GM assembly line ... Janesville destroys major world system site

Post date: Mar 26, 2020 1:45:08 AM

RD-blog-010 by Herb Zinser

Gravity data field and

Magnetic data field processor

known as the

COMPUTER EARTH assembler program

with a line of assembler code ….

that being the GM assembly line,


Herb Zinser's Science War report

Various examples of EVENTS as math and science conflict expressions with the humanities and social sciences. C.P. SNOW and his 1959 lecture "Two Cultures" outlined the problem that has become a tragic REALITY after year 2000.

The computer science life of ferrous oxide with Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory


Astrophysics COMPUTER SCIENCE - Computer Earth

Basic Assembler Language Computer Program

General Motors is an assembly line of a COMPUTER EARTH assembly program

The astrophysics global computer war has come to Wisconsin cities:

General Motors, Janesville, Wisconsin

Chrysler engine Kenosha, Wisconsin

Automotive suppliers in the midwest

The Galileo computer system Base 16 Hexadecimal structure of SPACE/TIME includes PLANET EARTH space/time and specifically Wisconsin space/time. Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory provides analytical information for understanding the economic/social context of the GM plant and the iron automotive industry.

GM, when perceived from the physics viewpoint, is a symbolic computer processor with:

G = gravity computer data field that interacts with iron atomic mass in such structures as GM iron automobiles or the iron myoglobin protein of United Auto Workers labor union workers.

M = Magnetic data field, North Pole interaction with ferrous oxide atoms of life at the iron metal-working facility/factory at magnetic experiment iron location JANESVILLE, Wisconsin December 2008.

An iron fact of life near atomic number 26 HIGHWAY 26 Janesville, Wisconsin = 26 protons of ferrous oxide atomic thought structure with 26 letters of the ironic English proton alphabet. FermiLAB physicist's are Margaret Mead expressions of the periodic atomic table elements of atomic brain economic/social thoughts.

GM assembly line of computer program code. The universe of Wisconsin computer science genetic motors experiment at the General Motors data processing department has an assembly PROGRAM ERROR.

GM assembly line

GM assembly line

GM assembly line

GM assembly line ...... COMPUTER EARTH

EARTH gravity and magnetic field processor

Because of the error, the assembly line results in a computer program ABEND/DUMP at the Galileo computer system . . . Janesville computer address location.

Hence the system 370 main frame software issues the instructions to close the automotive factory:

CLOSE Hex'FA' = 250 = Factory Base 16 Hexadecimal

Address space highways …..

Ferrous oxide/ Iron Atomic number 26

...Highway 26 by Janesville

Max Planck Interstate TIME Highway I-43

in Southeastern Wisconsin

Because of the error, the assembly line results in a computer program ABEND/DUMP at the Galileo computer system . . .

Message from

Europe MILK farmers

to the

Holstein MILK cow …

DAIRY STATE of Wisconsin

Southeast Wisconsin address identifiers …..

Highway 16 Pabst farms Oconomowoc failure

Highway 16 Bethesda LUTHERAN Home Watertown ..

dairy farm failure

Janesville GM Highway 26 iron computer address location.

I-43 highway ……………

Europe event DATABASE links to

Southeast Wisconsin

FRAME of Reference Systems (FRS)

Find high-quality Milk Farmers Protest stock photos and editorial news ... Dairy farmers spray milk to riot police during a protest against EU agricultural ...

Belgian farmers

BASE 16 hexadecimal dump

on September 16 2009

Sep 16, 2009 - European milk farmers have dumped three million litres of fresh milk onto ... Sep 16, 2009 1:17 PM ET | Last Updated: September 16, 2009.

America's dairy farmers

dump 43 million gallons of excess milk

America's dairy farmers

America's dairy farmers

America's dairy farmers

Am eric da →

Atomic mass ...numeric … data signal

Oct 13, 2016 -

More than 43 million gallons' worth of milk were dumped in fields, manure lagoons or animal feed, or have been lost on truck routes or …

Above words … laws of physics break-down

Above words

Above words

Above words

bove words below .. PROTEIN MACHINE codes

bove words below

bove words below

Bovine ….. Earth communication GRAPE VINE


Bovine .. cattle

Botany systems …. Vine →

Vin … Voltage input …

earth electron THOUGHT circuits


Botany systems …. Vine →

Vin … Voltage input …

earth electron THOUGHT circuits

Bovine .. cattle

Botany systems …. Vine → 500 year LINK

Cattle (milk cheese beef) → Bovine agent

Cattle language …… Bovine → human format

Ca …… l …………………… vin -->



Calculus /math life forms that calculate/ accounting



(also called the Reformed tradition, Reformed Christianity, Reformed Protestantism, or the Reformed faith)

is a major branch of milk & beef

Proteins expression VIA humanoid

rote/repeated farm work muscle education


Proteins social language

Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice set down by

John CaLvin …..

J…… C L (IBM ...Job Control Language)


Reformation-era theologians.. Calvinists broke from the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century. .

Calvinists differ from Lu = Logical Unit … Lutherans on ...

Dr. Craig, I wanted to thank you for your podcast, debates, and other work, all of which I've profoundly enjoyed and has exposed me to the intellectual richness within Christianity. As a former agnostic, one of the most powerful apologetic arguments against naturalism, atheism (and so on) is the idea that nobody strives to be a *consistent* naturalist/atheist/etc. In other words, they fail to ...

I'm trying to decide what is the more scriptural view. I am automatically more inclined toward calvinism, since I do hold in high regard the doctrine of the sovereignty of God and because it answers a lot of my questions as to why God did things the way He did. However, I am not sure whether Calvinism is more scriptural than Arminianism or not.

OS/ JCL system 370 main frame America economic/ sociological software detected an error in the JANesville component of the ZinJAN social anthropology project.

The inter-relations of the iron atomic computer have social complexities. The FermiLAB 2008 budget cut was a precursor to the GM ferrous oxide fact/factory budget cut at Janesville. Simple cause --> effect inference--> how molecular biology social economic decisions are made by the IRON Hemoglobin molecular proteins in brain thoughts--> thoughts by hemoglobin IRON about IRON automobiles and the MOTIVE of autoMOTIVE FACT FACTory workers. Is this a FACT of existential awareness?