Empowering Kaurs- Women in employment

The objective of this project is to:

  • promote a connected community of women in the Punjabi community, that builds capability and support across various levels into mainstream careers.

We propose to do this by:

  • promoting a mentoring and leadership program to increase the number of women in employment

  • bringing together people in community with expertise to support and mentor Punjabi women for work readiness

  • sourcing opportunities for creating a friendly environment, to identify issues and barriers which are specific to Punjabi women in the workplace and provide solutions to address these concerns

  • providing a vehicle to raise awareness of issues and training related to workplace culture and facilitate change and increase participation in workplace.

Our first seminar is being held on Sunday 6/12/20 at Glendenning Public School from 1-3 PM. If you are looking to get help and support from a mentor to do with job preparation and interview skills, you should add this event to your calendar.

Speakers from both gov and non-gov sectors will talk about various topics including-

  • Family Day Care- how and what?

  • SICLE and careers advice

  • Improving your English speaking skills

  • How to search for jobs

  • Interpreter and Translator services

  • Writing a resume

  • Addressing selection criteria

  • Applying for a graduate opportunity

  • Personal story- my job readiness plan

  • Personal story- how I built my career

  • How to be a Radiologist with NSW Health

Supported by Multicultural NSW