MIT university and the Boston area mitochondria and acetylcholine BRAIN WAR casualties

Post date: Nov 24, 2019 2:48:44 AM

MIT university and the Boston area mitochondria and acetylcholine BRAIN WAR casualties

RD-blog-number-5949 by Herb Zinser reviews the neuroscience wars in Boston and other areas. The English language of the conscious MIND with math and science is under attack by the Spanish languages, music, clothing fashion,

Hollywood movies,

television and radio EM broadcasts directly into the brain stem,

and other nonsense .... as revealed by the Boston Marathon bombing TRIAL errors by the Department of Justice omission of vast amounts of revalant criminal data in TRIAL...... empirical data anout the context of the tragic signaling EVENT was withheld from the JUDGE and the JURY.


The mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) is a double membrane-bound organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. The word mitochondrion comes from the Greek ...

Mitochondrial DNA - ‎Mitochondrial disease - ‎Symbiogenesis - ‎Mitochondrial matrix


Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.

Five-prime cap - ‎Central dogma of molecular - ‎

Transfer-messenger RNA

Above, SECRET biochemsitry agent code --> Willie Nelson --> Wi Nelson --> Univeristy of Wisconsin Nelson

David L Nelson of University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison with expertise in Cell Biology


tsaRNAev JAIL cell biology for tsaRNAev messenger RNA, Biochemistry is on ResearchGate. Read 68 publications, and ..

University of Wisconsin‑Madison

Photo of David L. Nelson. 571B HF DeLuca Biochemistry Laboratories 433 Babcock Drive Madison, WI 53706-1544. Emeritus Professor 2013-present


Mar 12, 2015 - Witness in Tsarnaev trial: MIT cop was shot in head, neck, hand ..... and gunbattle with police that began with reports of an "officer down" at MIT.


Family, friends and colleagues paid their final respects to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer authorities say was killed by the Boston ...

Super-symmetry existential MIRRORS between the INTERNAL dead cell (above) and the EXTERNAL message display format used by Nature's message generating system that provides data for researchers into TOE theory.

Above, MIT advanced information display systems. › ... › Psychology Glossary: A Index

Acetylcholine is found in the central and peripheral nervous systems and is the most common neurotransmitter. Learn more about the discovery and functions of ...


The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia ...

Seung-Hui Cho - ‎Liviu Librescu - ‎Kevin Granata - ‎Jamie Bishop

Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


He was a senior-level undergraduate student at the university.


The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech shooting. .... Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, and teachers pointed to ..


Acetylcholine (ACh, pron. ah-Seh-til-KO-leen) is an organic molecule that acts as a neurotransmitter in many organisms, including humans. It is an ester of acetic ...

Autonomic ganglion - ‎Acetylcholine receptor - ‎Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - ‎M4

Thus we see ..... the data events reported in newspapers and the incomplete explanations given.

The newspapers do an excellent job in reporting the surface veneer of the tragedy ( date, time, location, people involved, police data and their detective reports, maps of the crime area, sequence of events leading up to the event, cars used, guns or bombs used as waepons, etc). This excellent database is the information foundation that provides amateur detectives and forensic hobbists an opportunity to use Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot or Nero Wolf THOUGHT SYSTEMS and do advanced resear4ch into the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie some tragic EVENTS (perhaps, 15 to 20 pecent of major events have additional levels).

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.

Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Above ..... daily life and the carpenters ladder


the ladder going into the cellar in an old house.


the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning


by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

Thus the living EARTH cell message structure ...... as the water molecule THHOUGHT CONTINUUM (symboliized by the boat) rises up thru the levels shown above ... the internal biology DNA ladder and its language system ( Double Helix social communications LAW .... D.H. Lawrence) ...and then up thru daily life (the wooden ladder used 200 years ago by people that lived in log cabin, to the modern world of symbols and math and science college textbooks ...and their abstract models, flowcharts, math and physics equations, chemistry formula, etc .. that may have very practical applications that benefit your quality of life and standard of living.

Let's look at another blog post that provides more CLUES for .....


A Theory of Everything. We have reached an extraordinary point in the history of science, for some physicists believe they are now on the verge of having a ...

