


Google Scholar – citations: 1,033, h-index: 15


Generative AI and LLM


37 Exploring Urban Semantics: A Multimodal Model for POI Semantic Annotation with Street View Images and Place Names,

D. Zhang, M. Chen, W. Huang, Y. Gong, K. Zhao

In proceedings of (2024) IJCAI.

36 Urban Region Embedding via Multi-View Contrastive Prediction,

Z. Li, W. Huang, K. Zhao, M. Yang, Y. Gong, M. Chen

In proceedings of (2024) AAAI.

35 Multi-Defendant Legal Judgment Prediction via Hierarchical Reasoning,

Y. Lyu, J. Hao, Z. Wang, K. Zhao, S. Gao, P. Ren, Z. Chen, F. Wang, Z. Ren

In proceedings of (2023) EMNLP.

34 Towards an Integrated View of Semantic Annotation for POIs with Spatial and Textual Information,

D. Zhang, W. Huang, K. Zhao, M. Chen,

In proceedings of (2023) IJCAI.

33 Iteratively Learning Representations for Unseen Entities with Inter-Rule Correlations,

Z. Wang, K. Zhao, Y. He, Z. Chen, P. Ren, M. Rijke, Z. Ren,

In proceedings of (2023) CIKM.

32 Dynamics of Information Revelation in Online Reviews,

K. Zhao, W. Jabr, Y. Cheng, S. Srivastava

In proceedings of (2018) AMCIS.

31 What Are They Saying? A Methodology for Extracting Information from Online Reviews,

K. Zhao, W. Jabr, Y. Cheng, S. Srivastava

In proceedings of (2018) ICIS.

30 Limits of Predictability in Top-N Recommendation,

E. Xu, K. Zhao, Z. Yu, Y. Zhang, B. Guo, L. Yao

(2024) Information Processing & Management, impact factor: 8.6

29 Modeling Question Difficulty for Unbiased Cognitive Diagnosis: A Causal Perspective,

X. Chen, S. Feng, M. Yang, K. Zhao, R. Xu, C. Cui, M. Chen

(2024) Knowledge-Based Systems, impact factor: 8.8


Machine Learning Engineering


28 Going Where, by Whom, and at What Time: Next Location Prediction Considering User Preference and Temporal Regularity

T. Sun, K. Fu, W. Huang, K. Zhao, Y. Gong, M. Chen

In proceedings of (2024) KDD

27 Learning Hierarchy-Enhanced POI Category Representations Using Disentangled Mobility Sequences,

H. Jia, M. Chen, W. Huang, K. Zhao, Y. Gong

In proceedings of (2024) IJCAI.

26 Beyond The Limits of Predictability in Human Mobility Prediction: Context-Transition Predictability,

K. Zhao, C. Zhang, M. Chen

(2023) IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, impact factor: 8.9

35(5): 4514-4526

25 Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting Model: Predictability Analysis and Empirical Study,

Q. Zhao, G. Yang, K. Zhao, J. Yin, W. Rao, L. Chen

(2023) IEEE Transactions on Big Data, impact factor: 7.2

24 Human Mobility Prediction based on Trend Iteration of Spectral Clustering,

W. Jia, S. Zhao, K. Zhao

(2023) IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, impact factor: 7.9

23 The Hierarchical Clustering of Human Mobility Behaviors,

K. Zhao, W. Jia, S. Zhao,

(2023) IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, impact factor: 5.0

22 Hyper-Clustering Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning for Traffic and Demand Prediction in Bike-Sharing Systems,

K. Zhao, S. Zhao, Y. Xia, W. Jia,

(2022) Information Sciences, 612: 626-637, impact factor: 8.2

21 Predicting Taxi and Uber Demand in Cities: Approaching the Limit of Predictability,

K. Zhao, D. Khryashchev, H. Vo

(2021) IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, impact factor: 8.9

33(6): 2723-2736

20 PR-LTTE: Link Travel Time Estimation Based on Path Recovery from Large-scale Incomplete Trip Data,

T. Sun, K. Zhao, C. Zhang, M. Chen, X. Yu

(2021) Information Sciences, 589: 34-45, impact factor: 8.2

19 The Hierarchical Clustering of Human Mobility Behaviors,

K. Zhao, W. Jia, S. Zhao

In proceedings of (2021) CIST.

