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Bike trip on the Cycle Path along the Drau, from Dobbiaco to Maribor

Photos, calculations, drawings and text by Daniela Zappa and Marco Cerisola, 2010 - Translation by Matteo Cerisola, 2012

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See the photos in the italian version (Click on the photos, they get bigger)

With the train we reached Dobbiaco, then we visited the castle and the historical center.

Stage on of kilometers What we visited

1 ^ DOBBIACO - Lienz, 48.1 (sorgente.Drava, S.Candido, Heinfels Schloss, Lienz)

2 ^ Lienz - Berg Drautal, 33.4 (Lienz, Oberdrauburg, Berg)

3 ^ Berg Drautal - Spittal, 44.5 (Spittal: Schloss and plastic toy trains)

4 ^ Spittal - Villach, 39.0 (beautiful scenery, wade, Villach)

5 ^ Villach - Velden, 26.9 (Rosegg: castle and maze; Velden and lake)

6 ^ Velden - Ferlach, 36.0 (Klagenfurt: historical center and Minimundus)

7 ^ Ferlach - Voelkermarkt, 35.1 (Burg Neudenstein, Voelkermarkt)

8 ^ Voelkermarkt - Lavamuend, 40.0 (Bridge "Nepalese", Neuhaus, Lavamuend, a thousand gnomes!)

9 ^ Lavamuend - Vuhred, 29.1 (in Slovenia: Muta, Vuzenica)

optional afternoon pedaling Vuhred - Lehen / Lovrenc - Vuhred of 33.0 km (Koroska region, namely the Carinthia)

the day after rest and sightseeing tour by train to Maribor

10 ^ Vuhred - Lavamuend 29.1 (Dravograd)

11 ^ Lavamuend - Voelkermarkt, 40.0 (Neuhaus).

Return by bus (coach) from Voelkermarkt (via Klagenfurt) to Venice (with tourist trips in Venice) and then by train to Rome.

Compared to the famous bike path along the Danube [click on the link to see our pictures and a summary of our cycling holidays] (sometimes only traveled from Linz to Vienna, which however is over half of the total distance Passau - Vienna), about this track along the Drava river is well known only the very first stretch, from Dobbiaco to Lienz (not to be confused with Linz). In fact, we can estimate that 88% of Italians who pedal along the Drava traverse (only) that part, 10% comes up in Villach, 2% goes beyond, but remaining in Austria and only 1 in a thousand ventures beyond the border, in Slovenia. This depends on the lack of time and information, but also depends on the progressively more difficult altitude that can meet towards the east. The charm of the journey and the landscape rewards from the many hardships, but - unlike the track on the Danube - here we need to get trained.

It was a wonderful adventure, unforgettable. We especially appreciated the move on the Italian and Austrian slopes, especially among Voellkermarkt Lavamuend, as well as between Villach and Rosegg, but also the Slovenian tract between Lavamuend and Vuhred fascinated us.

Landscapes and views have charmed our eyes more than the localities crossed.

Lienz and its castle (with stunning frescoes) was the most liked country, because we were able to move by bike in the middle of traffic without any troubles! Very positive our comments on pedestrian center of Villach, Klagenfurt and Voelkermarkt.

The hotel that has been most acclaim in our group was the Hostel Velden (See it by clicking on the link).

The attractive recreational which has most caught us was the labyrinth in the garden of the castle of Rosegg (see below the text and the photo).

Before describing the salient aspects of our journey, we wish to underline the education, kindness and civility of Austrian and Slovenian people, even when they are behind the wheel!

We will never forget the kindness with which - in Slovenia, from Sv Vid Vuzenica - a truck driver stopped to help one of us just fallen, the customer of a supermarket accompanied him to the clinic doctor, the doctor did him to enter immediately (jumping the queue) visiting him with care and gratis (without formalities)!

Will remain engraved in our hearts the motorist who in Rosegg (Austria) has stopped, raised his sunglasses fallen to the little Luca and brought them to him, even before we have realised that we have lost them!

It remains in our minds the vision of the cars that stop as soon as we get closer to the edge of the road to cross it and waiting patients that our small convoy of trucks and bikes will cross the road!

In 14 days we were facing just one toot.

