Part 3: Equity and Inclusion

PART 3 Webcasts

Chapter 10:  Equity is a Necessary Foundation 

by Nicole Cooke

"I think there's going to be a need for folks to be even better communicators, even more empathetic, even more culturally competent and even stronger advocates ...advocating for our safety and advocating more even more for the community than we already do." 

My Vision of Library 2035 in Six Words (or less)

Libraries are the center of the community. 

Nicole Cooke addresses the significant need for libraries to be equitable, accessible, and representative of the communities they serve. She notes that libraries have a lot of work to do if they're to accomplish this by 2035.  

Download MP4 file here.

Chapter 11:  Libraries, Trust, and the Cultural Booty Call

by Veronda Pitchford

Veronda Pitchford warns about libraries creating diversity programming through their own lens, noting that this can cause more harm than good. To truly connect with and effectively serve diverse communities, she suggests that librarians co-create programming with their diverse communities in ways that foster understanding, connectivity, trust, and loyalty.

There is no webcast for Chapter 11 

Chapter 12:  In 2035, Libraries Will be Universal

by Annie Norman

"The science of reading debacle has resulted in generations of nonreaders and non library users and libraries aren't feeling the full effect of that yet. It's going to impact us beginning now and into the next decade. A positive is that the growth and partnerships across all the domains, all subjects, is going to serve us well moving into the next decade." 

My Vision of Library 2035 in Six Words (or less)

Universal libraries elevate power and potential. 

Annie Norman makes the case for allowing users to have more seamless access to libraries via a system that provides users with universal library cards. Libraries that coordinate partners and share resources can also utilize shared data to monitor and enable outcomes and impact at scale. 

Download MP4 file here. 

Chapter 13:  Open, Inclusive, and Diverse: The Academic Library of 2035

by Alexia Hudson-Ward

"I see our future as being remarkably dynamic, remarkably complex, remarkably interesting, remarkably diverse, but definitely situated within the context of a more inclusive structure that takes into consideration the evolutionary changes that are happening not just within the United States, but throughout the world." 

My Vision of Library 2035 in Six Words (or less)

Future of libraries is dynamically adaptive. 

Alexia Hudson-Ward addresses the importance of purposeful planning and having an action plan to build an inclusive and diverse future for academic libraries. 

Download MP4 file here. 

Chapter 14:  Future of School Libraries: It's About Equity

by Joyce Valenza and Debra Kachel

"Virtual practice is here to stay. Connecting barrier-free and integrating with learning management systems. We have to be discoverable. We have to be meaningful. We need to be connected to learning goals embedded across the curriculum." 

Our Vision of Library 2035 in Six Words (or less)

Political activism is a job essential.

Joyce Valenza and Deb Kachel  emphasize the struggle that school libraries have in moving beyond inequities in school systems and communities. They offer several models to help address the disparities between students who have access to library programing and those who do not, They call for advocacy to sustain efforts to ensure every student can have and can access the opportunities, resources, and instruction they rightfully deserve. 

Download MP4 file here.