
H.G.Wells wrote the book "The War of the Worlds" that appeared around year 1897/1898. The symbolism and the concepts in the book are very important.

Aliens come in several formats ........according to the 11 dimensions of modern physics.

We have the traditional concept of a physical structure/physical being arriving from outer space and landing on Planet Earth and visible to all eyes.

What is really happening ....... was described earlier by Galileo in year 1616 ...during the invasion of Earth ......hence, the astronomy military project title:

Galileo the DEFENDER (an incomplete sentence at Virginia TECH English department with astronomy shooting star) ....... a more accurate modern statement

--> Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth from the electromagnetic field or gravity field or magnetic field invasion of alien nonsense thoughts into the healthy human brain)

As one philosophically reflects upon the 400 year astronomy war, one must think of the project title: GALILEO the DEFENDER. Then one must ask the questions:

1) Defender of what --> what situation or circumstance?

2) Defender implies that there was an invasion of some type.

3) Since Galileo was engaged in SOLAR SYSTEM research, then perhaps he detected the type/format of the invaders . . . and he was then told to be quiet and kept under house arrest.

4) If an invasion took place, what format were the invaders.

The invaders would not be a directly visible physical biological entity. Hence,alternative format/types such as: EM = Electromagnetic life forms that would enter via the eye and take over the optical nerve, brain optical computer system --> and thus eventually control thoughts (hence possible incomplete or alien thoughts). Thus a physically normal looking 2-legged person would have these EM life forms implanted in their social behavior brain optical circuits.

A second method could be gravitational life forms that interact with the atomic mass in the biological brain. The gravitational life would eventually take over the brain's social perceptions. The amount of data from 50 years of television shows provide many clues to this modifying process of brain perceptions. The authors of books like 1984,BRAVE NEW WORLD, and FUTURE SHOCK have raised their suspicions. Hence, GALILEO the DEFENDER of EARTH becomes a very possible situation; a link between social science and astrophysics that university professors ought clarify in year 2012.

The 3rd method would be the North Pole/ South Pole magnetic data field interaction with the iron Hemoglobin proteins in the human brain. The University of Pittsburg best explains this secret magnetic field life by their absolute silence about the subject. Regardless of their intellectual integrity ...we have the word magnetic field thought expressed by word:

business magnate with subset alphabet letters

bus magn --> data bus magnetic field agent --> Andrew Carnegie and his INTERNAL iron Hemoglobin proteins relationship to the EXTERNAL iron industry..

Thus we begin to see ....... that many concepts about life on EARTH are never covered in school. What secret does the school system hide? Why is the Department of Education not interested in education!. They are only interested in their point-of-view ...and have no curiosity about the context they live within. The world of knowledge is big ........but their arrogance is bigger .....hence, their complete lack of interest in researching the grammar school shootings, Columbine High School shootings, Cole Hall, and Virginia TECH. Thus they ignore the SCIENCE WAR messages ...which are a lesson in how Nature's advanced education process works for adults..

The world of knowledge is comprised of many subjects ......and most of that knowledge is available in basic college textbooks ....from English and history to math and science.

Many of those subjects are very difficult ...and may take years to truly understand..if ever. Understanding the secret languages of many groups is a problem. Those groups ain't talking; but some authors have written about them ..usually in some parallel language to avoid being hassled Thus we have the George Orwell books 1984 and Animal Farm ...and without the help of CLIFF NOTES ( or an equivalent publisher ) I would never have caught on to the parallel language technique of symbolism,etc. Many other authors provide CLUES to the secret worlds ...... thus over many years ...the CLUES add up ...and one can construct a model of how the newspaper industry, business and institutions manipulate communication elements in violation of the (atomic) mass communication laws of the periodic atomic table of life..

The H.G.Wells books were about various existences on the surface of EARTH......different schools of thought, how rapidly some ideas spread thru England given the new technology of telephone. We see the same technique in the United States with popular fads. I remember bell-bottom pants became popular around 1970. Now, I ask myself ...okay ..what was the secret signal .....about Nobel(l) science, Pavlov's bell on atomic brain conditioning, and bottom baryons in particle physics. The answer to that may lie with Leon Lederman of FermiLAB and IIT. . Did he or any of his research associates ever stand ...wearing bell-bottom pants ...before the discovery of the STANDard model of particle physics?

Hence, the levels of thought to consider

- Carl Jung collective unconsciousness and the Joseph Stalin collective experiments of groups of unconscious/semi-conscious people

- Maslow's Hierarchy of needs of the atomic human brain and the Hierarchy Problem of the Margaret Mead nuclear family physics

- Music world ...instrumental commands --> Instrumental = instrument + mental --> harmonic sound wave commands to control the brain

- James Joyce and the iris/eye/optical nerve and the brain symbolic optical computer ...with the secret IRIS/ IRISH optical data stream of consciousness tricks and schemes

- States of MIND

- geography states of MIND (the original EARTH geography states AND now various symbolic states which may be different)

- Markov probability transition states inside agent JOHN Wiley, publisher and the chance of the chancellor of PROBABILITY secrets at University of Wisconsin, Madison

- etc.

Many other factors are involved. We shall start to look at a few of them. They will become important in future legal trial and future political decisions ...which will have a stronger practical science foundation aligned with EARTH government policies.