a puzzle I'm making just to revamp my puzzling mode mindset, as well as reviewing my html/javascript skills...

google sites is being mean and not letting me put htmls with form tags directly onto this site, so I'm simply writing the overview here and linking to my blog's IMG folder just to display the html correctly... I mean, come on google sites...

2014.01.25 note: found a way to host proper htmls via Google Drive, so am using this functionality now.

anyways, here are the puzzle rules...

1. each row and column either has a laser pointer ON (indicated by 0) or OFF (indicated by x).

2. a number in a grid cell denotes the number of laser beams passing adjacent to the cell.

3. laser beams must not pass through a grid cell with a number in it. (it'll burn up the number)

4. adjacent laser pointers must not be both on (the energy concentration would be too high to handle)

example problems

still trying to find new strategies, and make examples that actually become fun to solve...

edit mode

mainly for fiddling around and finding examples to use for the above...


    • this program utilises JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript to try this out.
    • compatible browsers: created using Mozilla Firefox 15.0; tested with MS Internet Explorer 8 and Google Chrome 21.0.
    • contributions are more than welcome; if you find any good puzzle layouts or simple bugs in the program, please e-mail me at or tweet me @kitamiya .
LASER example001 image

© yybtcbk 2012-2014.