Welcome to Zhiqi Chen's Home Page
Dr. Zhiqi Chen
Chancellor's Professor, Department of Economics, Carleton University
Managing Editor, Canadian Journal of Economics
Coeditor, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Phone: (613)520-2600 extension 7456
Fax: (613)520-3906
E-mail: zhiqi.chen@carleton.ca
Curriculum Vitae (updated August 2022)
Zhiqi Chen received his PhD in Economics from University of Western Ontario in 1991. He started teaching at Carleton University in the same year. From 1996 to 1998 he was the Director of Carleton Industrial Organization Research Unit, and from 2001 to 2004 he was the Director of Ottawa-Carleton Joint Doctoral Program in Economics. From 1998 to 1999 and again from 2004 to 2005 he twice held the T.D. MacDonald Chair in Industrial Economics at the Canadian Competition Bureau.
Professor Chen’s main research areas are industrial organization and international trade, with a particular interest in antitrust economics and policy. His research papers have been published in leading economics journals such as the American Economic Review, Economic Journal, RAND Journal of Economics, and International Economic Review. In 2000 he received a Research Achievement Award from Carleton University, and was the recipient of several research grants from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. His biography has been included in the Canadian Who’s Who since 2001.