St John's Catholic Primary School

Our school was established in 1967 with the motto – ‘Love Is Life’. The staff at St John’s work in partnership with our parents to nurture each child’s development in a safe and friendly environment where a love of learning is fostered.

We are extremely proud of our school and all of our children's achievements. St John's Primary School is a wonderful family community, where our children are supported and encouraged by a team of committed staff and parents.

Each child's talents are nurtured and developed throughout their school career with the goal of enabling them to reach their full potential.

Co-operation, respect and shared responsibility are values fostered throughout our school.

St John’s recognises the partnership between parents and the school and we encourage participation in classroom programs, excursions, inter-school sport, parent committees and social events held across the year.

As a Catholic school we are committed to an education that is centred on the Gospel message of Christ. We work in unison with Parish leaders and parents to promote values and ideas that are central to our Christian beliefs.

Our current policies and programs are constantly monitored and evaluated in light of the changing needs of the students and our staff have an ongoing commitment to excellence in education.