
An analysis of variance. This test will answer if the group means differ, but not "how" they differ (although, a post-hoc test can answer this!). There are three kinds of ANOVA: a one-way ANOVA (for between-subjects manipulation where the IV has 3+ levels), repeated measures ANOVA (for within-subjects manipulation where the IV has 3 levels), and factorial ANOVA (where there are 2+ IVs).

Note: Between-group manipulation (between-subjects study design) means that each group received a different IV treatment condition (level). Within-group manipulation (within-subjects study design) means that every participant experiences every IV treatment condition (level).

Context used:



Jamovi Walkthrough:

One-way/Between-subjects ANOVA:

Data set-up: Column 1 should be code levels of IV1, Column 2 should be code levels for IV2, and Column 3 should be DV scores.

Repeated Measures/Within-subjects ANOVA:

Data set-up: Column 1 should be DV scores for IV level 1, Column 2 should be DV scores for IV level 2, and Column 3 should be DV scores for IV level 3.

Factorial ANOVA:

Data set-up: Column 1 should be code levels of IV1, Column 2 should be code levels for IV2, and Column 3 should be DV scores.

Output Interpretation:

Levene's Test: Test homogeneity assumption

If p < 0.5, Assumption violated, select Welch's test under "Variances" to continue

If p > 0.5, Assumption satisfied (this is what we want, continue as normal)

f-value: Variation between samples means/variation within the samples.

If the f-value is high, there is high variability and a lower p-value.

If the f-value is low, there is low variability.

p-value: The probability you detect a meaningful relationship/difference when there is none. We are typically looking for a small value (p < 0.5).

If p < 0.5, reject the null hypothesis. There IS a difference.

If p > 0.5, accept the null hypothesis. There is NO difference.

η2: Percent of variance caused by the treatment. Even 20% is a large amount for human subjects research.

"X% of variance in the DV is caused by the IV"

Post-Hoc Comparisons:

Cohen's D: A measure of effect size, which measures the SIZE of the difference between two groups.

If d is 0.20-0.49, the effect size is small.

If d is 0.50-0.79, the effect size is medium.

If d is 0.8+,  the effect size is large.

p-value: The probability you detect a meaningful relationship/difference when there is none. Looking for a small value (p < 0.5)

If p < 0.5, reject the null hypothesis. There IS a difference between this pairwise comparison.

If p > 0.5, accept the null hypothesis. There is NO difference between this pairwise comparison.

APA Format:

Appropriate data visualization: Bar graphs (with error bars)

Sample table:

Sample write-up:

A one-way ANOVA compared the average number of apples eaten by participants in high school, their freshman year of college, and their senior year of college. This test was found to be statistically significant at an alpha level of .05, F(df,df)=X p<0.5, n²=   . A Tukey HSD test indicated the average number of apples eaten by high school students  (M=  SD=) were significantly greater than apples eaten by college freshmen (M=  SD=) and apples eaten by college seniors  (M=  SD=). The average number of apples eaten by college freshmen and college seniors did not differ.

Note: plugin the appropriate test used, means, standard deviations, whether the test was significant, f-value, df, alpha and p-level, the strength of the relationship (n²), and Tukey Test results.

Jamovi tutorial video for (repeated measures) ANOVA:

Repeated Measures ANOVA Tutorial.mp4