Yun-Shuai Yu (游允帥)
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan
Research interests: Robot Operating System, Internet of Thing, Deep Learning, Embedded System.
國立虎尾科技大學資訊工程系 助理教授
Phone: +886-5-6315577 (CSIE)
+886-5-6315727 (CC)
Education (學歷)
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, in 2002, 2004 and 2011.
國立成功大學電機工程 學士 (2002)
國立成功大學電機工程 碩士 (2004)
國立成功大學電機工程 博士 (2011)
Honor (榮譽)
Best Paper Award, 2024 International Workshop on Consumer Electronics (iWCE 2024).
Best Paper Award, 6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII2023).
Excellent Oral Presentation, 7th International Conference on Automation, Control, and Robots (ICACR 2023).
Best Conference Paper Award, 2022 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2022).
優良論文獎,數位生活科技研討會(DLT 2022)。
最佳論文獎,創新發明應用研討會(AII 2022)。
最佳論文獎,台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2021)。
最佳論文獎,創新發明應用研討會(AII 2021)。
Best Conference Paper Award, 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2019).
最佳論文獎,創新發明應用研討會(AII 2017)。
最佳論文獎,智慧生活科技研討會(ILT 2017)。
First Prize Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2017).
最佳論文獎,創新發明應用研討會(AII 2016)。
Best Paper Award, International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016).
Experience (經歷)
Acting Director of Network Division, Computer Center, National Formosa University, Aug. 2021 - Dec. 2022.
Director of Automated Systems Development Division, Computer Center, National Formosa University, Feb. 2019 - Jul. 2024.
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Formosa University, Aug. 2018 - now.
Project Assistant Professor with Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Feb. 2016 - Jul. 2018.
Research Engineer with Information and Communications Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Oct. 2011 to Jan. 2016.
Teaching (教學)
Programming Languages(計算機程式)
Introduction to Computer Network(電腦網路概論)
Introduction to Computer Science(計算機概論)
Web technology application and integration(Web技術應用與整合)
IoT Security(物聯網安全)
Scientific Computing(科學計算)
Android-Based Mobile Phone Programming(智慧型手機應用程式設計實習)
Deep Learning(深度學習)
Introduction to Digital System(數位系統導論)
Operation Systems(作業系統)
Linux Practice(Linux實務)
Industrial Communication Technique(工業通訊技術)
Development of Mobile Applications(行動裝置應用程式)
Computer Programming Practice(計算機程式實習)
Computer Programming(計算機程式)
Internet of Things(物聯網專論)
Introduction to Network(網路概論)
Embedded Microprocessor System and Practice(嵌入式微處理器系統與實習)
Android Application and Practice(Android應用程式與實習)
Internet of Things Introduction and Application(物聯網概論與應用)
Introduction to Microprocessors(微處理機導論)
Single Chip Microcomputer(單晶片微電腦基礎)
The Experiment of Electronics Circuit(電子電路與實習)
Books (專書)
游允帥(2022)。Linux 實務:以 Ubuntu 為例。國立虎尾科技大學。(ISBN: 9786263283039. Get the errata.)
International Journal Papers (國際期刊論文)
Yun-Shuai Yu and Yeong-Sheng Chen, "A Measurement-Based Frame-Level Error Model for Evaluation of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks," Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 14, article 3978, Jul. 2020. doi:10.3390/s20143978 [Impact Factor: 3.576 (2020); ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking:2020: 82/273 (Q2) (Engineering, Electrical & Electronic); ISSN:1424-8220, SCI-E]
Chih-Heng Ke and Yun-Shuai Yu, "Preferential Detour of Unimportant Data Stream in Software Defined Networks for Improving Video Transmission Quality," Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 433-438, Sep. 2018. [EI COMPENDEX PLUS](Corresponding Author)
Chih-Heng Ke, Yeong-Sheng Chen and Yun-Shuai Yu, "Improving Video Transmission in Software Defined Wired and Wireless Networks using Multi-Path Transmission," Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 587-595, Dec. 2017. [Impact Factor: 1.252 (2017); ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking:2017: 75/217 (Computer Networks and Communications); Online ISSN:1976-5541, Print ISSN:1229-2370; SCI-E](Corresponding Author)
Yun-Shuai Yu and Chih-Heng Ke, "Genetic algorithm-based routing method for enhanced video delivery over software defined networks," International Journal of Communication Systems, Version of Record online: 2 AUG 2017. DOI: 10.1002/dac.3391. [Impact Factor: 1.717 (2017); ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking:2017: 48/87 (Telecommunications); 138/260 (Engineering Electrical & Electronic); Online ISSN: 1099-1131; SCI-E]
Yun-Shuai Yu and Chih-Heng Ke, "A Cloud-based Monitoring System Employing Frame Skipping and Path Switching," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 1287-1294, Nov. 2016. DOI: 10.6138/JIT.2016.17.6.20150603f [Impact Factor: 1.93 (2016); ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking:2016: 69/146(Computer Science, Information Systems); 39/89(Telecommunications); ISSN: 1607-9264; eISSN: 2079-4029; SCI-E]
Yun-Shuai Yu, "A Framework Supporting Centralized Routing in Multi-Hop TSCH Networks," International Journal of Computer, Consumer and Control(ISSN: 2304-2524), Vol.4, No.4, Nov. 2015.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Chun-Hsiang Lin and Szu-Yu Wang, "P2PVR: A Playback Offset Aware Multicast Tree for On-Demand Video Streaming with VCR Functions," Journal of Systems Architecture(ISSN: 1383-7621), Volume 57, Issue 4, pp. 392-403, Apr. 2011. (Impact Factor=0.444/2011, SCI-E)
International Conference Papers (國際會議論文)
Yuan-Ching Fang, Wei-Chieh Hsu, and Yun-Shuai Yu, "Implementing Secure Communication with AES Algorithm in ROS 2," the 10th Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2024), Kumamoto, JAPAN, August 23-25, 2024.
