Inclusive and
Antiracist Language


Why is it important to use inclusive and antiracist language? In writing, as in all parts of life, we must remember that the experiences of others may differ vastly from our own. Being mindful of the language we use is essential to ensure two things: that we are considerate of others and that our writing is accurate and precise. As writers, we are writing and working in multilingual and multi-cultural environments. We must learn how to communicate openly and professionally, and a major factor in that is ensuring that our writing is inclusive and equitable. Your own credibility as a writer, presenter, and researcher is diminished if your work demonstrates bias (or if you reference other works as resources that are biased). 

To help you learn more about inclusive and anti-racist language, we have collected these resources to serve as an introduction to this important, timely topic. Check out this page for our handouts on tips to keep your writing inclusive, antiracist, and bias-free. We have also linked to videos and additional resources to help kickstart your own exploration and keep you informed on these important topics.

Inclusive Language Handouts and Videos

Approaching Writing with an Antiracist Perspective.pdf

Approaching Writing with an Antiracist Perspective

While many stylebooks address how to write about race, they usually just advise writers to avoid bias and stereotyping. Yet, they don’t necessarily explain what falls under racist language and what does not. This handout addresses some commonly misunderstood terms and provides guidelines on how to approach writing with an antiracist perspective. In addition to helping us be more inclusive and considerate, an antiracist perspective also helps us be more accurate and precise, improving the overall quality of our writing. 

How to Avoid Biased Language Using APA Guidelines 

What's new in the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual when it comes to inclusive language? The most well-known addition is the usage of the singular they/them pronoun, but this edition also includes a dedicated chapter on avoiding bias for several populations and identities. This handout outlines some key points from the chapter that will help writers be more conscious when describing certain labels or characteristics.

Writing Center Blog Post

Biased Language.pdf
LGBTQ Terminology-Gender and Gender Identity.pdf

LGBTQ+ Terminology: Gender and Gender Identity

Language surrounding gender and gender identity can often be complicated because every person has a unique relationship to their gender. This handout references common scenarios encountered when writing about transgender and nonbinary individuals. As with writing about any group of people, it is important to use respectful and well-informed word choice

Writing Center Blog Posts

LGBTQ+ Terminology in Literature: Sexual Orientation

Students often struggle to discuss literature that involves LGBTQ+ individuals without sounding discriminatory. This handout outlines some of the common sexual orientations found in texts and discusses how to use the terms correctly. For the purposes of this handout, the term “sexual orientation” will only focus on identities that exhibit sexual attraction.

LGBTQ Terminology-Sexual Orientation.pdf

Identifying Racism and Biases in Writing

Join our Writing Center tutor to learn about identifying racism and biases in academic writing. This video is a companion piece to our "Approaching Writing with an Antiracist Perspective" handout. 

Racism and Implicit Bias in the United States

Five Things
You Should Know about Racism

What does racism mean? There's no easy way to define and discuss it, which is why talking about racism can be complicated and often uncomfortable. Here are five things that everyone should know about racism in the United States, brought to you by Decoded on MTV News.

Implicit Bias and
Its Effects

Everyone makes assumptions about people they don’t know. In this TEDx Talk, Melanie Funches teaches us how to recognize when we make such assumptions and how to we can move past them to work toward a common understanding. 

Leaning into Talks about Racism

In this TedxTalk, poet and activist Dr. Amanda Kemp talks about how to engage with and have productive conversations about sensitive topics like race.

Recommended Resources

Conscious Style Guide

Conscious Style Guide is your one-stop shop for all the latest news and discussion topics in the world of ethical and conscious language use. Check it out for useful articles, guidelines on style conventions for various communities, and much more. 

Talking about Race

The National Museum of African American History and Culture provides a myriad of tools and explanations to help students, teachers, and writers in approaching conversations about race.