The blog post ........

The Boston Marathon bombing trial

with the corrupt Spanish language

and myopic Welsh / Irish optical system

RD-blog-number-5938 by Herb Zinser looks at the the Boston Marathon bombing trial using Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools that help understand reality and the deeper levels that underlie a signaling EVENT.


The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon's finish line on Boylston Street. They killed 3 people.

The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev

An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown.

In this blog post, we shall look at Carmen Ortiz and her sub-conscious MIND the Spanish language perception problems and the myopic IRIS eyeball problems of the Boston IRISH brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR and their Welsh friends like Police Commissioner EVANS and his biased, rigged Boston education that carefullky ommitted his atomic, bio-physics heritage and his obligation to obey the laws of the Evans (ev = electron-volts in human format) clan.

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar TsaRNAev

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz


Information about Spanish, a Romance language spoken in Spain and in most of Central and South America, as well as in the USA, by about 417 million people.

Funky Punctuation Marks. Punctuation marks in Spanish are almost exactly the same as English—except for two. If you wish to add a question mark (?) at the end of a sentence, you must also add an upside-down question (¿) mark at the beginning.

United States Department of Justice

The Department of Justice (DOJ) leads the nation in ensuring the protection of all Americans while preserving their

constitutional freedom.

As a Justice for biochemistry DNA language tricks ........

BRAND NAME and Washington, DC

advanced brain DNA thoughts of freedom with Janet Reno

New Freedom sanitary napkin, Kotex, 1971. ... the words feminine and femininity, the flower (a common device with menstrual products; add an "s" and you have ...

May 27, 2014 - People who came to watch a baseball game were asked to remember the sacrifices, including deaths, that American servicemen have made


May 26, 2013 - "To protect our freedom" is the official explanation for why men and women .... This is why FDR sent American soldiers to die in huge numbers ...


The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for ...

United States Department of Justice

DOJ agencies post job announcements directly to - the one-stop source for Federal jobs and employment opportunities sponsored by the U.S. ..

Levels of perception ....


Janet Wood Reno (born July 21, 1938) served as the Attorney General of the United States, from 1993 to 2001. She was nominated by President Bill Clinton on ...

William Wirt - ‎Dark Knight Court - ‎William P. Barr

Janet Reno and Reno, Nevada .. EARTH LAB casinos of life ...... probability theory and application with the Bose-Einstein statistics WAR in Bos --> Boston in year 2013

The data chain of EVENTS ........ per information string theory of existential physics.

Janet Reno and Reno, Nevada Sparks convention center


The RenoSparks Metropolitan Statistical Area, as defined by the United States Census Bureau, is an area consisting of two counties in western Nevada, ...


Reno‑Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority

Reno Tahoe may be a second tier convention destination, but prides itself on ... The Reno-Sparks Convention Center boasts over half a million square feet of ...


Reno‑Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority

Reno Tahoe may be a second tier convention destination, but prides itself on ... The Reno-Sparks Convention Center boasts over half a million square feet of ...

The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and US military between February 28 and April 19, 1993.[4] The Branch Davidians, a sect that separated in 1955 from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was led by David Koresh and lived at Mount Carmel Center ranch in the community of Elk, Texas,[5][6][7] nine miles (14 kilometers) east-northeast of Waco. The group was suspected of weapons violations and a search and arrest warrant was obtained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Greater Boston region ..... atomic social sciences police commission Wlliam Evans ...... please acknowledge your secret identiy and existence .... and ... the secret atomic mass ...... mass communications systems message network of Evans ... and the Boston mass communication LANGUAGE manipulators of atomic social science expression EVENTS and tragic signaling EVENTS

secret code from the brain cell WALL --> WALL Street Journal publication ..... awhile back ....

Input/Output water (molecule) continuum --> water continuum --> wa + co --> waco and Wtaertown, Massachusettes.

The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and US military between February 28 and April 19, 1993.

April 19, 1993.