Chia-Yen Wu, Yun-Shuai Yu, Yan-Yin Ke, "Group Elevator Scheduling for Robots Using Deep Reinforcement Learning," 6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII2023), Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, August 11-13, 2023.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Chin-Wei Chen, "Design and Implementation of a Following Vehicle Based on ROS and UWB," 7th International Conference on Automation, Control, and Robots (ICACR 2023), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 4-6, 2023.
Yan-Yin Ke, Yun-Shuai Yu, Cheng-Tung Sun, Chia-Yen Wu, "A D3QN-based Elevator Scheduling Algorithm for Robots," 2022 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2022), Yunlin, Taiwan, October 2022.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Kelvin Cheng, Jen-Shun Wang, Chu-Hsiung Lin, "Design and Implementation of a CoAP-based Data Server Discovery Method for Constrained IoT Devices," The Third International Symposium on FUTURE ICT (FUTURE ICT 2022), pp. 151-155, Taichung City, Taiwan, January 2022.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Yan-Yin Ke, "A Preliminary Simulation Result on Robot Navigation with Virtual Obstacles," The Second International Symposium on FUTURE ICT (FUTURE ICT 2021), Taichung City, Taiwan, February 2021.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Pin-Yuan Yu, Chin-Wei Chen, "An Indoor Positioning Technique for On-demand AGV Calling System," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (IEEE 2020 ICCE-TW), South Garden Hotels and Resorts, Taoyuan, Taiwan, September 2020.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Chin-Wei Chen, Pin-Yuan Yu, "A Secure and Intuitive IoT Architecture for Container Farm," 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2019), Yunlin, Taiwan, October 2019.
Yun-Shuai Yu, "Response Delay Improvement of Following Vehicle Prototype," 2019 International Conference on Engineering, Science and Applications (ICESA), Osaka, Japan, August 2019.
Yeong-Sheng Chen, Wen-Yi Chen, Chih-Heng Ke, Yun-Shuai Yu, "Multipath Transmission Mechanism with P4 Switches in Software Defined Networks," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (IEEE 2019 ICCE-TW), Jiaosi, Yilan, Taiwan, May 2019.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Chun-Hung Chen, Kelvin Cheng, "Development of Device Description for HART Field Device," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (IEEE 2019 ICCE-TW), Jiaosi, Yilan, Taiwan, May 2019.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Chih-Heng Ke, Yeong-Sheng Chen, Pin-Yuan Yu "Development of Following Vehicle Prototype using Robot Operating System," 5th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2019), Fukuoka, Japan, April 2019.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Chun-Hung Chen, Kelvin Cheng, "Design and Implementation of a Remote HART Configurator," 4th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2018), Chiba, Tokyo, Japan, April 2018.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Cheng-Che Huang, Chih-Heng Ke, "Analysis of Maximum Depth of Wireless Sensor Network based on RPL and IEEE 802.15.4," 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaaS 2017), Taichung, Taiwan, September 2017.
Yi-Rou Chiang, Chih-Heng Ke, Yun-Shuai Yu, Yeong-Sheng Chen and Chin-Ju Pan, "A Multipath Transmission Scheme for the Improvement of Throughput over SDN," IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2017), Sapporo, Japan, May 2017.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Chih-Heng Ke, Tsung-Hung Lin and Yeong-Sheng Chen, "Research and Practice of Industrial Wireless Sensor Network Based on OpenWSN," International Conference on Smart Science (ICSS 2017), Kyushu, Japan, April 2017.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Chih-Heng Ke, Chong-Yi Yang, Jiann-Liang Chen and Chin-Ju Pan, "A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Routing Scheme for Video Transmission over Software Defined Networks," International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016), (ISBN: 978-1-4673-9888-6), Okinawa, Japan, May 2016.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Ming-Che Chen, Chi-Heng Ke, Wan-Jung Chang and Chih-Ang Huang, "CATS: A Congestion-aware Transmission Scheme for Cloud-based Video Surveillance System," International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), Osaka, Japan, May 2015.
Chang Wan-Jung, Cheng Rung-Shiang, Chen Ming-Che and Yu Yun-Shuai, "Design and Implementation of an e-Learning Assistance System based on Wrist-Wearable Electronics," International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), Osaka, Japan, May 2015.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Lun-Yuan Chang and Ce-Kuen Shieh, "Increasing service availability for resource constrained nodes in peer-to-peer communication systems," International Computer Symposium, pp. 789-792, Dec. 2010.
Yung-Li Chang, Yun-Shuai Yu, Hsiang-Kai Liao, Ce-Kuen Shieh and Yu-Ben Miao, "TNT: A Transparent NAT Traversal Mechanism for TCP and UDP Connections," International Symposium on Computer Network and Multimedia Technology, Dec. 2010.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Chia-Min Lu and Yu-Ben Miao, "A SIP-based P2P multicast streaming," 9th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC), pp. 524-529, Dec. 2009.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Szu-Yu Wang and Yu-Ben Miao, "P2PVR: a networked VCR service for live multimedia streaming," International Symposium on Computer Network and Multimedia Technology, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2009.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Yu-Ben Miao and Ce-Kuen Shieh, "Improving the lookup performance of Chord network by hashing landmark clusters," 14th IEEE International Conference on Networks, pp. 1-4, Sep. 2006.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Wen-Shyang Hwang, Chien-Chan Hsu, Che-Shiun Ho and Ji-Feng Chiu, "An efficient NAT traversal for SIP and its associated media sessions," International Computer Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 2004.
