Google Zeitgeist 2011

google zeitgeist is a useful tool for taking the temperature of internet culture

google zeitgeist is still cool

google zeitgeist is interesting

google zeitgeist is updated frequently to reflect lists

google zeitgeist is a nice step in the right direction

google zeitgeist is a collection of small lists and graphs that gives you a sort of "web snapshot" of what is on people's minds as they visit the search site

google zeitgeist is a groovy overview of what's been searched at google lately

google zeitgeist is sort of neat

google zeitgeist is fun

google zeitgeist is for serious research

google zeitgeist is more indicative of broader trends than the weekly zeitgeist

google zeitgeist is where you can take a look at search patterns

google zeitgeist is here

google zeitgeist is the latest entry to chart web traffic

google zeitgeist is a nifty little collection of internet statistics that i saw on today's screen savers tv show

google zeitgeist is kinda cool

google zeitgeist is opaque with respect to sniffer methodology

google zeitgeist is a neat spotlight on the trends in what google users are looking for