April 19, 1993 + 20 (20 amino acid standard years with 20/20 optical vision years )


April 19, 2013 --> waco --> water continuum --> watertown Mass

(geography state of Mass, water molecule mass, religious mass, State of MIND..mass , Quantum state of mass)

Please explain these things at the Boston Marthon bombing trial

and the WACO LINKs of Janet Reno and Bose-Einstein statistics

... communication problems of Bos --> Boston region universities.


The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group ..... Over the next several months,

Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas ...

David Koresh - ‎Branch Davidians - ‎Oklahoma City bombing - ‎Mount Carmel Center

Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas ...

Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas ...

Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas attack ...

Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas attack ... Boyle's law of gases

Thus the Department of Justice approval of the Boyle's Law explosion at Boyleston Street in year 2013 ....

20 years after Waco.

In addition, we have the periodic atomic table ..... Margaret Mead atomic nucelar family ..... atomic social sciences ..


The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) (also nicknamed the Desertron) was ... accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, Texas.

Proposal and development - ‎Cancellation - ‎Comparison to the Large Hadron ...


Jul 3, 2014 - The system, known as the Superconducting Super Collider, was intended to be the world's ... View Waxahachie, TX 75167 in a larger map.

Waxahachie collider --> atomic language and SYMBOL MACHINE subset project codes

--> Wa + co --> information pointer to Waco --> express Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE intellectual anger

by creating the Waco social science collider.

April 19 , 1993 --> April 19, 2013

Let's look at another blog post that explains more........... and then we shall look at Boston eye/optics with Carmen Spanish and the Iris / pupil / retina ... of the Irish RIS/Welsh myopic view of the Theory of Everything.


A Theory of Everything. We have reached an extraordinary point in the history of science, for some physicists believe they are now on the verge of having a ...

Book-117 analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a paperback book about Madison, Wisconsin and the Carl Jung subconsiousness GROUP MIND secrets of the University of Wisconsin collective of students, professors, administrators, and electromagnetic(em) life forms with EARTH LAB identifier em = employees ...and their oxygen expression problems.

The atomic collective student body ..... a composite body composed of thousands of human people ... is perceived by Nature as a living entity ...... that concept of groups is well known ...instutions and corporations have a life of their own ..... they are living entities ... in many ways an individual human being.

The book on the existential physics and bio-physics awareness probem ....

Above keyword concepts ... line 2

--> painting of St.Michael the Archangel ......... subset letter codes

...............................mic..............arch an g el .......... expaned concepts

........................atomic architecture atomic number group elements

In modern science language .. the atomic painting is the more accurate periodic atomic table painted with rows and colums of information and symbols about the solid existence of atoms and their components.

Part of the table below.... the components of a typical human being common from the atomic table.

Is your name H = hydrogen energy ....that is ........

is your name H energy --> abbreviated --> H enry --> Henry

The above page ..word code --> MOS

1960 - Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Transistor

Computer History Museum

1960 - Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Transistor Demonstrated. John Atalla and Dawon Kahng fabricate working transistors and demonstrate the first ...

CMOS Basics MOS: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Transistors

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

CMPE 640. CMOS Basics. MOS: Metal Oxide Semiconductor. Transistors are built on a Silicon (semiconductor) substrate. Pure silicon has no free carriers and ...

The human version of MOS --> Metabolism Oxygen Social-conductors ...... such as you.

Thus we see the concept of parallel existences on EARTH of the same code MOS ... in differebt expression formats.

Above, a major component of

Father O --> oxygen used by his bio-computer LU = Logical Unit --> LUNGS.

Other oxygen life forms that deny their SYMBOL identity ..

President O (Obama)

Obama code letters --> O + ba + ma --> Oxygen atyomic mass 16 base map ... located at oxygen continuum address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

His staff, advisors and his univeristy alma mater refuse to tell him ,,,that he is supposed to announce the existence of oxygen and its atomic thought systems.

Of course, the Jewsih people deny excistence .........

Urban Dictionary: moxy

Urban Dictionary

n. When someone has guts or balls, they have moxy.

Glossary of Jewish Terms and Phrases (A – K) – Nick's

Oct 30, 2006

- Chutzpah: sass, moxy; nerve, gall. ... Golem: legendary automaton brought to life from clay by Jewish ... Kosher: acceptable under Jewish law.