Domestic Journal Papers (國內期刊論文)
Yun-Shuai Yu, "A Cooperative Transmission Scheme for Video-on-demand System in Firewall Environment," ICL Technical Journal, pp. 21-28, Feb. 2014.
Yun-Shuai Yu, "A Bandwidth-aware Streaming Scheme" ICL Technical Journal, pp. 72-80, Feb. 2013.
Yun-Shuai Yu, Lun-Yuan Chang and Ce-Kuen Shieh, "An Adaptive Hybrid Peer-to-peer System for On-demand Media Streaming," ICL Technical Journal, pp. 49-56, Aug. 2012.
Domestic Conference Papers (國內會議論文)
游允帥,張佑豪, “基於BONESI的TCP SYN Flood攻擊實驗與分析,” 2024民生電子國際研討會(iWCE 2024), Nov. 2024.
張宗蓁, 游允帥, “基於ROS 2的嵌入式系統安全通訊方法,” 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2024), Oct. 2024.
徐瑋婕, 游允帥, “基於RSA與AES-CCM的ROS 2資料傳輸保護機制,” 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2024), Oct. 2024.
張宗蓁, 游允帥, “應用於機器人之身份驗證與存取權限控制方法,” 第二十二屆離島研討會(ITAOI 2024), May 2024.
徐瑋婕, 游允帥, “在ROS 2中使用AES演算法實現安全通訊,” 第二十二屆離島研討會(ITAOI 2024), May 2024.
柯妍听, 游允帥, 吳佳諺, 孫浚騰, “基於D3QN的電梯排程演算法,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2022), Dec. 2022.
游允帥, 徐珮雯, 吳佳諺, 孫浚騰, 柯妍听, “RMF新增指派特定機器人功能之設計與實現,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2022), Dec. 2022.
游允帥, 許永和, "於Linux嵌入式系統實現CoAP通訊功能," 民生電子研討會(WCE2022), Nov. 2022.
鄭誥泓, 彭聖為, 江知侑, 游允帥, "整合5G與ROS之模擬平台," 民生電子研討會(WCE2022), Nov. 2022.
何基銘, 林峻寬, 游允帥, "在ROS上以兩顆單目相機實現視覺里程計," 民生電子研討會(WCE2022), Nov. 2022.
游允帥, 余品源, 柯妍听, 陳晉偉, 徐珮雯, 吳睿騰, 鄭誥泓, 江知侑, 彭聖為, “基於虛擬障礙物之狹處流量提升系統,”數位生活科技研討會(DLT2022), May 2022.
余品源, 游允帥, “採用GRU與TD3之避障方法的實現," 創新發明應用研討會(AII 2022), Apr. 2022.
陳晉偉, 游允帥, “基於ROS及UWB之跟隨車設計與實現,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2021), Dec. 2021.
蘇洺鋐, 劉嘉峻, 游允帥, “郵件防護系統誤判垃圾信之改善,”民生電子研討會(WCE2021), Dec. 2021.
柯妍听, 游允帥, 余品源, “基於機器人作業系統之控制訊息調適模組,” 中華民國第二十九屆模糊理論及其應用研討會(Fuzzy 2021), Oct. 2021.
游允帥, “小型深度學習教學平台之研究,”創新發明應用研討會(AII 2021), Mar. 2021.
游允帥, 鄭誥泓, 江知侑, 彭聖為, 余品源, “學生運算思維提升成效之視覺化分析,”民生電子研討會(WCE2020), Dec. 2020.
游允帥, “利用深度學習與電腦視覺開發跌倒偵測方法之研究,”第37屆全國學術研討會(CSME 2020), Nov. 2020.
游允帥, 余品源, 陳晉偉, 徐珮雯, 丁昱元,吳睿騰, 周君豪, “基於機器人作業系統與安卓應用程式實現協作型自動導引車,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2020), Oct. 2020.
游允帥, “OpenWSN 實作OSCOAP之評估研究,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2020), Oct. 2020.
游允帥, 謝祥熙, 曾品鈞,“使用無線射頻辨識技術實現智慧跟隨車,”民生電子研討會(WCE2019), Nov. 2019.
陳晉偉, 游允帥, 余品源,“一個在貨櫃農場下提供友善介面與安全傳輸之物聯網架構,”創新發明應用研討會(AII 2019), Nov. 2019.
游允帥, 傅建誠, 余品源,“初探基於虛擬GPU技術實現多人共用之人工智慧運算平台,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2019), Sep. 2019.
游允帥, “改善自動跟隨車原型之反應延遲,”第十四屆智慧生活科技研討會(ILT 2019), Jun. 2019.
游允帥, 徐珮雯, 丁昱元, 吳睿騰,“使用ROS機器人開發自動跟隨車之概念驗證及原型發展,”第十八屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會(ITAOI 2019), May 2019.
陳永昇, 柯志亨, 游允帥, 黃彥賓, 邱季宏,“低功率廣域網路中減少資料冗餘傳輸之研究,”創新發明應用研討會(AII 2018), Nov. 2018.