By being raised (grown) from two years ago (Danube), this year we have increased the average length of the stages to 37.2 km (33.3 km were in 2008). However, in fixing the nights, We split the trip according to the criterion of daily effort uniform (fraction longer at the beginning and shorter to the end). This has damaged the tourist aspect, however: the cultural attractions are not evenly distributed among the various days, indeed the first 50 km are very rich of things to see and do.

Beyond the places and landscapes, what remains in the soul is the serenity of going. In addition to the journey and the emotions, remains in us a new approach to life: ciclosofia.

We did 3 CHOICES:

- Organize the trip entirely on our own (tour operators choose expensive hotels and offer programs that we judge not optimal: some stages are too long);

- Rent bikes and trailers in Dobbiaco (because we did not have the appropriate material. However, it is better: to reach your place of departure by train instead of by car, to have only backpacks in tow, to return home without having to go over by force from Dobbiaco);

- To carry our luggage (minimized) always to follow on hangers attached to the bike: difficult choice, but practical and recommended - see below.

The first choice has allowed us to spend very little, while still being very pleased by the excellent quality of nights. Even the "Youth Hostels and families" (click on the link to see our photos and our impressions) were really great.

The second choice forced us to return to Voelkermarkt (you can not give back over - that is more the east - the bikes).

Due to the third option (but in Slovenia has no alternative), we had to GIVE UP TO pedal in MARIBOR (as was in our original plan).

In fact the return with the bike would be very difficult to Maribor, because:

- You can not take the train back from Maribor with the carriages of the bike (not allowed on board); "On train from Maribor to Bleiburg you can take just bike, not trailer bike or luggage trailer because we don't have special vagon or place for trailer bike."

- It is very difficult to pedal by Maribor from Vuhred, because from that side the climbs are steep (and long) and on busy streets.

But also going, the pass between Lehen - Lovrenc and Maribor (section deleted from our tour), would be problematic: narrow streets, traffic, lack of bike lanes, as well as underlined by http://bicicletta.bonavoglia.eu / drava / Lavamünd-maribor.html

So, to return to Voelkermarkt should arrive by bike up to Vuhred (where there is a delightful retirement, ignored by tour operators), to visit Maribor by train, then to pedal in 2 stages to Vuhred to Voelkermarkt.

But we have organized two stages cycling almost entirely in the picturesque Slovenian territory (from Lavamuend, which is located in Austria just before the border, to Vuhred and then return in reverse) and an excursion (for more daring among us) push us further into the saddle, to Maribor, from Vuhred to the scenic crossing of Lehen - Lovrenc and back.

Need certainly long time to organize the trip, if you choose (as we did and as recommended) for the full and detailed planning of every aspect. But it safe from the most unexpected (did you know that many businesses open only in "high season"?) and avoid unpleasant surprises (for example it is good to know where are the most dangerous places, in which traits are missing bars and drinking fountains) . We started with a very detailed program, ready to handle it and to adapt flexibly to the needs, but convinced that it was a satisfactory balance between the needs of each one: change it would still have resulted in bad feelings in those who saw reduced its space (for example, if it is late and we do not stop over in the playground the children would suffer). We have divided the tasks between us, so that everyone could collaborate in the best way for every aspect of the holiday, but it is obvious that it was tempting to give in to carelessness and leisure, neglecting some commitments and without to observe the timetable. So some issues have arisen that have stolen precious time, preventing some cultural visits and the trip to the castle of Landskrone, arriving late in some hotels and going to bed too late. It has thus accumulated fatigue, which led to nervousness and - for children - tantrums. Stress, caused by a lot of responsibility, for the head-trip was great and the others had to endure him with patience.

Its hilarious gaffes, generated precisely by an excess of anxiety, including the most fun was that of the gear lever! On the mountain biking gear controls are on the ends of the handlebar, other than we are used to us cyclists "street". After a dozen steps, now we must have finally learned how to operate the exchange, because we cycle for decades. Instead the head-trip, in full chaos, approaching a climb - after having touched the trigger hesitant to pick up the chain to the rear and then the more agile to bring it down hard on the largest - at the end mistakenly opts to pull another lever ... the brake, amidst the laughter of the group! Mythical its facades against the glass doors!

