•Our porject is an international Erasmus + K219. Co-financed by the EU. It is a multilateral project, we do it with other 5 European schools in Germany, Holland, Italy, Latvia and Sweden.

• The students that participate are of ages between the 15 and the 17 years. In our school participating students are 1st Batxillerat.

• The students who now study 2nd year baccalaureate traveled the past academic year, host foreign students in November 2017.

• Students who are currently under 1st term will travel this course in January and may 2018, host foreign students in November 2017.

• Participate a total of 28 students of the Baccalaureate of our school and a team of 4 teachers.

• The name of the project is WISE: Weaving Interdisciplinary Strands through Europe. In Sitges we will work on interdisciplinarity through design, culture and art.

• Participating schools:

Istituto Magistrle Statale L.Pietrobono. Italy

Imara Garisa Kökneses visuskola. Latvia

Copernicus Gymnasium. Löningen. Germany

Mark gymnasieskola. Sweden

Gooise Scholen Federatie Huizermaart, Nederland.

• Targets:

- Make use of the English language as a communication vehicle.

- Reinforce awareness of European citizenship and learn about other European educational systems.

- Work competently from a situation or problem to be resolved, autonomously and in group, being the art the communication tool of the work or final result. Ex Art-Design- Society / Surroundings-Landscape-Drawing / Biology- Chemistry-Drawing / Social Problems-Cinema / Mathematics-Architecture-Drawing.

- Create a document with good practices in the field of competence work to share with the European educational community through the product platform.