Moxy --> Mo + oxy --> moleucles oxygen --> Mo + Oxy --> Modus Operandi oxygen expression system ...atomic thoughts using words and concepts

Above sentence near bottom of page

--> He and Father O grew up together --> implies

He = Hexadecimal base 16 and O = Oxygen atomic mass 16 ...... exist together

The university denial of Base 16 hexadecimal HUMAN existence has resulted in the Base 16 April 16 shooting at Virginia TECH.

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia ...‎Seung-Hui Cho - ‎Liviu Librescu - ‎Kevin Granata - ‎Jamie Bishop

Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


He was a senior-level undergraduate student at the university. The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech neurotransmitter shooting between

Virginia tobacco farm nicotine and acetylcholine.

Thus the Mr.CHO ...lines of English words from the English department SECRET language division ..... with its death sentence ..... the usage of language commands to kill 32 students .....

per Federal government usage of arbitrary death sentences such as the killing Timothy McVeigh(t) in the citizen rigged, manipulated TRIAL on the Oklahoma City bombing

Thus the Federal government arrogant abuse of the SYMBOL MACHINE language,

the incomplete explanations given about the Oklahoma City event and the ommission of facts concening the deeper levels of CAUSE and EFFECT reality that underlied NAture's systems signaling EVENT

......resulted in

the June 11, 2001 excution of McVeight and consequently Nature's ordered parallel processing system exexcution on S 11 --> System job exceution on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center.

Thus the consequences of the citizen government ZEAL in job execution systems ERRORS was ...

the lives of 2,996 people (including 19 hijackers) and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage on September 11 .............

Nature's revenge for the exceution of its bio-computer system agent 8 ... McVeigh(t) on Jun11,, 2001.

Above...words written in code style ---> Six-teenth Century --> information pointers to

...six --> carbon atom atomic number 6

sixteen --> oxygen atom 16

Herman Wyl tensor space/time equation Equation --> carbon six + ten tensor space/time --> LINK to Oxygen

Thus the usage of atomic English verb tense --> Tense --> ten + se --> decimal number ten se(nd) .....

Thus verb tense --> ten + send --> ten se nd = node (communications node) --> verb tense node ....

.involving English department shootings at Virgina Tech and Columbine High School library shooting in the BOOK publishing ERROR wars ,


In addition to Base 16 President Obama we had .......

Pope Benedict XVI = 16 --> anbd the Base 16 religious HEX of computer programmers Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Pope Benedict XVI (Latin: Benedictus XVI; Italian: Benedetto XVI; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; German pronunciation: [ˈjoːzɛf ˈalɔʏzjʊs ˈʁatsɪŋɐ]; on 16 April 1927) served as Pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 until his resignation in 2013.‎Pope Francis - ‎Mater Ecclesiae - ‎Resignation of Pope Benedict - ‎Pope Celestine V

Code from Baltic geography region of Europe --> susbet code --> Bal --> Basic Assembler Language

Europe ..

......ope -- >. open N-space data set of N = norway with OS/JCL of Oslo without permission of parallel procesing agent of ..... MAX BORN ...projects .... Joseph (Jose and Spanis physics) . Aloisius Rat + zin + ger with the God Particel book extension --> Godzin particles W and Z and Wino particle code of Wisconsin and Northern Illionis.

Above .....words --> her computer to see --> referenced to her hertzian electromagnetic wave bio-optical computer used to see EXTERNAL world object.s

Thus you have have idea of subset message POINTERS (to real events and science facts) that may be embedded in the larger text of a paperback book.

Now, let's look at a the Boston Marathon TRIAL and the optics problem ......

the ability to perceive factors involved in the bombing.

Notice, thee xternal image of the ice cream cone ..and the upside image inside the eyeball ......

and the image that may be sent by the optical nerve to the brain interior and its optical bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR of photon information and translation and understanding.

Thus the upside DOWN image ..........explains the problems ..... that the Spanish language usages of the upside down question mark.

