Frequently Asked Questions

This page provides answers to common questions about BSME advising, and complements the main advising page on the ME Department website For questions beyond what has been answered here, please be welcome to ask via email to and please be sure to provide your SJSU ID number for accurate follow-up.

Major Advising

What is major advising?


BSME major advising is typically manifested as a concise one-on-one meeting. The most common purpose is to provide feedback on a draft of your near-term plans (which you draft using MyPlanner) and to help you navigate the formal requirements for degree completion, as defined in the SJSU Catalog. In these meetings, you are also very welcome to discuss workload balancing, long-term academic and career goals, capstone and elective preferences, and other related matters pertaining to your academic preparation as a mechanical engineer.

Is major advising mandatory?


Yes. Major advising is mandatory for all ME undergraduates whose graduation status is not yet "Applied for Graduation" or "Needs to Finish Pending Work". Until major advising is completed in the current semester, there will be a hold on your class registration for the upcoming semester. If you have already applied for graduation, however, ESSC normally releases the major advising hold automatically.

When should I complete major advising?


In general, as soon as you've settled into your classes for the current  semester, you should complete major advising for the upcoming semester. For example, the best time to complete major advising for an upcoming spring semester is in September or early October, and the best time to complete major advising for an upcoming fall semester is in February or early March

Appointments tend to fill up by November (for an upcoming spring) or April (for an upcoming fall). So if you postpone advising until these later months, you run the risk of not being able to clear your advising hold before your enrollment appointment for the upcoming semester.

Whom do I see for major advising?


Academic Progress and Planning

What are the requirements for the BSME degree?


The BSME degree requirements are published in the SJSU Catalog at, and ultimately it is each individual's responsibility to know and satisfy the requirements, including timely satisfaction of prerequisites. The university-managed MyProgress tool shows all requirements that are recognized as having been completed or in progress. Major advisors can answer questions help navigate your preferences and unique circumstances.

What tools are available for helping me plan my courses?


The university provides an interactive online tool, MyPlanner, for mapping one's academic path to graduation.  A sample 4-year roadmap is provided at  

What are the top critical-path considerations for academic planning?


In general, a good way to determine your specific critical path is to work backward from the senior project classes ME 195A and ME 195B, which are offered as a fall-spring sequence only.  For example, listed below are some critical paths in the final four semesters, highlighting how ME 113, CE 112, and ME 101 are especially important to complete no later than the fall semester in the year prior to the senior project year. All of the corresponding prerequisites for these three critical courses must be completed before the final two years. Also noteworthy is that ENGR 100W must be completed before ME 195A.

It is also very important to note that capstone courses are offered in fall semesters only, and to ensure eligibility for the capstone of your choice, it is important to work backward from their prerequisites as well.  ME 157 requires ME 130  and ME 154 as prerequisites. ME 182 requires ME 114 and ME 111 as prerequisites. ME 190 requires ME 106 as a prerequisite and in effect also needs ME 130 prior because of its ME 147 corequisite.

Are classes available in summer or winter?


The university offers a limited assortment of classes, as described at and classes, however, are rare in summer and are not offered in winter. The very few (if any) ME classes that can be offered in summer are usually known by mid-spring, but these classes are subject to substantial uncertainty such that summer terms should not be used for forward planning of critical-path coursework.

Class Registration

When can I register for classes?


Registration basics and timing are explained at In order to be eligible for registration, you must have cleared any applicable holds, including the major advising hold. Instructions are provided at  ESSC provides additional guidance for engineering students at 

How does  the waitlist process work?


The waitlist process is explained at 

How do I proceed if online registration states "Department Consent Required"?


If department consent is required, you would request consent from the home department for the specific class.  Most classes that begin with "ME" are administered by the ME Department, but some classes that are administered by other departments include TECH/ME 41 by Aviation and Technology, MATE 25 by Chemical and Materials Engineering, CE 95 and CE 112 by Civil and Environmental Engineering, EE 98 by Electrical Engineering, and ENGR 100W by Interdisciplinary Engineering.

What do if there is an error in MySJSU or MyScheduler about my eligibility for a class?


