Mrs. Louise Pirrotta


Science Teacher

 Thus faith comes from the what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ. 

Romans 10:17

About Mrs. Pirrotta

I grew up in Bryn Mawr, Pa. and graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Elementary Education in 1994. I am currently working on a Masters  in Curriculum Instruction and Innovation at York College. After many years of military moves and living in interesting places with my husband and three children,  we retired to York in 2019. I am happy to call York my forever home and even more thrilled to be part of the SJY family! Most of my teaching career has been in the public schools system. I have taught Kindergarten through 4th grade in various states and countries  before coming to St. Joe's in 2020 as the 5th grade science teacher. 

 I believe the best way to perpetuate the value of a strong Catholic community is to display this belief in my own actions.  l strive to maintain a classroom environment that promotes community by respecting the dignity of all personsI believe  honoring the gospel values of faith and dignity are part of the larger picture of creating a diverse and inclusive school community.  Students and teachers in a Catholic school have a unique opportunity to witness together, pray together and help each other to reach their full Christian potential. 

A few of my favorite things...


St. Joseph School, York, is an educational community, with Jesus as our cornerstone. We educate the whole child through academic excellence and faith preparation through the Roman Catholic tradition to enable our students to serve as disciples of Christ in our global world.