updated on 18th of Aug 2020

We are currently working on a paper to determine the number of superspreaders from the available Cumulative Number of Total Infections (CNTI) data. Supplementary materials to reproduce the results will be available here soon.

We published six papers (actually one paper and five technical reports uploaded to ResearchGate) on data analysis related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

They are here:

Supplemental materials to the investigations we did:

  • MATLAB code to run the fitting for all countries (Input: xls file with the data, Output: fitting results in a txt and/or ppt) - zip file contains a README file for the details.

  • Document with all the fitted graphs for all countries in pdf (simplex fitting results with the available data on 4th of April 2020).

  • Document with all the fittings on 15th of April 2020.

  • Document with all the NM simplex fittings on 26th of April 2020.

  • Document with all the NM simplex fittings on 20th of June 2020.

Interesting papers (from others) in this topic:

If you want to contact me regarding this research, please, use the following gmail address: zoltan.varallyay