Prehistoric Planet Pack

In this section of Jurassic Designs, I (and possibly a few other designers) will be hosting both old and new scientifically accurate dinosaurs for ZT2. Carcharodontosaurus is available now, and in the near future there will be new dinosaurs that are not yet in ZT2. Enjoy the year of the Dinosaur ladies and gentlemen.

Minor bugs and glitches will be fixed to some of the animals soon.

Name of Download?: zPrehistoric Planet

Contents?: Borealosaurus, Baryonyx, Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Diabloceratops, Corythosaurus, Maiasauria, Dienocheirus, Over all over 30 or 40 animals, and a Cretaceous Swamp Pine. New Sound Effects are included too.

Public Domian?: Yes

Credits?: Designers listed on the Home Page, and Bill Ngyuen, Dinosaur Revolution Team, David Krents, and Aurora Designs Team as well.

Bugs or Errors?: Some that Will be mended shortly.

Date Released/Updated?: December 3, 2016
