Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. --  Bertrand Russell

Zilong LIU (劉子龍)

          Associate Professor (UK Senior Lecturer)

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE), University of Essex, 

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom. 

Email: zilong.liu[at] 

I am hiring one postdoc researcher and one fully funded PhD student on the air interface design for 6G vehicular communications. Please see the links here (application deadline: 21 April 2024) and here (deadline: 31 May 2024). The postdoc researcher will be supported to apply for UK Global Talent Visa if rich experiences in physical layer wireless communications can be demonstrated. The PhD student will receive tuition fee waiver and with an annual stipend of £18,622 or higher. 

In addition, we are organizing the 12th International Conference on SEquences and Their Applications (SETA'2024), to be held at our Colchester campus in the first week of July. Paper submissions and attentance are most welcome. Paper submission deadline: 15 March 2024

Welcome to my Google page. If you are interested in my research, please feel free to drop me an email. 

I am always looking for highly motivated students, visitors, and collaborators for the exciting communication research. If you have obtained (or close to) a PhD and wish to work with me as a postdoc researcher, there are a number of excellent Fellowships in UK or EU that we may jointly explore ([see my Essex page here]). If you have curiosity to the number 2357, please check here

I am very open to many forms of collaborations and firmly believe that modern academic life is more about how to engage with, energize and inspire a large number of scholars and engineers to meet ever-growing new challenges. 

Research Interests:

My research lies in the interplay of coding, signal processing, and communications, with emphasis on signal design, algebraic coding, error correction codes, iterative receiver design, as well as robust/efficient multiuser communications. I am extremely interested in attacking research problems that arise in practical communication and/or signal processing scenarios and in closing the gap between theoretical bounds and the achievable in hands-on implementations. At this stage, I am specifically interested in the following topics.

In addition, with project experiences shown below, I am also greatly interested in