Building Indigenous Collections

"The provision of culturally relevant library and information collections and services by, for and with Indigenous people." -Burns et al., 2014

This site is for anyone interested in building an Indigenous Collection in a library setting using principles of Indigenous Librarianship.

Indigenous Librarianship is defined as "the provision of library services by and to patrons who are members of the same Indigenous group, in libraries whose purpose is primarily to acquire, provide, and perpetuate that group’s knowledge in ways it deems appropriate." (Brown, 2017).

We should all begin with education. Visit this interactive map to find what Indigenous nation you live on.

All librarians have a responsibility to serve Indigenous communities, and that begins with becoming familiar with each group's history, cultural values, and local organizations doing community work.


Studying the history of the United States through an Indigenous perspective is the best way to understand what your collection lacks and what it should not emphasize. Seek out works by Indigenous creators.

Explore history from a different viewpoint. Traditional titles in most institutions still center a white narrative.

Steps To Take

  1. Acknowledge where you come from and the communities you are accountable to.

2. Learn the difference between decolonizaion, Indigenization, and reconciliation. What does it look like at the library?

3. Work with Indigenous Communities to decolonize and Indigenize your collections, programming, and spaces.