kevin's is guaranteed to be open in 2020 and we will continue to work towards re-establishing our school in the community. I greatly appreciate each families commitment to St Kevin's and do understand your concerns. With this in mind it may be timely to gather as a community to hear concerns, reassure families, and to share ideas. I will inform you all soon, regarding a suitable evening in the coming weeks.

Bunning's BBQ and Cake stall - OHSC (Out of Hours School Care)

Our Out of Hours School Care fundraiser was a big success thanks to the committee and all the volunteers who helped out during the day. Thanks to everyone who donated cakes for the cake stall which added greatly to the effort.

Australian Govt’s Child Care Subsidy

We have put together a brief document for parents regarding the Australian Govt’s Child Care Subsidy calculator which can be used to find out how good Child Care Subsidy will be for them!

Click here to view the Calculator


Follow us now

Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues


Library News

Support our school’s Book Fair. Allow your children to choose their own books to read.

Book Fair dates: Monday 12th August and Wednesday 14th August

Shopping hours: Monday 3 to 4pm, Wednesday 8:30 am 9:00 am 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Special activities: Teacher’s viewing, golden ticket, cranky bear visit and competitions.

We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school.


Mr Nigel Rodrigues Mrs Julie Gonzales

Principal Librarian

Premiers' Reading Challenge

Congratulations to 15 students who have completed the challenge. The remainder of the students are still reading and one student has already reached 100 books. We have only 5 weeks to go until the Premiers' Reading Challenge closes, so let's get reading.

Mrs Julie Gonzales

Lunch Orders

Available Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Please label paper bag with child’s name and class, include money and these will be collected from the office.

Enrolments and School Tours

Every day is Open Day at St Kevin's.

Our Year 6 leaders are waiting to welcome you and take you for a tour of our school.

Our Principal, Mr Nigel Rodrigues, is available everyday and is happy to answer any questions you may have and explain all that St Kevin's has to offer.

We believe we have a very special community and invite you to come and see for yourself.

Call or email now to book a personalised school tour.

Ph: 95781182
