
Publications in peer-reviewed journals :

Personalized information and willingness to pay for non-financial risk prevention : an experiment. with David Crainich, Véronique Flambard & Sophie Massin. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Forthcoming ; CNRS 2

Epidemiological transition and the wealth of nations: the case of HIV/AIDS in a microsimulation model. with Bruno Ventelou, Revue d'Economie Politique (129) : 591-618 , 2019; CNRS 2

The impact of economic conditions on the disablement process : A Markov transition approach using SHARE data. with Thomas Rapp & Nicolas Sirven, Health Policy 121 (7) : 778-785, 2017 ; CNRS 2

The non-take-up of long-term care benefit in France: a pecuniary motive ? with Bérengère Davin, Alain Trannoy & Bruno Ventelou, Health Policy 119(10) : 1338-1348, 2015 ; CNRS 2

To count or not to count deaths: Reranking effects in health distribution evaluation. with Mohammad Abu-Zaineh & Bruno Ventelou. Health Economics 24 (2) : 193-205, 2015 ; CNRS 1

The macroeconomicconsequences of renouncing to universal access to antiretroviral treatment for HIV in Africa: a Microsimulation model. with Bruno Ventelou, Robert Greener, Erik Lamontagne, Patrizia Carrieri & Jean-Paul Moatti. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34101, 2012 ; ; HCERES A

The life cycle of general practitioners’ professional motivations: The case of prevention. with Yann Videau, Philippe Batifoulier, Maryse Gadreau & Bruno Ventelou. Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 58 (5) p 301-311, 2010 ; HCERES B

Work in progress :

Financial incentives for smoking cessation : the role of individual preferences towards risk, with Fahariat Boukari and David Crainich

Designing financial incentive programs for weight loss, with Fahariat Boukari and David Crainich

Co-advisor of Phd Thesis:

Since 2018 : F. Boukari : Financial incentives for health targets (weight loss, smoking cessation), with D. Crainich