游允帥, 陳俊宏, 鄭兆凱,“利用低功耗遠距傳輸技術實現工廠的遠端設定解決方案,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2018), Oct. 2018.
陳永昇, 柯志亨, 游允帥, 謝念慈, “在軟體定義網路中基於即時監控之多路徑負載平衡與容錯機制的研究,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2018), Oct. 2018.
游允帥, 陳彥廷,“支援高速可定址遠程傳感器協定之遠距設定器,”第十三屆智慧生活科技研討會(ILT 2018), Jun. 2018.
陳永昇, 柯志亨, 游允帥, 丁律中, 邱建霖,“在軟體定義網路中基於層級分析法提升串流影像傳輸效能之多重路徑傳輸機制,”全國電信研討會(NST 2018), Jan. 2018.
柯志亨, 蔡文祥, 陳書晨, 陳永昇, 游允帥,“在軟體定義有線及無線複合網路中提供端點至端點傳輸服務品質之研究,”全國計算機會議(NCS 2017), Dec. 2017.
黃政哲, 游允帥, “在OpenWSN中一個配置短位址的方法,”創新發明應用研討會(AII 2017), Nov. 2017.
游允帥, 陳永昇, 柯志亨,“採用樹莓派與動作偵測之室內監視系統的實現,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2017), Oct. 2017.
游允帥, 陳俊宏, 鄭兆凱,“具WirelessHART通訊功能之傳送器的快速開發方法,”台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2017), Oct. 2017.
黃政哲, 游允帥, 柯志亨,“在OpenWSN上以基因演算法為基礎的中央集權路由方法,”第十二屆智慧生活科技研討會(ILT 2017), Jun. 2017.
游允帥, 蘇奕宇,“以樹莓派為平台之串流協定轉換系統實作,”第十二屆智慧生活科技研討會(ILT 2017), Jun. 2017.
江依柔, 柯志亨, 游允帥, 陳永昇,“在軟體定義網路下運用多重路徑傳輸提升傳輸品質之研究,”第十六屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會(ITAOI 2017), May 2017.
柯志亨, 游允帥, 陳永昇, 林宗宏, “在有線與無線之軟體定義網路下運用多路徑傳輸提升影像傳輸品質之研究,”創新發明應用研討會(AII 2016), Nov. 2016.
游允帥, 柯志亨, 陳永昇, “工業無線感測網路OpenWSN模擬器之錯誤模型的改進,”臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2016), Oct. 2016.
游允帥, 陳永昇, 廖靖融, “在多點跳躍IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH網路中一個有效率的網路狀態探索方法,” 第十一屆智慧生活科技研討會(ITL 2016), Jun. 2016.
柯志亨, 游允帥, 陳永昇, “軟體定義網路中非重要資料流優先重繞路以提升影像傳輸品質之研究,” 第十五屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會(ITAOI 2016), May 2016.
李嘉凱, 柯開維, 吳和庭, 游允帥, “無線感測網路中RPL路由演算法之效能改善與分析,” 2015全國電信研討會暨103年度科技部電信學門計畫成果發表會(NST 2015), Nov. 2015.
游允帥, 柯志亨, 程榮祥, 陳永昇, “工廠物聯網之訊框錯誤模型,” 2015 行動計算研討會(Mobile Computing 2015), Aug. 2015.
程榮祥, 葉亮宏, 游允帥,“植基於室內定位技術的身份辨識系統,”2015 行動計算研討會(Mobile Computing 2015), Aug. 2015.
Patents (專利)
I806237, R.O.C. Patent, 機器人系統及機器人控制方法, 游允帥, 柯妍听, 余品源, 陳晉偉, 徐珮雯, 2021/11/11~2041/11/10. (Date of patents: 2023/06/21)
I768679, R.O.C. Patent, 具有低功耗與抗干擾之追蹤系統及其方法, 游允帥, 2021.01.25~2041.01.24. (Date of patents: 2022.06.21)
I648644, R.O.C. Patent, 資料物件管理方法以及資料物件管理系統, 劉炳傳, 丁韋智, 楊耀欽, 游允帥, 2015.01.21~2035.01.20. (Date of patents: 2019.01.21)
US 9,307,268, U.S. Patent, System and method for providing video-on-demand (VOD) service in network, Yun-Shuai Yu, 2014.07.15~2034.07.14. (Date of patents: 2016.04.05)
CN 104717271 B, P.R.C. Patent, 网络点播服务系统与方法, 游允帅, 2013.12.26~2033.12.25. (Date of patents: 2018.04.27)
I533689, R.O.C. Patent, 網路點播服務系統與方法, 游允帥, 2013.12.16~2033.12.15. (Date of patents: 2016.05.11)
US 9,680,902, U.S. Patent, Media streaming method and device using the same, Yun-Shuai Yu, 2013.07.10~2033.07.09. (Date of patents: 2017.06.13)
CN 103873889 B, P.R.C. Patent, 影音流传输方法、影音装置以及影音提供装置, 游允帅, 2013.02.08~2033.02.07. (Date of patents: 2018.01.23)
I520590, R.O.C. Patent, 影音串流傳輸方法、影音裝置以及影音提供裝置, 游允帥, 2012.12.17~2032.12.16. (Date of patents: 2016.02.01)
I407812, R.O.C. Patent, 同儕選擇與管理方法與系統,及其電腦程式產品, 游允帥,王思諭,謝錫堃,苗育本, 2009.11.10~2029.11.09. (Date of patents: 2013.09.01)
US 8,176,192, U.S. Patent, Networked transmission system and method for stream data, Yu-Ben Miao, Yun-Shuai Yu, Chung-Shiang Lin, Ce-Kuan Shieh, 2008.05.13~2028.05.12. (Date of patents: 2012.05.08)
5001880, Japan Patent, 傳遞串流服務之裝置與方法, 邱基峰,苗育本,呂佳旻,游允帥,黃祖基,謝錫堃, 2008.03.04~2028.03.03. (Date of patents: 2012.05.25)
4860640, Japan Patent, 串流資料之網路傳輸系統與方法, 苗育本,游允帥,林群翔,謝錫堃, 2008.01.31~2028.01.30. (Date of patents: 2011.11.11)
CN 101483565 B, P.R.C. Patent, 串流数据的网络传输系统与方法, 苗育本,游允帥,林群翔,謝錫堃, 2008.01.11~2028.01.10. (Date of patents: 2011.04.27)
I381716, R.O.C. Patent, 串流資料之網路傳輸系統與方法, 苗育本,游允帥,林群翔,謝錫堃, 2007.12.31~2027.12.30. (Date of patents: 2013.01.01)
