ACT and/or SAT Information

********ACT and SAT testing has been on hold due to Covid-19********

ACT Special Testing

Students at SJOHS who need to take the ACT with accommodations will need to follow the instructions from ACT below to register for testing (instructions copied directly from ACT's website at ) :

Requesting Accommodations (according to ACT's info on the web)

"1) Register to test.Create an account or sign in.

Online registration will ask you for your high school code and your accessibility needs.

2) You'll receive an email that must be sent to your school official along with a completed Consent to Release Information to ACT (PDF) form.

You will need to work with a school official when making your requests.

3) Your school official will submit your request, with documentation, to ACT."

You will need to see Mrs. Benoit or Mrs. Rein regarding testing as one of them will be contacted regarding test accommodations. For retesting, you will need to log into your online account and request a test as you originally did, going through much of the same registration process with the exception of registering with the system by making a login and password.

If you only qualify for the testing accommodation for all sub-tests within one day and a 5 hour (or 5 hour and 45 minutes) window, you will need to take the test on a national test date only; this is referred to as "Extended Time National Testing". If you need to use Extended Time National Testing, you also need to note whether or not the ACT will be offered at SJOHS on the national test date you are requesting or if you will need to register for another site; SJOHS cannot do this type of testing if a national test is not offered at SJOHS on the national test date. Extended time over multiple days along with any other accommodations, such as audio, is "Special Testing" and will test during a testing window.

Below is a listing of testing windows for Special Testing and available testing dates within each window. If you are not available to test on those dates, you must choose a different testing window. Also, if more than 2 dates are listed below currently, dates may narrow later if a student registers and chooses 2 days; students with the same timing code may test at the same time, so we attempt to accommodate multiple students at the same time as well due to limited testing staff. All testing times will begin at 8 a.m. on the dates listed and agreed upon. (*PLEASE NOTE -- Students are expected to complete at least 2 subtests in one testing date unless otherwise specified.)

**2019-2020 Special Testing Windows and Test Dates (see below)**

National Test Date

Special Testing NOT available at SJOHS in June or July unless set up through Mrs. Rein. Mrs. Benoit is NOT available to test during these testing windows, and many times no facilities at the school are available over the summer regardless.
Testing Window

Possible Testing Dates during Testing Window