Ganjtomari Gazzette

Second Grade

Welcome to Second Grade in C2!!

Hi there! My name is Cindy Ganjtomari and I am thrilled to be teaching Second Grade for the 6th year at Williams, close to home, in Almaden Valley! This is my 38th year teaching in San Jose Unified!!! I have taught K-4th, and taught Kindergarten for 21 years! I am so excited to "be in second grade", as I tell the kids.

I was born and raised in San Jose, and I went to San Jose State/San Diego State, where I received my BA in Liberal Studies and also my Multiple Subject Credential. I have 2 children who went to Almaden schools, and were both Golden Gator swimmers at Crossgates Cabana Club. My Daughter is a 5th grade teacher in SJUSD and, my son is a nurse at a surgery center in Santa Cruz, both of whom became engaged this summer too! So we have much to look forward to. My husband, of 40 years, and I enjoy traveling and spending time outdoors, camping, hiking, basically anywhere there is water.

I look forward to a wonderful year and I thank you for sharing your child with me.

Email is the best way to reach me at

:o) Cindy Ganjtomari

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Class code is HBJNF