Fort Hood

2009, at Fort Hood, Tex. ... Major Hasan was wounded and taken into custody by the Fort Hood police after the shooting rampage; he is ... The oldest of three boys, he graduated with honors from Virginia Tech in biochemistry in 1995.

We know from other blog sites.......that Darwinian amino acid selection of a molecule NH agent was the selection of a human agent --> biochemistry major NH = Nidal Hasan ...... an amino acid humanoid representing Nature's nitrogenous DNA bases at DNA army base ...Fort Hood. The DNA T.A,G military defense nucleotides feel that the pen.TAG.on T,A,G brain nucleotides have been infected by the overflow of Washington, DC intellectual propaganda nonsense.



pen.TAG.on --> T A G

Hence, the Pen.TAGon physical and language / symbolic wars with the U.S.S.Cole incident on water and the U.S.A. Cole incident on land ( the COLE HALL oceanography class shooting). The signals are ignored by the U.S.Navy, Naval Research, and think tanks....who have no interest in how the world works.

biochemistry major NH = Nidal Hasan ..

biochemistry major NH = Nidal Hasan ..

biochemistry major NH = Nidal Hasan ... molecule military officer code NH


--->Thus we have the living EARTH cell .....and the EARTH LAB ....with the Earth LAB HOOD social geography test site.......known as Fort LAB Hood.

Major Hasan traveled to Fort LAB Hood VIA the Secret of Secretary of Trance .... ..phonetic sound command travels of the Secretary of .... that is the Secretary of Transporation LaHood = La + Hood --> Lab Hood .........that is the Earth government of Nature and it's subset human representatives ....known to philosophy professors as the philosophy of agency..

Jul 22, 2009 – Ray LaHood - Secretary of Transportation. Ray LaHood became the 16th Secretary of Transportation on January 23, 2009. In nominating him ...

Ray La Hood --> BecQueRel Ray ...

EARTH LAB ... Lab Hood site at Fort (LAB) Hood

Thus we have the Base 16 hexadecimal Secretary of TIME Traveler .....

.Dr.WHO television (TIME LORD travels via television airwaves ) ....

TV Electro-Magnetic field wave .....

Department of Transportation ...

transports DR. WHO into your television set

--> set / pair / two / 2 / Dos spanish number -->....

thus algebra set theory --> the other set -->

your bio-electron human body .......

as a receiving bio-antenna for FFC broadcast of

EM instructions for THOUGHT CONTROL of you

and the Virginia TECH English language shooting battle on HEX DATE ...the curse of the TIME COMPUTER on April 16, 2007. .

Also, we have the 23 chromosome pairs communications signal of January 23. Ignoring that signal, resulted in the Boy Scouts of America 23 chromosome problems in sample space......with the Earth Lab statistical decision theory SAMPLE of Uncle SAM experimental specimen .......

SAM Hengel and the 23 chromosome student hostages in Marinette High School, Wisconsin.

---> In addition, we another Texas biochemistry EVENT signal for correlation studies:

In year 2010, Joseph Stack flew a small-engine airplane tnto the IRS building in Austin, Texas.

Joseph Stack was a 53-year old software engineer ...... working for Nature on biochemistry engineering software project 5'- 3' .....specifically the SCIENCE WARS and the double-cross of double-helix life forms of intellectual TEXAS

--> Strcutural Biochemistry / Nucleic Acid/ DNA Structure

All sequences of DNA are usually written from 5' to 3' termini. In a double-helix formation, the complementary DNA strands are orientated in opposite directions.

Thus we see multiple events with intertwined factors of Base 16 hexadecimal, Earth LAB sites, and the evolution of new formats of Virgin biochemistry social expressions via social tragedy, 23 chromosomes social science messages, and age 53 DNA software engineering war signals...... all obvious data conveniently ignored by everyone.

It is sad that the FFA, 4-H club, Boy Scouts of America and others have no concern over these genetic wars over symbolic gene commands given to their teenage members VIA television, radio, publishing, etc. Lawyers will have to file lawsuits to protect those members from the intellectual neglect of those institutions and universities and other large groups ...who claim knowledge.