
Teaching Experience

2016 Fall, Co-taught and tutored for Computational Statistics II.

2015 Spring, Co-taught and tutored for Pattern Recognition & Image Processing.

2014 Fall, Co-taught and tutored for Advanced Algorithm Design & Analysis.

2013 Spring, Teaching assistant for Classical Mechanics and Math Methods II.

2013 Summer, Undergraduate laboratory assistant for Experimental Physics.

2011 Fall,Led recitations, graded homework and exams and held office hours for Introductory Physics.

2010, Advised six undergraduate researchers for the Creative Experiment Program.

2007 Fall, Practice teacher in Nanchong Eighth Middle School.


Advanced Algorithm Design & Analysis


Computer Architecture

Pattern Recognition & Image Processing

Statistical Theory

Distributed Systems

Advanced Database Systems

Data Mining Tech & Applications

Optimization Techniques

Linux/UNIX Programming

Advanced Topic Parallel Distributed Computing

Computational Statistics

Course Projects

Stock Market Simulation (Distributed systems). We implement a stock market simulation game for several human players and several computer players. It is a fast-paced on-line interactive game of stock market, which has many of the characteristics of electronic commerce. The entities in the game are a bank, a stock exchange, several companies and several players. The Player stands for the Client side , while others are implemented in Server side.

Parallelizing K-Means Clustering Algorithm with OpenMP and MPI.We implement k-means data clustering algorithm for different high-performance computing platforms. These three implementations include a sequential implementation, an MPI implementation for distributed memory systems, and an OpenMP implementation for shared-memory machines. The comparative analyses of the cost of each platform and the performance of each implementation are presented.


Programming languages: C, Python, Java, Matlab, R, UNIX shell scripting, SQL, Scala.

Technologies: Hadoop, MapReduce, Spark, OpenMP, MPI, GPU, CUDA.

Operating systems: LINUX, Windows, Mac.