Thus we see Nature's CLUES about ht e brain SYMBOL and CONCEPT processor may be different in those with a Spanish language heritage ... and they ought communicate with others .....

with a basic math/science background ..... that may help to think clearly about tragic signaling EVENTS ..such the Boston stituation .....

with Boston biochemistry denial of the existence of messenger RNA

.... tsa RNA ev (electron volts of energy MESSAGES pending ) .......

.................evans (electron volts POLICE commissioner)

Police commissioner

.... eV ... mission commander --> William Evans ..... and his Welsh name and Irish friends

Early life of atomic energy in humanoid format

William Evans was born in South Boston to Paul and Catherine Evans, one of six brothers. His father was a truck driver and his mother was a housewife and homemaker. He grew up in a crowded triple-decker apartment in South Boston, where he shared a bed with two brothers. His mother died when he was one year old, and eight years later, the brother he was closest to was struck and killed by a car. When he was thirteen years old, his father died. He was raised by his four older brothers, the eldest of whom was Paul, who is the current Executive Vice President of Security and Compliance for Suffolk Downs.[1][2][3] They enrolled him in Saint Sebastian's School in Needham, Massachusetts. After graduation, Evans attended Chaminade University for one year before returning to Boston. Upon his return he enrolled at Suffolk University, graduating in 1982.[1]

Includes news and cultural events of interest to greater Boston's Irish community.


Includes news and cultural events of interest to greater Boston'spectrum Iris community of optical subroutines like


A leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of fairy in Irish folklore. It is usually depicted as a little old man, wearing a coat and hat, who partakes in mischief.

Leprechaun (disambiguation) - ‎Lucky Charms - ‎Crichton Leprechaun

Boston IRIS eyeballs and their Dublin heritage (Double blind statistical experiment) internal optics WORLD of words, pictures. flowcharts, etc

Above ...... Blind spot --> message for Dublin BRAIN optical / concept information recogination systems

in IRISH humanoids .... .... Double BLind

Above ....Cornea --> the Boston irish eyeballs SEE .......

their public perceptions --> becomes deep inside their sub-conscious ....

........public ..... the word --> public --> intoxicates their sub-conscious MIND and their THOUGHT processor ...... in love with itself ... so much ... beomes DRUNCK ...... and the most intioxicated by WORDS .....

those adults become newspaper reporters

in BOSTON public newspapers and they drink ... and dirnk .. and drink ..

as they write with black ink and a writing pen ..... using words instead of alcohol liquids.

(advanced social and brain manipulation psychology 101 with Aldous Huxely ....

and George Orwell and book 1984)

Corona (beer) for the IRISH eyeball cornea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Corona Extra is a pale lager produced by Cervecería Modelo in Mexico for domestic distribution and export to all other countries besides the United States, and ...

Grupo Modelo - ‎Beer in Mexico - ‎Constellation Brandsena

Thus we see the Boston siatuation as a valuable EARTH LAB data generating event ..that provides empircal data and ideas for serious researchers interested in understanding Nature's various social engineering expression systems and Nature's usage of human agents.

Nature systems can do without DEATH SENTENCES from humanoids that exist as subset embedded within the larger multi-faceted dimensions of EXISTENCE.

Thus Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE frowns upon English language death sentences

... that may result in serious consequences ...... such as the revenge of Nature's systems that may create another tragedy.

(Edit post)

The UWM mitochondria and adenosine triphosphate DEATH signal VIA Haroon Khan

posted Feb 28, 2015, 8:31 PM by Herb Zinser [ updated Feb 28, 2015, 9:09 PM ]

RD-blog-number-3446 by Herb Zinser reviews the adenosine triphospahte molecular war in the geography STATE of Wisconsin and the brain STATE of MIND - Wisconsin.

To understand Nature's message systems ...we need to use the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, biochemistry molecules, etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, molecule names, math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.

Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.

Thus we see keyword --->

adenosine ... subset alphabet letter codes

.......... sine

.......... sin e

Wisconsin earth ........... therefore, the Darwin molecular intellect .... the intellect of adenosine SELECTING the geography state of Wisconsin earth/land for Nature's creation of a message signaling EVENT

..... to provide empirical data to serious researchers ......

on how molecular social and economic expression systems work.

