Day Two

So, we thought they might be a little sleepy this morning .... eh, no !

Thirty two bright- eyed, bushy tailed camp enthusiasts were ready to face the challenges of the day ahead ... after breakfast !

Our first stop after cereal , scrambled eggs and bacon was a trip to the electorate education center at Old Parliament House . The students learned all about; the fights to gain the vote, the constitution, democracy and the preferential voting system. They worked out pretty quickly that when the main parties were unable to gain a majority 76 votes, they had to make deals with independents and form a coalition government.

They role- played preferential voting and it turns out that apples really are the best fruits although only narrowly superior to peaches.

Our next event on this beautiful sunny day was a bike ride around the scenic Burley - Griffen lake cycle track. We had speedsters and cruisers but everyone had fun and worked up an appetite for lunch in the park before our visit to Parliament House.

There, we were treated to hospitality from Tim Wilson, our member for Goldstein before making our way into the House of Representatives to watch Question Time !

What an experience - it's been a while since I was in a nursery or somebody stole my lollies but it seemed pretty similar . The kids were amazed at the back biting and name calling and many asked if the scenario was real or staged . I get the feeling making decisions for the greater good, will be in safer hands when our young people take over the reins! Next we were able to act out proposing and arguing a bill in parliament! Katie our speaker was very enthusiastic with the gravel when keeping order and Vio and Marc were much more cordial in their exchanges as prime minister and leader of the opposition. There was really no need to worry as Jason, a convincing Sergeant at arms was ready to quell any nonesense with his mace .

It was a busy day with 4 hours in Parliament, but really informative and we were able to witness the bells calling all senators to the chamber to vote on a disputed bill. It was good for the students to see that even when government have a majority it can still be difficult to get a bill through Parliament .

After dinner tonight we jumped back on the bus for our evening entertainment at sky zone trampolining - a great night of fun. If this hasn't tired the little cherubs out , nothing will!!

Over and out until day three