105下學期 一年級

2017-06-26 Freeze Dance

2017-06-26 Walking walking walking

2017-06-26 One potato, Two potatoes

2017-06-05 唸寫拼音單

2017-06-05 Song The Ants Go Marching

2017-05-25 請準備課堂上發的故事單,手指著字,聽故事 Silly Willy

2017-05-22 Song: Twinkle twinkle little star

2017-05-18 Story: Teeny Tiny Woman

2017-05-15 Song: Five little ducks

2017-05-11 Story: Where is my broom?

故事聲音檔: Where is my broom?

2017-05-08 Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider

2017-05-01 Song: 10 little Indians 和 walking walking walking hop hop hop

2017-04-24 Song: I'm so happy 和 If you're happy 兩首歌

2017-04-17 Story: Green eggs and ham

2017-04-05 Song: I'm a little teapot

2017-03-27 Story: We're going on a bear hunt

2017-03-27 Song: Pinocchio

2017-03-20 Song: Baa Baa black sheep

2017-03-20 Song: Oh where oh where has my little dog gone?

This song was originally posted at:


08:35 ~ 09:35 和 15:44 ~ 17:17

2017-03-3-16 聽英文故事

2017-3-13 聽英文歌 Head shoulders Knees Toes

2017-3-13 聽英文歌 Boom Chicka Boom

2017-03-10 跟念英文故事 In a dark dark house (不用擔心,模仿就好)

2017-03-02 聽英文故事 In a dark dark house

2017-03-02 聽英文歌 Old McDonald had a farm

2017-03-02 聽英文歌 ABC song

另一個 ABC 版本,可以跟唱

2017-02-23 準備故事單 Too Noisy,手指著字,跟讀兩遍

Too Noisy! (男生版)

Too Noisy! 女生版

2017-02-21 聽英文歌 Humpty Dumpty

另一個版本的 Humpty Dumpty 在 下面影片中的

5:47 ~ 6:23 20:18 ~ 22:55 的位置。


2017-02-20 聽英文歌 A sailor went to sea sea sea

2017-02-16 聽故事 Story : My Lovely Story

2017-02-13 唱英文歌 One bottle of pop