Consequently, Nature expects some feedback from citizen thinkers, universities and business/industry trade groups.

The event of interest involves the University of Wisconsin INTELLECTUAL errors in molecular social policy.


Sep 7, 2009 - Two other young people are jailed in the killing of 31-year-old University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman Haroon Khan, who .

Let's look at another blog post ..about Sam Hengel .... that covers most of the concepts involving UWM and Haroon Kahn.

After the Sam Hengel post .... we will have some final comments about the Haroon Kahn tragic signaling EVENT.

The mitochondria and adenosine triphosphate

cell war casualty of the Boy Scouts of America

RD-blog-number-3445 by Herb Zinser reviews the molecular cell biology WAR casualty in Wisconsin war zone ..... Boy Scout member Sam Hengel.

The tragic signaling EVENT...

Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held ...

Daily News

Nov 30, 2010 - A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died on Tuesday morning as authorities try to piece ...

Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige ...

The Plain Dealer

Nov 30, 2010 - Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., ... 30, 2010 in Marinette, Wis. about a hostage situation at Marinette High School Monday night. The 15-year-old boy who held 23 students and a teacher hostage in ...

The key database clue --> number 23 ....

Thus ..... the Carl Jung biology collective unconsciousness MESSAGE that rose up thru the subconscious MIND of the Boy Scout and then surfaced as a visible display in NATURE's indirect message format --->

Sample space (Sam Hengel) of the Wisconsin molecular human chromosome population


number 23 for chromosome pairs


Marinette High School for puppet strings and Wisconsin school arrogant nonsense attitudes about their superiority over all of Nature's expression system


Poterfield ..... data field theory for Boy Scout computer programmers.

Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige ...

The Plain Dealer

Nov 30, 2010 - Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital without ... The 15-year-old boy who held 23 students and a teacher hostage in a ... well-liked,

a Boy Scout, even-keeled, plenty of friends, loving family.

Marinette High School student gunman in standoff has died ...

Nov 30, 2010 - Samuel Hengel of Porterfield, the 15-year-old Marinette High School student who held 23 students and a teacher hostage, has died.

Below, the moleuclar code --> BOY --> Y chromosome

Thus, we have the EVENT database clues and the signal from Nature about the Wisconsin INTELLECTUAL wars over the quantity of social philosophy errors generated by the educational system and teenage youth organizations ( Boy Scouts, FFA, Girl Scouts,etc) .. errors supported by and approved by adult citizens and their communities ..... to lazy to study the genetics, biochemistry, molecular cell biology expressions situation.

The 23 chromosome signal might be the only signal or it may be an information pointer to more detailed molecular social engineering problems.

We consider other tragic BIOLOGY WAR reports printed the signals in the newspapers ..especially the biochemistry military code MIT ..


Mitochondria impact brain function and cognition

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of t...

by M Picard - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 7 - ‎Related articles

Jan 7, 2014 - (4) in PNAS synergizes with recent discoveries, revealing a key role of mitochondria regulating synaptic transmission, brain function, and ...

Thus we recognize these biology BATTLES ..........

a) the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee arrogance ERRORS that result in the murder of Haroon Kahn ......

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › ... › Milwaukee County

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, ...

Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car › News › Waukesha County

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 8, 2008 - According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car. ... was obsessed with obtaining a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and on ...

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution --> the Darwin molecular war sign

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution -->

Reverse Brain Cell Death by Growing New Mitochondria

Go to Google and enter “mitochondria” and “neurodegeneration.” You'll find hundreds of published studies linking the two. The decay of mitochondria in brain ...

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

The Lancet - Journal - Elsevier

Elsevier BV

The Lancet is the world's leading independent general medical journal. The journal's coverage is international in focus and extends to all aspects of...

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution --> message for Lee Silver --> Leader Silver needed to help explain Nature's evolution SYMBOL MACHINE message,

Mitochondria (the Powerhouses of our Cells) and Brain ...

by H Mulchandani - ‎Related articles

Mitochondria are eukaryotic, membrane-enclosed, 1-10um sized organelles, described as “cellular power plants” as they are responsible for the production of ...

