Penn State mathematics

Post date: Mar 28, 2020 3:49:25 AM

RD-blog-923 by Herb Zinser

Penn State mathematics defeated by President Eisenhower's symbolic military industrial complex variables.

PennState and other major universities are defeated in the SCIENCE WARS. Intellectuals failed to understand modern society within the context of Nature's social engineering projects and brain engineering projects.


The INTELLECTUAL WAR is a component of the SCIENCE WARS. PennState and other universities have failed to try to understand modern warfare .... brain warfare ..... that is the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbol computer and its military defense ..comprised of nouns,verbs, adjectives, math equations, data fields, gravity thought waves that interact with brain atomic mass, North Pole magnetic field thoughts that interact with human iron Hemoglobin proteins, etc.

Thus we have a sophisticated situation ..... that requires careful thought .... alot of effort understand. Thanks to Lewis Carroll, Russell/Whitehead, Rudolf Carnap and many other authors .... who have provided important CLUES about the secret languages and secret methods used by various groups. Thus forewarned, the curious thinker .... using the modern knowledge base .... can get a more up to date perception ..... of what others perceived over 100 years ago.

Here, we consider humans as symbolic data processing machines. We have optical input, audio input, etc .... from a variety of sources. Some the input data is good/accurate and other data is presented at a different angle. Thus the question becomes; does the different angle DATA exist to help clarify and improve the VIEW of a situation/event/model .... or is the different angle DATA exist to manipulate other people in society.

Math, physics, and chemistry people are very vulnerable to manipulation ..... because they deal with accurate and true DATA and improving the accuracy of empirical and theoretical models.

They assume that the social sciences, philosophy / theology , and advertising/marketing people have the same level of HONOR and INTEGRITY .... in the pursuit of improving a knowledge model of society/life ... without distortion and bias.

Let's see how Nature intellect uses EARTH math lab applications to send math WAR messages to alert adults. From 1957 thru year 2011, zero college math graduates and zero professors exist with a symbolic biochemistry SRP awareness particle (Signal Recognition Particle).

Examples of the brain VOID .... lack of awareness of mathematical existential structures and their social and political science expressions.

1957 - Calculus test for humans at Central High School, Little Rock

with INTEGRATION by Parts. Universities in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas have CLUE what

is happening nor to they care ...about such math life social signals.

1961 - the military-industrial-complex of complex math variables.

1962 - individual Jack Kennedy, elected President for mathematical social engineering vectors (i,J,K)

1968 - Math President N x n (NiXoN) for square matrices / linear algebra.

Military–industrial complex From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned the U.S. about the "military-industrial complex" in his farewell address.Military–industrial complex (MIC), or Military–industrial-congressional complex[1] (MICC) is a concept commonly used to refer to policy and monetary relationships between legislators, national armed forces, and the industrial sector that supports them. These relationships include political contributions, political approval for defense spending, lobbying to support bureaucracies, and beneficial legislation and oversight of the industry. It is a type of iron triangle.

The term is most often used in reference to the military of the United States, where it gained popularity after its use in the farewell address of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, though the term is applicable to any country with a similarly developed infrastructure.


1961 - the military-industrial-complex of complex math variables.

1962 - individual Jack Kennedy, elected President for mathematical social engineering vectors (i,J,K)

1968 - Math President N x n (NiXoN) for square matrices / linear algebra





Thus we see the application of math life to modern affairs.

The math agent for base 16 hexadecimal address 1600

Pennsylvania Avenue

and the math military forces of Eisenhower ....

Thus .... Nature's intellect and the Darwinian mathematical selection process ..... considers the close approximation proper noun ...of math agent:

PENNisi with subset word PENN

PENN --> PENN STATE math battlefield authorized by

PENN --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Eisenhower symbol and equation military





Elements of complex variables - Louis Legendre Pennisi

Mathematics › Functional Analysis

Title, Elements of complex variables. Author,

Louis Legendre Pennisi. Edition, 2 ,

......Leg......Penn --> Football Leg at Penn State






Complex number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Matrix representation of complex numbersý:

Complex numbers can also be represented by 2ª2 matrices that have the following form: ...

Introduction and definition - Elementary operations - Polar form - Properties

Complex analysis, traditionally known as the theory of functions of a complex variable, is the branch of mathematical analysis that investigates functions of complex numbers. It is useful in many branches of mathematics, including number theory and applied mathematics; as well as in physics, including hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, and electrical engineering.

Complex functions

A complex function is one in which the independent variable and the dependent variable are both complex numbers. More precisely, a complex function is a function whose domain and range are subsets of the complex plane.

For any complex function, both the independent variable and the dependent variable may be separated into real and imaginary parts




Thus we know that symbolic battles sometimes get transformed to human agents that express the conflict thru human behavior. The symbolic battles in the

James Joyce streams of consciousness

Einstein's Data field ....

existential field theory ....

field theory data streams

or the Carl Jung university collective unconsciousness are not directly visible;

but the human conflict usually is visible .... such as physical fight, an emotional outburst, etc.

Thus looking at the empirical data of the human conflict .... a serious thinker can construct a model of the original symbolic war. Then the question...becomes to fix/modify the symbolic message processing systems of society.


Given the EARTH geography land of the FOOTBALL FIELD we then look at it's parallel /super-symmetry symbolic structure.

The Vietnam math war in 1972 resulted in many math / physics / engineering college graduates with a brain defect. Being amongst the few that have serious logic brains to begin with ... we have a problem in the intellectual continuum. This missing brain ... logic SECTION ... also exists with professors and research labs and large corporations.





The solution is to understand math life expressions such a polynomial equations (see above).

The mathematical-physics WAR message from the continuum is see twice:

1st in WORLD WAR 2 in the Pacific region ....

the POLY geography region of Polynesia symbolizes

the POLY --> Polynomial math war .....with World WAR 2 ....exponent 2 giving the polynomial = quadratic equation and its battles.

Many soldiers died in the World War 2 ...... and Penn State University continues their distorted history song and dance. Bull-stories are very popular at universities ..... its a challenge to universities to see how much BS they can feed their naive students.




In 1972 ...the Vietnam WAR ...some AMERICAN SOLDIERS FIGHTING for North American math and science ...some soldiers were lost ... killed or prisoners ... and their bodies not found.

They became known as the MIA ...Missing In Action .... and their parallel counterpart

.... the symbolic math soldiers in NORTH America also were missing .... section of their brain ....symbolically DEAD.

Thus we have the SIGNAL

...polyno.MIA.l ...equations

..................MIA --> professors and student MISSING Integer Awareness

Hollywood sent out a SIGNAL to the symbolic brain .....

via agent: MIA Farrow --> translate agent code

MIA --> polyno-MIA-l

Farrow --> Fa + arrow --> Faculty vector arrows or ....linear algebra/matrices.



Below, the bio-math announcement

of the life of polynomials ,

base 16 vector arrows,

and sin waves of code name -->

Frank Sintra --> sin + tra + sine wave trap




Thus Penn State math, physics, engineering amd other department sought close until their brain cells have the diplomatic curiosity to recognize the multi-faceted dimensions of Sartre existentialism.

I wish to thank .....the many authors and a few radio/television programs ..for the many CLUES provided for this interesting puzzle. And thanks to DEEP SPACE NINE television show with:

Ferengini --> FermiLAB engineering

ODO --> Oddone ...director

Bajor --> Batavia job orders

of proton atomic mass orders (social science orders) VIA mass communications such as TV, print, radio, publishing.

Mass communications ... .that is Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... atomic mass communications VIA atomic humanoid intermediate messengers.




CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