18 Toward Effective Mobile Promotion: A Survey of Mobile Prediction Techniques and Applications,

K. Zhao, H. Xiao, A. Rai

In proceedings of (2020) AMCIS.

17 Hierarchical Prediction Based Two-level Gaussian Mixture Model Clustering for Bike-sharing System,

W. Jia, Y. Tan, L. Liu, J. Li, H. Zhang, K. Zhao

(2019) Knowledge-Based Systems, 178, 84-97, impact factor: 8.8

16 Experimental Study of Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Models ,

J. Ying, M. Yuan, K. Zhao, W. Rao

In proceedings of ACM (2019) CIKM.

15 DeepLoc: Deep Neural Network-based Telco Localization ,

Y. Zhang, Y. Xiao, K. Zhao, W. Rao

In proceedings of (2019) MobiQuitous.

A-level mobile analytics conference by CORE CS conference ranking.

Best Paper award (1 out of 150 submissions).


Machine Learning Infrastructure


14 GeoMatch: Efficient Large-Scale Map Matching on Apache Spark,

A. Zeidan, E. Lagerspetz, K. Zhao, P. Nurmi, S. Tarkoma, H. Vo

(2020) ACM Transactions on Data Science, s1, 3, Article 21, impact factor: 1.9

13 GeoMatch: Efficient Large-Scale Map Matching on Apache Spark,

A. Zeidan, E. Lagerspetz, K. Zhao, P. Nurmi, S. Tarkoma, and H. Vo

In proceedings of IEEE (2018) BigData.

12 Exploring What not to Clean in Urban Data: A Study Using New York City Taxi Trips,

J. Freire, A. Bessa, F. Chirigati, H. Vo, K. Zhao.

IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin (2017) DEB.

11 Urban Pulse: Capturing the Rhythms of cities

F. Miranda, H. Doraiswamy, M. Lage, K. Zhao, B. Goncalves, L. Wilson, M. Hsieh, C. Silva.

(2017) IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,23(1), 791-800.

Featured by The Economist. impact factor: 5.2

10 Inferring Unmet Human Mobility Demand with Multi-Source Urban Data,

K. Zhao, X. Zheng, H. Vo.

In proceedings of ApWeb (2017) HotSpatial.

9 Urban Human Mobility Data Mining: An Overview,

K. Zhao, S. Tarkoma, S. Liu, H. Vo

In proceedings of IEEE (2016) BigData.

8 Predicting Taxi Demand at High Spatial Resolution: Approaching the Limit of Predictability,

K. Zhao, D. Khryashchev, J. Freire, C. Silva, H. Vo.

In proceedings of IEEE (2016) BigData.

7 Towards Maximizing Timely Content Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks,

W. Rao, K. Zhao, Y. Zhang, P. Hui, S. Tarkoma.

(2015) IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 14(4): 755-769. impact factor: 7.9

6 Explaining the Power-law Distribution of Human Mobility Through Transportation Modality Decomposition,

K. Zhao, M. Musolesi, P. Hui, W. Rao, S. Tarkoma.

(2015) Scientific Reports, 5(1): 1-7. impact factor: 5.0

Featured by Science Daily.

5 Automatic City Region Analysis for Urban Routing,

K. Zhao, M. P. Chinnasamy, S. Tarkoma.

In proceedings of IEEE (2015) ICDM.

4 Urban Mobility and Networking,

K. Zhao

in proceedings of ACM (2015) MobiSys.

3 CoSense: A Collaborative Sensing Platform for Mobile Devices,

S. Hemminki, K. Zhao, A. Ding, M. Rannanjarvi, S. Tarkoma, P. Nurmi

In proceedings of ACM (2013) SenSys.

2 Energy-aware keyword search on mobile phones ,

W. Rao, K, Zhao, E. Lagerspetz, P. Hui, S. Tarkoma.

In proceedings of ACM (2012) SIGCOMM MCC.

1 Maximizing timely content advertising in DTNs,

W. Rao, K. Zhao, Y. Zhang, P. Hui, S. Tarkoma.

In proceedings of IEEE (2012) SECON.