Funny also his mistake coming in Lienz: in 1 ^ of 11 stages in which he knew exactly where it was every curve and every climb, led the group on a wrong path and he realizes only after a few miles away!

The heaviest items that we brought with us (and which however we would not have to rely on a van for transport to get past directly to the next, for reasons that will become clear) were: mechanical tools and repair kit, small vocabularies of German and Slovenian, 2 compact cameras, 2 copies of the precious guidance of Alberto Fiorin published by Ediciclo, dressing material, waterproof.

The latter used them in 3 stages to 11 (in other days the sky was clear and warm temperature, but not stuffy; frequent traits shaded), but for a limited time: 40 'time toward Voelkermarkt, 35' of rain the day before and 20' the days after, as well as 3' to drizzle on another date.

About the MECHANICAL PROBLEMS, we never drilled - despite the many dirt roads. We recorded 2 drops (one very serious between Sv Vid and Vuzenica) and some breakdowns on their bikes: brakes too slow on a bike, breaking the rear derailleur, with loss of a little wheel (replaced in Berg by a small gas station provided a very ); break - which occurred 2 times on the same medium - of the wire shift to overdrive gears (always replaced by us: to indicate the ability of our Daniele and the rude incapacity of the mechanical cyclist to Spittal); jumps 4 times the chain, positioning between the frame and the crown. The clothing we had in backpacks weighed little, both because synthetic (breathable and dries quickly) and because it minimized. In fact we did every afternoon a mini hand washing. In some hotels (Spittal, Voelkermarkt and Vuhred) we made use of the washing machine,gratis in 2 on (of,to) 3 cases.

A special commendation to Daniel, the most skillful and prudent in containing the weight of his backpack.

When filling the backpacks, as well as remove (leaving home) everything possible to bring only the necessary, we discovered some hilarious: a hair dryer (the things that need to dry - after a washing or pouring rain! - remain wet after being stretched in vain) that we have at home weighs 50 grams less than the model "travel" (smaller and foldable) received as a gift!

Sports Performance: in the flat stretches, to impress the most is the incessant rhythm and speed of our Daniela, who undermines the teen-agers! They are, however, very agile in climb and the head-ride suffers to keep them at bay. On the worst "wall" near Villach (20% slope), the only one who can not set foot on the ground is Matteo. In descent the slowest is the head-trip, passed to his wife in tandem with one of the kids! On the highest mountain pass (Lehen - Lovrenc) arrives only Marco. By working out the last few months (3 workouts per week in the month previous to departure, 2 sessions / week in the month before and 1 month earlier still), the parameters that have improved mostly are the resistance (unsurprisingly) and ( surprise) the maximum speed downhill! The average speeds (enough slow and quiet) have improved day by day, both the habit to the effort and because fewer reaching out to save energy for the final stage.

Here are some interesting data. The road of 434 km of total road trails: 176 km of cycle paths are paved, 102 km are unpaved (of which 12 km bumpy), 156 kilometers are on roads with traffic (almost always very scarce, but we met 13 km with heavy traffic). To see the "position" in the path of these features, see the colored horizontal sections in our "Altitude" (clicking on them enlarges). From altimetry are visible the difference level to be addressed along the journey, which - as mentioned - become relevant in the final stages. For us (who on the pass Lehen / Lovrenc we turned around to return to Voelkermarkt two days after) the total ascent drop was 3,036 meters, of whom about half in just 113 km: 565 meters in optional half-stage Vuhred - Vuhred ( with a turning point on the pass Lehen / Lovrenc), 498 m in the last stage (11th, from Lavamuend to Voelkermarkt), 404 m in 8th stage (Voelkermarkt - Lavamuend). However, since a high dislivelllo can also be "diluted" in a lot of miles, creating a long false flat (thus having a minimal SLOPE - see our web page explaining the hardness of the hills) and not a sharp ascent, the stages with considerable altitude is exhausting just to those who have little resistance or training. For those who suffer the grim slopes or have to tow heavy trailers (with children or luggage), we mark the ascents of stages 9th as rugged (from Lavamuend to Vuhred) and especially the 7th (from Ferlach to Voelkermarkt), having both final binding. The 11th stage has both a significant difference, both slopes tough.

