Workshop Goals
The goal of this workshop is to foster research techniques and analysis tools to aid the students in their current area of research and broaden their exposure of topics in astronomy and data analytic. We are also aiming to foster the necessary tools and knowledge that have been successful in the private sector to enable the participants to contribute towards the development of astronomy in their home country as well as communicate their research. Participants will be exposed to multidisciplinary research techniques in an active research problem through tutorship from the highly skilled practitioners and academics. This will be achieved through building their scientific capabilities in Astronomy and Machine Learning via hands on tutorials and lectures.
BeeCubes will support through the provision of training and knowhow on aspects of developing Astronomy in their home countries and using Astronomy for Social Innovation.
Topics To Be Covered
- Advanced Linux & Python
- Big Data & Machine Learning
- Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
- Social Media Data analysis
- Business analytics using Big Data for Development
- Exploring Hospital Quality
- Advancing the Development of Astronomy
- Communicating your research
Up-coming conference/workshop in Mauritius:
- The Square Kilometer Array (SKA SA) will be conducting a science communication training of participants from the partner countries during 2nd week of August 2017.