Spanish SLA Research Factsheets

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A factsheet is a document that summarizes key information on a particular topic in a way that is accessible to non-expert readers. Factsheets are used extensively across disciplines such as health, agriculture, and life sciences to communicate facts about a range of topics that may be important to readers.

Learn facts about Spanish second language learning!

The factsheets published on this site were created and designed by graduate students enrolled in Dr. Avizia Long's seminar on Spanish Second Language Acquisition (SLA) offered in spring 2021 at San José State University. Each factsheet is written in Spanish and represents the careful reading and summary of four research articles on the following well-known topics that have been researched extensively in the field of Spanish SLA:

The target audience for these factsheets are teachers of Spanish, and we invite all instructors (past, present, and future) to click on each link above to learn about how these Spanish language features are acquired as well as what this information means for you as a Spanish instructor. We hope you find this content useful and enjoyable!

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Questions or comments? Please contact Dr. Avizia Long at avizia.long(at)