If you prefear Italian cycling holiday, you can see our bike travel along the river Po.

See the photos in the italian version (Click on the photos, they get bigger). The descrition are:

A - The very first part of the path is smooth, then meet some climbs that become increasingly steep, long and frequent. Also the road ahead has the dirt roads largest. Advancing eastward, increasing parts of roads in mixed traffic (but often scarce). Fatigue and difficulty are largely offset by the charm of stunning landscapes.

B - Anna (7 years) attached to the bike on the camel of the mother Daniela, Luca (almost 4 years) in the seat of the bike sometimes led by our friend Daniele (17 years - right) and sometimes by Matteo (17 years). Often the children took turns on the camel, while the teenager who had the task of carrying the child seat is occupied to tow our luggage (reduced to the indispensable) like the father Marco.

C - During the first days the Dolomites frame the view:

D - In Slovenia, the woods are thick and fabulous. The view is often wild:

E - The bike path often extends along the Drava River:

F - Sometimes the path is lapped by the railway line:

G - in some places you have to cross the busy streets, but usually protected in separate lanes:

H - Towards Villach we also founded a fun little " woad ":

I - The indications are fairly clear and capillaries:

J - Numerous cultural and scenic attractions. There are a lot of leisure facilities. The playground of Sillian (shortly after the entry into Austria) is full of attractions, but some are dangerous:

K - Not rare structures built specifically for cyclists (!)

L - Instead, the largest maze in the garden of the castle Rosegg is not to be missed (though the children must not be lost sight !)

M - Also worth a visit "Minimundus" in Klagenfurt, with its faithful reconstruction in miniature:

N - We have tasted the freedom and the joy of moving by bicycle ...

O - ... through beautiful paths and streets! Better than a dream: a vacation alive!

P - It remains indelible the memory of the garden of a house in Lavamünd, thousands of dwarfs (dwarves) each different:

Q - We have shown that even not highly trained individuals can engage and, after we pedaled at breakneck speed in the flat parts, overcome difficulties also considerable:

R - Terrific the "bridge Nepal" haengebruecke in S.Lucia (between Voelkermarkt and Lavamünd). Taken from the site http://www.lavamuend.com/italienisch_page/umgebung_haengebruecke.htm : "The suspension bridge " Santa Lucia "- The international bicycle path" Drauradweg R1 "that by the Trentino Alto Adige crosses all the Carinthia and leads in Slovenia, in the section between Völkermarkt and Lavamünd it pass through the suspension bridge " Saint Lucia ". It is located in Aich / Dob at the meeting point between the bike lanes " Drauradweg and Jauntalradweg." Designed as a bridge for bike and pedestrian crossing with its 140 meters long and 58 high, is the most impressive suspension bridge in the south of Carinthia . "

S - And for the most highly trained, the great pleasure of getting to the top of the most difficult climbs hauling the burden of luggage, without setting foot on the ground:

T - There has also fascinated the immense railway in a small scale in Spittal, with many trains. Taken from the site http://www.tiscover.com/at/guide/55815at,it,SCH1/objectId,SIG645157at,curr,EUR,parentId,RGN707at,season,at1,selectedEntry,sights/intern.html The largest model railway in Austria. An attraction of value in the context of free time was opened on 1st floor of the Gerngross City shopping center at Neuer Platz in Spittal. at d. D. in May 2003. On 300mq has been installed the system of Austria's largest miniature railway. The tracks, more than 600 meters long, are crossed by historic and modern trains with 85 locos and more than 350 carriages. Small and big fans of the trains look their journey through cities, mountains and passing forts and castles. A very special aspect is the scale model of the north-south link more important of the past, the Tauernbahn between Spittal and Mallnitz. The focus is mainly the transitions between Spittal station and Millstättersee and between Falkenstein and Tauern tunnels. At the bottom you see a documentation of historical photos about the construction of Tauernbahn in 1900.

U - View from our point further east: the high Slovenian pass of Lehen - Lovrenc:

Links to some websites of cycling holidays on the Drava (But almost all stop in Austria. Only Alberto Fiorin - author of valuable guide published by "Ediciclo" - and Paolo Bonavoglia - first site in the following list - and they both arrived in Slovenia in Maribor):







Daniela Zappa and Marco Cerisola