
Before working on linguistics, I taught French at different levels and was a translator and interpreter. Here are a few books and a book chapter translated by me:

  • 2011. Leçon sur l'histoire by Raymond Aron (from French to Chinese), published by Shanghai Translation Publishing House.

  • 2011. (with Yiping Wang) Chinese Tea by Yizhou Wu (from Chinese to French), published by Shanghai People's Publishing House.

  • 2011. Les sciences racontées à ma petite-fille by Henriette Walter and Gérard Walter (from French to Chinese), published by Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Publishing House.

  • 2010. Les mathématiques en 14 mots-clés (from French to Chinese), published by Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Publishing House.

  • 2009. Chapter 10 (The Perfect Crime: Alain Robbe-Grillet's Le Voyeur) of The Novel: Language and Narrative from Cervantes to Calvino by André Brink (from English to Chinese), published by Shanghai People's Publishing House.

  • 2006. (with Zhan Ren and Kuang Xiong) Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (from English to Chinese), published by Guangxi Normal University Press.

Some other publications:

Journal articles (non-translation):

Newspaper articles (translation):

My Erdős number is 5:

  • Aronov, B.; Erdős, P.; Goddard, W.; Kleitman, D. J.; Klugerman, M.; Pach, J.; Schulman, L. J. Crossing families. Combinatorica 14 (1994), no. 2, 127-134.

  • Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Aggarwal, Alok; Aronov, B.; Kosaraju, S. R.; Schieber, Baruch; Suri, Subhash Computing external farthest neighbors for a simple polygon. First Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (Montreal, PQ, 1989). Discrete Appl. Math. 31 (1991), no. 2, 97-111.

  • Joshi, A. K.; Kosaraju, S. R.; Yamada, H. M. String adjunct grammars. I. Local and distributed adjunction. Information and Control 21 (1972), 93-116.

  • Shen, L.; Champollion, L.; Joshi, A. K. LTAG-spinal and the Treebank: A new resource for incremental, dependency and semantic parsing. Language Resources and Evaluation, 42 (2008), no. 1, 1-19.

  • Champollion, L.; Ciardelli I.; Zhang, L. Breaking de Morgan's law in counterfactual antecedents. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 26 (2016), 304 – 324. [pdf] [also available at Lingbuzz]