In most circumstances, the best resource for resolving an error regarding eligibility for a class is the home department of the class (e.g., the  Mathematics and Statistics for Math 31), the Physics and Astronomy for Phys 50, Civil and Environmental Engineering for CE 112, and so on). If the error is regarding eligibility for an ME class (e.g., ME 101, ME 114), you can begin by contacting the ME Department advisors via Please be sure to provide your SJSU ID number in any such email.

Why aren't my transfer-equivalent or substituted classes recognized as prerequisites?


If a transferred class does not appear in MyProgress, most likely the transfer credit has not been fully acknowledged and you would have to follow the guidance at Even if your transferred class has officially been acknowledged as equivalent or acceptable for substitution, however, the indicators in MyProgress are "cosmetic" only.  Class registration software is unfortunately incapable of recognizing equivalent-by-petition or substituted classes as satisfactory prerequisites. To register for a class that requires such prerequisite(s), you will have to request permission number from the course instructor or other department authority. Please be welcome to ask about specific cases by email to, being sure to provide your SJSU ID number.

When can I register for repeating a class?


The repeat policy and timing for registration are explained at  The Registrar administers timing of when repeat registration is allowed, and exact dates for a given semester are posted on the Registrar's calendar at

Senior Project, Capstone, and Elective Courses

In which semesters are senior project courses offered?


The ME senior project ME 195A and ME 195B is offered strictly as a fall-spring sequence, with ME 195A in the fall semester and ME 195B in the spring semester. The paired sequence must be completed in the same academic year.

What is a capstone class?


A capstone class builds upon prior fundamentals and develops skills in system-level design that is focused on a specialization area within the mechanical engineering discipline.  The BSME program offers a choice among ME 157 Mechanical System Design, ME 182 Thermal Systems Design, and ME 190 Mechatronics System Design. You are welcome to choose any, and required to complete only one.

When should I take my capstone class?


Capstone classes are offered in fall semesters only.  Most students tend to take their capstone course in the same semester as ME 195A. However, you are welcome to take your capstone course before ME 195A if you are eligible, and alternatively you can postpone your capstone course to the fall semester after ME 195B.

What classes may be used as technical electives?


A list of pre-approved technical electives is periodically updated, with the most recent version available at For consideration of other classes that are not pre-approved, consult with a BSME major advisor. 

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Are prerequisites firm, or just recommended?


Prerequisites are firm; you may not enroll in a class without having passed all of its prerequisites. In limited instances, students may have had sufficiently equivalent coursework at another institution, for which formal documentation may be submitted for consideration.

What does "corequisite" mean?


When mentioned briefly, "corequisite" means "prerequisite or corequisite", such that a class must be taken no later than concurrently.  For example,  ME 120 lists ME 130 as a corequisite, meaning that ME 130 may be completed prior to or concurrently with ME 120. Likewise for the case of ME 157 listing ME 110 as a corequisite. In contrast, ENGR 195A more strictly specifies simultaneous enrollment, by stating explicitly that "Students must enroll concurrently in their department senior project course Part A."

General Education

What GE classes should I take?


General Education (GE) requirements are described at, with exceptions for the ME major listed at  In general, most questions about GE requirements are best fielded by ESSC, although you are welcome to discuss also with ME faculty advisors. 

Does ENGR 10 satisfy GE Area E?


ENGR 10 at SJSU does satisfy Area E, but most "introduction to engineering" courses transferred from other institutions do not. So it is possible that an engineering student can meet the ENGR 10 requirement in the BSME curriculum, yet still have to take a separate class to satisfy GE Area E.

Are there any exemptions from General Education requirements for ME majors?


Yes. The official major exemptions for each major are listed in the SJSU Catalog under "Major Exceptions and Modifications for GE and SJSU Studies" at

May ME 100 be used as a substitute for ENGR 10?


