
Zhiqi Chen has taught many courses in the past 30 years. Most of them are in the fields of microeconomics, industrial organization, and international trade. Some of the courses he taught at Carleton University include

    • ECON4020: Advanced Microeconomic Theory

    • ECON4901: Honours Seminar: Microeconomics

    • ECON5020: Microeconomic Theory

    • ECON5301: Industrial Organization I

In addition, he has taught courses at Nanjing University, National University of Singapore, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and Xiamen University.

To find out the courses Professor Chen teaches in the current academic year at Carleton University, please visit the university's website at www.carleton.ca/economics/courses. If you are a student registered in his courses and are looking for course materials, please log in to your Brightspace account.