SJIT raises awareness for nCoV at SMET

By: D/C John Marco B. Aguilera

With the continuance of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus epidemic that originated in Wuhan, China and the currently three confirmed cases (foreign nationals) of the virus in the Philippines as per Department of Health (DOH) statistics, Saint Joseph Institute of Technology had taken the initiative to conduct symposium spearheaded by the school physician Dr. Joan R. Tormis at the Maritime Academy on the 4th of February 2020 – informing cadets regarding the virus, including on how to conduct proper hygiene and proper use of masks to avoid contracting or spreading diseases.

During the symposium, Dr. Tormis explained that the Coronavirus group where the Novel Coronavirus belongs to is named as such for the crown-like spikes on their surface. Spread through coughing and sneezing and physical contact, it affects both humans and animals and its symptoms depend on the type of coronavirus and the seriousness of the infection from mild to moderate upper respiratory tract infections (URI) such as the common cold to more severe illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

She added that the coronavirus group has no specific treatments nor vaccines to be immune to its member viruses. Most people will get better on their own with catalysts through drinking lots of fluids or resting and reduce the risks of contraction through proper hygiene such as washing hands with soap and water for 30 seconds, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and staying home when sick.

Dr. Tormis demonstrated effective techniques to prevent contraction of the virus and other diseases such as covering your mouth with tissue on your hands or into your upper sleeve and or elbow.

She also refuted the claims circulating on social media that surgical masks’ sides can be used interchangeably and later presented to the cadets on how to properly use the mask – blue side (waterproof)outside and white side (absorbent) inside, the metal on mask worn above your nose so it could fit on your nose bridge and the lower part dragged down for maximum covering.

Lastly, she clarified, “Surgical mask’s purpose is to prevent spreading the disease, not to avoid contraction.”

𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘸𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸...

Dr.Tormis informing students about the nCoV

Dr.Tormis explains how to properly wear a surgical mask.