Not exactly. All ME majors who began at SJSU as first-time-frosh are expected to take ENGR 10. However, students who transferred from another institution with more than the minimum number of lower-division, engineering-related units needed by the BSME program may petition to have a partial substitution of ENGR 10 (a 3-unit class) via ME 100 (a 1-unit class) plus the otherwise unused engineering-related units (for the 2-unit balance).  Another important consideration, however, is that ME 100 does not satisfy GE Area E, and the student would still be responsible for GE Area E via other coursework. This type of substitution request is normally submitted to the Department Chair. ME 100 does not satisfy technical elective units.

Do I need to take separate classes for SJSU Studies R, S, and V?


SJSU Studies classes (also known as "upper GE") are embedded within the required BSME curriculum and do not have to be addressed separately. ENGR 100W satisfies Area R. ENGR 195A, when taken alongside ME 195A, satisfies Area S. ENGR 195B, when taken alongside ME 195B, satisfies Area V. Area Z has phased out beginning Fall 2022.


When should I apply for graduation?


In general, it is advisable to apply for graduation as soon as you are eligible, with timing as explained at Timely application for graduation is roughly 15 months before your anticipated graduation.

How do I apply for graduation?


Instructions for applying for graduation are posted at Alternative protocols may need to be followed in rare cases (e.g., return to SJSU after a lengthy absence), as explained at

Transfer Credit

How do I transfer my course credits from another college?


In general, most matters concerning transfer credit are fielded by ESSC, according to processes explained at

How can I find courses that are equivalent to SJSU courses?


Pre-existing articulation agreements with other institutions are listed at and at As noted, however, "Course-to-course articulation does not mean that a course will also earn General Education (GE) credit." For example, a course at another institution might articulate with ENGR 10, but most "introduction to engineering" courses at other institutions do not satisfy GE Area E.

What is the difference between course equivalency and course substitution?


In brief, course substitution means that a course has been evaluated by the major department as sufficiently substituting for an SJSU course that is required by the degree program, even if the contents may not be fully equivalent. Engineering students do NOT use the general university-level substitution form, and instead work through an internal process coordinated between engineering major advisors and ESSC.

What program-specific coursework is required for transfer eligibility into the BSME program?


Program-specific coursework for transfer admissions are listed at Transfer admission requirements overall are detailed at

Probation and Disqualification

What is academic probation, and what steps are necessary to address probation?


The Engineering Student Success Center (ESSC) details the policy and provides guidance related to probation at

What is "probation in the major" from ME 101?


ME 101 has a requirement for timely completion with minimum passing grade. The Spring 2020 syllabus for ME 101 explains, "The passing grade in this course, for students majoring in Mechanical Engineering, is a C-. Those receiving a grade lower than C- will be placed on probation and will be allowed another attempt to pass the course with a grade of C- or better. Failure to pass this course in two successive attempts will result in disqualification from the ME program. "

What is disqualification from the major?


Disqualification from the major means having your major changed to Undeclared.


How do I apply for change-of major into Mechanical Engineering?


Important information about the change-of-major process within the College of Engineering is provided by the Engineering Student Success Center (ESSC) at  In general, if you have fewer than 60 units completed, have not yet completed Math 30, or have not yet enrolled in Phys 50, you would work with ESSC. If you have completed more than 60 units, you would contact the ME Department Chair directly for applying to the ME major. The written policy is at

What is a Study Plan and what is its purpose?


A Study Plan is a document prepared jointly by a student and and a major advisor or department chair.  It can serve a variety of purposes including change-of-major application, probation recovery planning, and pursuit of reinstatement. You can find a Study Plan template at:

What are my chances of being accepted for change-of-major into ME?


Likelihood of acceptance is influenced primarily by strong academic performance, especially with respect to the coursework designated on the Study Plan. Historically, applicants who fit the following profile have been accepted into the major. This is not a formal policy, but rather information about recent success history. Thresholds may be higher when impaction is severe.

Not passing any course listed on the Study Plan generally means change of major will be denied.

Do I need permission from the ME Department to change into another major?


No. The destination major will make the decision of whether or not to accept you into that new major. Depending on timing, you may still have a major advising hold for the upcoming semester based on your original (ME) major, and you can request release of the hold by providing documentation (e.g., email from your new major advisor) of acceptance into the new major.