Our Directory
Rev. W. R. Rains - 405-282-3914, extension 10, faithokc@aol.com
To reach any of the officers or volunteer staff you may leave a message at 405-282-3914 - extension 10 or an e-mail at faithokc@aol.com.
Head Elder - Leon Anderson, Jr.
Liaison Elder - Kurt Primuth
Administrative Elder - Jeffrey Maltz
Worship Elder -
Congregational Officers
President - Rick Mudd
Vice President - Ray Beck
Secretary - Kaye Williams
Financial Secretary - Kaye Murray
Treasurer - Sheila Briesch
Education and Youth - Linda Anderson
Membership and Outreach - Marilyn Miller
Trustee - Aaron McDonough
LWML Officers
President - Cynthia Taylor
Vice President - Kaye Freudenberger
Secretary - Joy Flasch
Treasurer - Marie Schneider
Sunday School Staff
Adult Bible Study - Pastor Rains
Sunday School Superintendent - Cynthia Taylor
Primary - Cynthia Taylor
Secondary - Linda Anderson
Junior - Brenda Nivens
Senior - Joy Flasch