
zzllrr Imager - A FREE bulk image download tool on Google Chrome™ and other chromium browser, such as edge, 360.

小乐图客 - 免费的Chromium浏览器批量图片下载工具

Privacy Policy

updated 2020.10.12

zzllrr Imager, zzllrr Imager Geek (ZIG), zzllrr Imager Lite (ZIL) make a firm commitment to protect your privacy. The following policy, which has to be agreed with by users while visiting our website or using our browser extensions, provides details of how your information is treated. This policy may be subject to changes without notice. So please check the latest version periodically.

  • What information will be collected by zzllrr Imager?

As a local-based and offline browser extension, we follow the webstore rules, observe the discipline and laws, respect the privacy and legal rights of users.

So we manage to collect none of the personal information of the users. We only randomly embed basic and fundamental Google Analytics (GA) codes without personalities at some time for improving the user-experience and better version iterations.

By the way, we've found some similar extensions, which may steal and copy some of our source-codes, have injected unnecessary tracking codes, third-party Ads or shopping website hi-jacking. Please be much careful!

However, if you have trouble with the extension or meet a bug, you're encouraged to provide us with details without your personal information, such as the website URL you are visiting, the extension version and browser version, as a helpful feedback for improvement.


更新于 2020.10.12

小乐图客zzllrr Imager,小乐图客极客版ZIG,小乐图客简洁版ZIL,郑重承诺并尊重用户隐私。下述政策描述提供了我们对隐私策略的态度和详细说明。





About Imager

About zzllrr


    • Some resource including images, audio, themes in zzllrr Imager are from Internet which are under GNU license.

    • This website is powered by Google Sites but not affiliated with Google.

    • zzllrr Imager is one of the projects(including zzllrr Mather) powered by zzllrr.

Copyright & Powered by zzllrr since 2011