Now, let's return to the BOY SCOUT powerhouse and the death of one of the strongest and brightest BOY SCOUTS in the Green Bay / Marinette Area -- Sam Hengel.

The 23 chromosome SIGN and the mitochondria brain cell battles in Milwaukee/ Watertown ...... suggest that additional factors may be involved.

Another biology molecule structure and its SYMBOL ENGINE language expression OUTPUT system?

Perhaps, an angry molecule with angry output VIA the Darwinian selection of an EARTH LAB sample space specimen ...such as the Boy Scout sacrifice of Sam Hengel in Nature's data generating EVENT.... the creation of the tragic EVENT to create empirical data for university researcher's that ignore the data .. so they can watch football and basketball games ...per university BRAIN priority policies..

Let's look at ................

Adenosine triphosphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme, often called the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy ...

Nucleoside triphosphate - ‎ADP - ‎Photophosphorylation

Adenosine triphosphate

Chemical Compound

Adenosine triphosphate is a nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme, often called the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. Wikipedia

Formula: C10H16N5O13P3

Molar mass: 507.18 g/mol

IUPAC ID: [(2''R'',3''S'',4''R'',5''R'')-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methyl(hydroxyphosphonooxyphosphoryl)hydrogen phosphate

Melting point: 368.6°F (187°C)

Density: 1.04 g/cm³

Soluble in: Water

Adenosine triphosphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)



Aden --> A + den --> map to physical biology relaity --> American den --> American Boy Scout Den

Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide

- Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts of America

Welcome, Cub Scout leader! You have chosen to make an important difference in the lives of the boys in your den and pack. With your guidance as their leader, ...

Den Meeting Plans - Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts of America

Thank you for agreeing to be a den leader, filling one of the most important roles in Cub Scouting and helping a den thrive and grow. Without your help and ...

Wolf Cub Scout Den Meeting ... - ‎Tiger Cub Den Meeting Plans

Adenosine Meeting Plans - Boy Scouts of America

den Meeting Plans - Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts of America

Thank you for agreeing to be a den leader, filling one of the most important roles in Cub Scouting and helping a den thrive and grow. Without your help and ...

Wolf Cub Scout Den Meeting ... - ‎Tiger Cub Den Meeting Plans

Thus we see that the BOY Scouts are just molecular extensions in humanoid FORMAT of adenosine triposphate molecules and their molecular physical biology expressions (Boy Scouts physical bodies) and their molecular social engineering expression systems (Boy Scout and others .. adenosine thoughts and behavior, etc)

The living EARTH cell ... active region identifier --> PO --> Porterfield, Wisconsin

Sam Hengel - EH Extra

Eagle Herald

Dec 3, 2010 - He has been raised in Porterfield, Wisconsin earth, and attended Marinette High School ...

Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of Adenosine America as a Life ...

Hundreds Attend Wisconsin Hostage Taker's Funeral « CBS ...


Dec 5, 2010 - Sophomore Samuel Hengel shot himself after police stormed a classroom at ... Hengel, of Porterfield, had been holding most of the students and their ... They hung up Hengel's Boy Scout and tae kwon do uniforms and his ...

Adenosine triphosphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme, often called the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy ...

Nucleoside triphosphate - ‎Adenosine diphosphate - ‎Photophosphorylation

Boy Scouts of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with 2.7 million youth members and over 1 million adult ...

Boy Scouts of America -

Boy Scouts of America -

Boy Scouts of A ..... one of the 4 DNA nucleotides

Name the four nucleotides that makeup DNA and indicate how do they ...

Nov 16, 2009 - There are 4 nucleotides that make up DNA

A = Adenine

T = Thymine

C = Cytosine

G = Guanine

Adenosine triphosphate | C10H16N5O13P3 - PubChem


An adenine nucleotide containing three phosphate groups esterified to the sugar moiety.

In addition to its crucial roles in metabolism and molcular SYMBOL LIFE

adenosine triphosphate is a ...

Let's use Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools to understand words --> adenosine triphosphate and their OUTPUT expression on the EARTH geography surface using human organizations, individuals, etc. ...... as message display props.