I351849, R.O.C. Patent, 傳遞串流服務之裝置與方法, 邱基峰,苗育本,呂佳旻,游允帥,黃祖基,謝錫堃, 2007.12.31~2027.12.30. (Date of patents: 2011.11.01)
I271060, R.O.C. Patent, 網路傳輸系統及其方法, 謝錫堃,黃文祥,游允帥,何哲勳,邱基峰,張賢安, 2005.01.28~2025.01.27. (Date of patents: 2007.01.11)
US 7,948,890, U.S. Patent, System and method for providing a communication channel, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Wen-Shyang Hwang, Yun-Shuai Yu, Che-Shiun Ho, Ji-Feng Chiu, Hsian-An Chang, 2004.12.14~2024.12.13. (Date of patents: 2006.01.15)
Research Projects (研究計畫)
使用ROS和Gazebo實現高傳真模擬以評估電梯和移動型機器人控制方法之良窳, A High Fidelity Simulation for Evaluating the Control of Elevators and Mobile Robots using ROS and Gazebo, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., under research grant No. MOST 110-2221-E-150-003-MY2, 2021/08/01~2023/07/31.
基於機器人作業系統之多台移動型機器人的路口交通流量提升研究與實現, Increasing Traffic Flow through Intersections for Multiple Mobile Robots using Robot Operating System, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., under research grant No. MOST 109-2221-E-150-032-, 2020/8/1~2021/7/31.
科技部大專學生研究計畫-適用自動導引車之門禁系統設計與實作, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., under research grant No. MOST 109-2813-C-150-018-E, 2020/7/1~2021/2/28.
109年跨學界合作研究計畫-智慧衛材揀貨機器人, Smart picking cart for medical supplies, Principal Investigator (PI) of the partner university, supported by National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch, under research grant No. NTUHYL109.C013, 2020/1/1~2020/12/31.
使用機器人作業系統的自動導引車之手持式控制系統, A Handheld Control System of an Automated Guided Vehicle using Robot Operating System, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., under research grant No. MOST 108-2221-E-150-008-, 2019/8/1~2020/10/31.
使用工業無線感測網路實現多台自動跟隨車之通訊與追蹤系統, A Communication and Tracking System for Multiple Following Vehicles Using Industrial Wireless Sensor Network, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., under research grant No. MOST 107-2221-E-150-054-, 2018/8/1~2019/10/31.
結合低功耗遠距傳輸技術與工業自動化通訊技術以實現遠端設定之研究, A Study on Providing Remote Configuration through the Integration of LoRa and HART, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., under research grant No. MOST 106-2221-E-167-003-, 2017/8/1~2018/7/31.
在有線與無線之軟體定義網路下提供端點到端點傳輸服務品質之研究, A Study on Providing Improved End to End QoS for Software Defined Wired and Wireless Networks, co-Principal Investigator (co-PI), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., under research grant No. MOST 106-2221-E-507-002-, 2017/8/1~2018/7/31.
在工業無線感測網路中用來改進傳輸可靠度之混合式路由演算法, A Hybrid Routing Algorithm for the Improvement of Transmission Reliability in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., under research grant No. MOST 105-2221-E-167-035-, 2016/8/1~2017/7/31.
105年度校級重點特色計畫--工業無線感測網路路由方法開發與平台建置, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by National Chin-Yi University of Technology, 2016/5/1~2016/12/31.
工研院構想前瞻計畫–工業無線感測網路之傳輸模型建構技術, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Industrial Technology Research Institute, 2015/3/1~2015/6/30.
Academia-Industry Cooperation Project (產學合作案)
微軟技職人才AI與Cybersecurity數位技能培訓公益計畫-AI防護先鋒:偏鄉高中職網路安全與人工智慧教育計畫, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by International Association of Behavioral - Cognitive Development and Education, 2024/06/01~2024/12/31.
AI幸福接送管理服務計畫, Co-PI, supported by 合益人文開發股份有限公司, 2023/10/01~2024/09/30.
TQC專業證照技術服務計畫(112-1), Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Computer Skills Foundation, 2023/12/11~2024/07/31.
TQC專業證照技術服務, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Computer Skills Foundation, 2023/01/01~2023/12/31.
