Tulsa Tech Rep - Phyllis Murphy

Contact Information


Students can come by the counseling office any time to sign-up to meet with her.  She is available at SHS each Wednesday and that is when she will pull students that have previously signed up to meet with her.

General Information

Juniors and Seniors can participate in a wide variety of Tulsa Tech programs located on their various campuses.  Our Tech rep, Phyllis Murphy, is available for students to meet with each Wednesday.  She can help students through the application process, help students determine which programs are a good fit for them, and connect students with lots of great opportunities and information.  

Post high school students can also attend Tulsa Tech.  The Accelerating Independence scholarship is available to students after graduation that wish to attend tech for the first time OR to complete a program they started while in high school.  Students can also apply for other financial aid through FAFSA.  For more info, contact tech at 918.828.5000 or financialassistance@tulsatech.edu.   

Tulsa Tech STEM Classes at SHS for 9th & 10th Grade Students

Students interested in participating in this exciting STEM course offering must apply to Tulsa Tech online.  Although the class will be held on the SHS campus, it is still a Tulsa Tech offering.  Enrollment in one of the 3 classes is dependent upon acceptance from Tulsa Tech.  Students interested in the program can go to Tulsa Tech website and apply online:  http://tulsatech.edu/admissions/apply/


Applications are generally open November through early February each year.  First round acceptance letters are sent out in April.  Students can apply year-round, but best option to get into a chosen program is through the first round application period.  