Adenosine ........ subset word

..........sine ........... assigned to EARTH geography region ..proper noun

Wisconsin earth

Adenosine ........ subset word

..den ............. assign to Boy Scout den

Adenosine ......... algebra subset letter

A ................ assigned to word --> America ..... giving American Boy Scout den

Adenosine triphosphate message for BOY SCOUTs intellectuals

..................trip hosp ..........the Sam Hengel

.................trip hospital in Green Bay

Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige ...

The Plain Dealer

Nov 30, 2010 - ... in the head will likely remain a mystery. Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital without revealing a motive.

MARINETTE, Wis. -- By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid.

Good student, loved to hunt and fish, well-liked, a Boy Scout, even-keeled, plenty of friends, loving family.

What motivated the 15-year-old sophomore to bring two semiautomatic handguns and a duffel bag filled with

Thus we see the cover-up of the more TRUE NATURE of the signaling EVENT by the newspapers, universities, Boy Scouts and communities.

In addition, molecular manipulators ..... using televisions and radio broadcasts of biochemistry WORD commands to the community ....... are inserting SYMBOL -- > S in the livin language keywords .........

adenosine_triphoshate ..........

..den.....ne_t ..............

..den.....nest ....... thus ..commands to all a BOY SCOUTS den members ........that when they get older .....they need to build a nest ..... get married ..... buy a house ..... and have your wife become MOTHER HEN and lay eggs that become fetus and then become children.............

in violation of Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR.

Now, let's look at Haroon Khan.

To optimize the information content of the created EVENT ..... Nature's Darwinian selection looked at the SYMBOL profile associated with people in Milwaukee universities.

The selection of Haroon Khan was based on several factors ...... among them ..the keyword profile .....

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

Those keywords...also..resulted in Nature's selection of Travis Zoellick

.....who was programmed to carry out Nature's molecular data generating EVENT.

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution --> the Darwin molecular war sign

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution -->

Reverse Brain Cell Death by Growing New Mitochondria

Go to Google and enter “mitochondria” and “neurodegeneration.” You'll find hundreds of published studies linking the two. The decay of mitochondria in brain ...

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

The Lancet - Journal - Elsevier

Elsevier BV

The Lancet is the world's leading independent general medical journal. The journal's coverage is international in focus and extends to all aspects of...

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution --> message for Lee Silver --> Leader Silver needed to help explain Nature's evolution SYMBOL MACHINE message,

Mitochondria (the Powerhouses of our Cells) and Brain ...

by H Mulchandani - ‎Related articles

Mitochondria are eukaryotic, membrane-enclosed, 1-10um sized organelles, described as “cellular power plants” as they are responsible for the production of ...

Now, the silver information LINK points to sterling silver flatware AND that points to the Sterling Hall bombing in year 1970 AND in incomplete explanation given by the university about that EVENT.

The real message of 1970 ......... involves the food wars in the agriculture /farm state of Wisconsin (reflective of the world) .....

Nov 16, 2009 - There are 4 nucleotides that make up DNA

A = Adenine

T = Thymine

C = Cytosine

G = Guanine Adenine pairs with Thymine, Cytosine with Guanine.

Images for dna 4 nucleotides name

Images for dna 4 nucleotides name

Images for dna 4 nucleotides representatives

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Jump to Qualitative Character as Representation - Qualitative features of mental states are often called "qualia" (singular, "quale"). In recent philosophy of ...

1. Qualitative Character as ... - ‎2. Varieties of ... - ‎3. Arguments in Favor of the ...

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Unlike higher-order thought theory, the higher-order representation is similar .... Language, Thought and Consciousness: An Essay in Philosophical Psychology.

Thus the advanced food war .....

the eating of human brain memory by cannibal subroutines inside the brain.

Nature's code war .......

adenosine triphosphate

.................................ate/ eat / fed systems (verb tense fed) and

fed dermatology human skin structures .....

fed + der --> federal government INTELLECTUAL ERRORS by their funded think tanks

that are thought controlled by bedroom skin bodies and infra-red languages to control society.

Thus ...... we begin to understand why Nature's molecules might be angry at the misuse of Nature's resources by each person.