基於QR碼之贈品發放數位系統開發, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Mcuidea Co., Ltd, 2022/05/01~2022/09/30.
學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-雲林縣家禽畜養殖產業導入智能環境監控暨有機廢棄物生態處理輔導計畫, 專案輔導計畫專家, supported by Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC), 2020/06/01~2020/11/30.
學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-雲林暨台南區電動二輪車共用電池產業鏈關懷計畫, 專案輔導計畫專家, supported by Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC), 2020/06/01~2020/11/30.
ROS機器人開發實務, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC), 2019/10/01~2020/03/31.
AGV電路板II, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Yulon Motor, 2019/09/01~2020/04/30.
地方養殖產業智能監控系統先導計畫, Member, supported by National Formosa University, 2019/06/01~2019/11/30.
學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-基於無線射頻辨識(RFID)之揀貨跟隨車, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC), under research grant No. PC108110276, 2019/06/01~2019/11/30.
AGV電路板, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Yulon Motor, 2018/12/01~2019/07/31.
ROS機器人室內無線電概略定位軟體模組開發, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Mcuidea Co., Ltd, 2018/12/01~2019/07/31.
Evaluation and Improvement of Industrial Wireless Interoperability Structure, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by FineTek Co., Ltd, 2018/1/1~2018/7/31.
裕隆三義廠AGV(Auto Guided Vehicle)升級計畫 II - 電路板設計, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Yulon Motor, 2017/10/01~2018/07/31.
具影像識別能力之行車影像雲端監視系統, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Join-Precision Tech. Co., Ltd, 2017/09/01~2018/07/31.
運用LoRa網路通訊模組進行資料傳輸建置連續偵測系統資料中心可行性分析與研究, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by 臺中市豐原區柑桔產銷班第7班, 2017/07/01~2018/04/30.
Development of WirelessHART Device Description, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by FineTek Co., Ltd, 2017/1/1~2017/12/31.
裕隆三義廠AGV(Auto Guided Vehicle)升級計畫, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Yulon Motor, 2016/9/1~2017/2/28.
基於微型電腦開發板之影音接取與輸出模組設計驗證, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Industrial Technology Research Institute, 2016/8/1~2017/7/31.
Industrial Wireless Sensor Networking (IWSN) for M2M, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by FineTek Co., Ltd, 2016/7/1~2016/12/31.
工研院學界分包計畫–高可靠度智慧路由模擬器研究, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Industrial Technology Research Institute, 2015/1/1~2015/12/15.
Education Project (教育計畫)
TQC專業證照技術服務, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Computer Skills Foundation, 2023/01/01~2023/12/31.
教學實踐研究計畫-融入研發環境建置及程式開發工具之Linux實務課程教材發展與實驗, Development and Experiment of Linux Practice's Teaching Material Incorporating the Construction of Development Environments and the Usage of Development Tools, Principal Investigator (PI) and Lecturer, supported by Ministry of Education, R.O.C., under research grant No. PEE1101074, 2021/08/01~2022/07/31.
110年度IR議題委託研究案計畫-專利領域與技術移轉關聯性分析, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by National Formosa University, 2021/5/31~2021/11/30.
國立虎尾科技大學教師專業成長社群計畫-電動車實務成長社群, Chairperson, supported by National Formosa University, 2020/7/23 ~2020/11/13.
109年度IR議題委託研究案計畫-學生邏輯思考與程式設計能力之轉變情形與提升成效, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by National Formosa University, 2020/4/15~2020/11/30.
智慧聯網技術課程推廣計畫-深度學習, Lecturer, supported by Ministry of Education, R.O.C., under research grant No. 4712, 2020/08/01~2021/06/30.
優化技職校院實作環境計畫-應用AR與VR於智慧製造類產線環境之建置, Lecturer, supported by Ministry of Education, 2019/01/01~2021/08/31.
行動寬頻課程推廣計畫-深度學習, Principal Investigator (PI) and Lecturer, supported by Ministry of Education, R.O.C., under research grant No. 3422, 2018/12/01~2020/01/31.
2017 Swaziland Technical Education and Vocation Training Ascension Plan, Lecturer, supported by International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF), 2017/7/10~2017/8/18.
Campus E-Service Volunteer Project, Principal Investigator (PI), supported by Ministry of Education, 2016/8/1~2017/5/31.
Student Advising (學生指導)
A. Thesis Oral Defense Committee Member(論文口試委員)
國立虎尾科技大學飛機工程系:Bala Syam Kumar Karuparthi (卡巴拉)(2023/01/18)
國立虎尾科技大學飛機工程系:Pinninti Praneeth Kumar (潘尼迪)(2023/01/18)
B. Adviser of Competitions(指導學生參賽獲獎)
「2019亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「大專校院組C01輪型機器人障礙競速項目C 」佳作 (學生:余品源、吳睿騰、徐珮雯、丁昱元, 作品名稱:其實我跑不完, 主辦單位:中國工業職業教育學會 台灣創新自造者學會 ), May 26, 2019.
「教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升計畫」之「第69次線上程式設計競賽」績優 (學生:丁昱元、吳睿騰,解題數:3,主辦單位:國立成功大學),Dec. 12, 2018.
「2018亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「太陽能車相撲 」第一名 (學生:李傳韋、張永廷, 作品名稱:獅王2號, 主辦單位:台北海洋科技大學 ), May 26, 2018.
「2018亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「太陽能車相撲 」第二名 (學生:張永廷、李傳韋, 作品名稱:獅王1號, 主辦單位:台北海洋科技大學 ), May 26, 2018.
「2018亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「自走車負重致遠B組 」第一名 (學生:許宇鈞、彭文毅、王子維, 作品名稱:大象2號, 主辦單位:台北海洋科技大學 ), May 26, 2018.
「2018亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「自走車負重致遠B組 」第二名 (學生:鄒東霖、劉逸辰、王子維, 作品名稱:大象3號, 主辦單位:台北海洋科技大學 ), May 26, 2018.
「2018亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「自走車負重致遠B組 」佳作 (學生:王子維、張祖豪、彭文毅, 作品名稱:大象1號, 主辦單位:台北海洋科技大學 ), May 26, 2018.
「第十三屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽」之「A. 軟體與嵌入式平台應用組 」佳作 (學生:陳建凱、黃彥樺, 作品名稱:具影音串流之校車雲端監管平台, 主辦單位:南臺科技大學 電機工程系 ), Mar. 16, 2018.
「創新發明應用研討會」之「智慧資訊處理與應用」領域最佳論文獎 (學生:黃政哲, 論文名稱: 在OpenWSN中一個配置短位址的方法, 主辦單位:國立勤益科技大學 ), Nov. 2017.
「2017亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「自走車避障_B組 」佳作 (學生:朱巨程、王世幃、蕭紀敬, 作品名稱:南極1號, 主辦單位:台北海洋技術學院 ), Jun. 10, 2017.
「2017亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「自走車避障_B組 」第三名 (學生:章家綺、林宏叡、江育修, 作品名稱:南極2號, 主辦單位:台北海洋技術學院 ), Jun. 10, 2017.
「2017亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「自走車摸黑_B組 」佳作 (學生:王世幃、朱巨程、劉烜銘, 作品名稱:南極3號, 主辦單位:台北海洋技術學院 ), Jun. 10, 2017.
「2017亞洲智慧型機器人大賽」之「自走車摸黑_B組 」第三名 (學生:林宏叡、章家綺、邱偉紘, 作品名稱:南極4號, 主辦單位:台北海洋技術學院 ), Jun. 10, 2017.
「第十二屆智慧生活科技研討會」之「網路技術開發與應用」議程最佳論文獎 (學生:黃政哲, 論文名稱:在OpenWSN上以基因演算法為基礎的中央集權路由方法, 主辦單位:國立勤益科技大學 ), Jun. 2017.
IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, First Prize Paper Award (學生:江依柔, 論文名稱: A Multipath Transmission Scheme for the Improvement of Throughput over SDN, 主辦單位:IEEE TSSC and TIKI), May 2017.
「2016亞洲機器人運動競技大賽」之「自走車競速_B組 」第二名 (學生:曹蓉蓉、鄭涵汝、鍾子濠, 作品名稱:雄獅2號, 主辦單位:正修科技大學 ), Nov. 2016.
「2016亞洲機器人運動競技大賽」之「自走車避障_B組 」第一名 (學生:蔡承運、黃敬為, 作品名稱:天秤4號, 主辦單位:華夏科技大學 ), Oct. 2016.
「2016亞洲機器人運動競技大賽」之「自走車避障_B組 」第二名 (學生:鄭富騰、栢健忠, 作品名稱:天秤1號, 主辦單位:華夏科技大學 ), Oct. 2016.
「2016亞洲機器人運動競技大賽」之「自走車避障_B組 」第三名 (學生:江文豪、簡誌緯, 作品名稱:天秤3號, 主辦單位:華夏科技大學 ), Oct. 2016.
Academic Activities (學術活動)
A. Journal/Society Activities (期刊/社群活動)
Member of Technical Committee on Internet of Things, Internet of Everywhere and Edge Computing (IOT) formed by IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc), Jun. 9, 2021~now.
B. Conference Activities (學術會議活動)
B.I Program Committee (議程委員會)
International Technical Committee Member, 7th International Conference on Automation, Control, and Robots (ICACR 2023), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug. 4-6, 2023.
Program Committee Member, The 15th Intelligent Living Technology Conference(第十五屆智慧生活科技研討會), NCUT, Taichung, Taiwan, Jun. 4, 2021.
Program Committee Member, 2020 Workshop on Consumer Electronics(民生電子研討會), Shu-Te University, Taiwan, Dec. 11, 2020.
Program Committee Member, The 13th Intelligent Living Technology Conference(第十三屆智慧生活科技研討會), NCUT, Taichung, Taiwan, Jun. 1, 2018.
Program Committee Member, The 12th Intelligent Living Technology Conference(第十二屆智慧生活科技研討會), NCUT, Taichung, Taiwan, Jun. 2, 2017.
B.II Session Chair/Organizer (議程主持人/規劃委員)
Session Chair, 7th International Conference on Automation, Control, and Robots (ICACR 2023), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug. 4-6, 2023.
Special Session Chair, 2022 Workshop on Consumer Electronics(民生電子研討會), Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 25, 2022.
Session Chair, 第37屆中國機械工程學會全國學術研討會, Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 21, 2020.
Special Session Chair, 2019 Workshop on Consumer Electronics(民生電子研討會), Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 29, 2019.
Session Chair, 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2019), Yunlin, Taiwan, Oct. 4, 2019.
Special Session Organizer, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (IEEE 2019 ICCE-TW), Jiaosi, Yilan, Taiwan, May 22, 2019.
Session Chair, 2017 Conference on Applications of Innovation & Invention(創新發明應用研討會), Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 17, 2017.
Session Chair, The 11th Intelligent Living Technology Conference(第十一屆智慧生活科技研討會), Taichung, Taiwan, Jun. 3, 2016.
B.III Paper Reviewer (論文審查委員)
Paper Reviewer, 8th International Conference on Automation, Control, and Robots (ICACR 2024), Xiangyang, China, Nov. 1-3, 2024.
Paper Reviewer, Multimedia Systems, 2023.
Paper Reviewer, Taiwan Academic Network Conference(第二十九屆TANET 2023臺灣網際網路研討會), Taiper, Taiwan, Nov. 1-3, 2023.
Paper Reviewer, 7th International Conference on Automation, Control, and Robots (ICACR 2023), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug. 4-6, 2023.
Paper Reviewer, Taiwan Academic Network Conference(第二十八屆TANET 2022臺灣網際網路研討會), National Taipei University of Business, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Dec. 15-17, 2022.
Paper Reviewer, 2022 Workshop on Consumer Electronics(民生電子研討會), Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 25, 2022.
Paper Reviewer, Journal of Communications and Networks, 2022.
Paper Reviewer, 2021 Workshop on Consumer Electronics(民生電子研討會), Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 03-04, 2021.
Paper Reviewer, Taiwan Academic Network Conference(第二十七屆TANET 2021臺灣網際網路研討會), Tunghai University, Taiwan, Dec. 10-12, 2021.
Paper Reviewer, 2020 Workshop on Consumer Electronics(民生電子研討會) , Shu-Te University, Taiwan, Dec. 11, 2020.
Paper Reviewer, IEEE Access, 2020.
Paper Reviewer, Taiwan Academic Network Conference(第二十六屆TANET 2020臺灣網際網路研討會), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-30, 2020.
Paper Reviewer, The 33rd IPPR Conference On Computer Vision, Graphics, And Image Processing (CVGIP2020), 2020.
Paper Reviewer, 2019 Workshop on Consumer Electronics(民生電子研討會), Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 29, 2019.
Paper Reviewer, The 14th Intelligent Living Technology Conference(第十四屆智慧生活科技研討會), Taichung, Taiwan, Jun. 14, 2019.
Paper Reviewer, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (IEEE 2019 ICCE-TW), 2019.
Paper Reviewer, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2019.
Paper Reviewer, Journal of Internet Technology, 2018.
Paper Reviewer, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2017 and 2018.
Paper Reviewer, 2017 Conference on Applications of Innovation & Invention(創新發明應用研討會), Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 17, 2017.
Paper Reviewer, Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 2017.
Paper Reviewer, The 12th Intelligent Living Technology Conference(第十二屆智慧生活科技研討會), Taichung, Taiwan, Jun. 2, 2017.
Paper Reviewer, Sensors and Materials, 2016.
Paper Reviewer, the International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFuzzy 2016), Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 9-11, 2016.
Paper Reviewer, 2016 Conference on Applications of Innovation & Invention(創新發明應用研討會), Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 9-10, 2016.
Judge (比賽評審)
The 2023 ICPC Asia Taoyuan Regional Programming Contest. Taoyuan Arena, Taiwan, 2023/10/21 - 2023/10/22.
「第八屆全國科技大專校院程式競賽」(The 2023 ICPC Asia Technology University Programming Contest),國立虎尾科技大學,2023/6/29。
「第七屆全國科技大專校院程式競賽」(The 2022 ICPC Asia Technology University Programming Contest),國立虎尾科技大學,2022/6/29。
「第六屆全國科技大專校院程式競賽」(The 2021 ICPC Asia Taipei National Contest for Technology Universities),國立虎尾科技大學,2021/8/19。
「2021大學程式能力檢定選題委員」(2021CPE, Collegiate Programming Examination),國立中山大學。
「第五屆全國科技大專校院程式競賽」(The 2020 ICPC Asia Taipei National Contest for Technology Universities),國立虎尾科技大學,2020/7/07。
「第四屆全國科技大專校院程式競賽」(The 2019 ICPC Asia Taipei National Contest for Technology Universities),國立虎尾科技大學,2019/7/10。
Invited Talks (專題演講)
應用AI生成技術於輔助研究和資安工作 at NKUST(國立高雄科技大學), Dec. 16, 2024.
應用AI生成技術於輔助研究和資安工作 at NYUST (國立雲林科技大學), Nov. 27, 2024.
應用AI生成技術於輔助研究和程式設計 at NTUB(國立臺北商業大學), May 1, 2024.
應用AI生成技術於輔助研究和程式設計 at NTUE(國立臺北教育大學), Apr. 16, 2024.
AGV定位導航關鍵技術 at AI Robotics at CTSP(中科智慧機器人自造基地), Oct. 18, 2019.
如何自我提升程式設計能力與就業競爭力, at Dep. of CSIE, NQU (國立金門大學資訊工程系), Dec. 19, 2017.
Development Practice of Industrial Wireless Sensor Network, at Dept. of CS, NTUE (國立臺北教育大學資訊科學系), Sep. 26, 2017.
Fidelity of Network Simulation: A Case Study of Industrial Wireless Sensor Network, at Dept. of CS, NTUE (國立臺北教育大學資訊科學系),Oct. 25, 2016.
Wireless Sensor Network for Industrial IoT, at Dept. of CS, NTUE (國立臺北教育大學資訊科學系), Mar. 15, 2016.
My Favorite Websites (最愛網站)
My research results and teaching materials. (
Website of Professor Chih-Heng Ke. (