
Working Papers:

"Competition in a Spatially Differentiated Product Market with Negotiated Prices," (with Walter Beckert and Howard Smith), revised and re-submitted, (2nd round), June 2024.

"Preemptive Entry and Technology Diffusion in the Market for Drive-in Theaters," (with Ricard Gil, Jean-Francois Houde, and Silong Sun), conditionally accepted at RAND Journal of Economics, May 2024.

"Entry and Shakeout in Dynamic Oligopoly," (with Paul Hünermund and Philipp Schmidt-Dengler), December 2014. 

"Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: Strategic Settlements in Medical Malpractice Lawsuits," (with Takakazu Honryo and Hidenori  Takahashi), submitted March 2023.

Published/Forthcoming Papers:

"Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Incomplete Data: Sharp Identification," (with Yingyao Hu, Yuya Sasaki, and Yi Xin), Journal of Econometrics, April 2023, 236(1): 105461.

"Estimation of (static or dynamic) games under equilibrium multiplicity," (with Taisuke Otsu, Martin Pesendorfer, and Yuya Sasaki). International Economic Review, August 2022, 63(3): 1165-1188.

"How The Timing of Grade Retention Affects Outcomes: Identification and Estimation of Time-Varying Treatment Effects," (with Jane Cooley Fruehwirth and Salvador Navarro), Journal of Labor Economics, October 2016, 34(4): 979-1021.

"Pooling Data across Markets in Dynamic Markov Games," (with Taisuke Otsu and Martin Pesendorfer), Quantitative Economics, July 2016, 7(2): 523-559.

"Estimating a War of Attrition: The Case of the US Movie Theater Industry," American Economic Review, July 2015, 105(7): 2204-2241.

"Productivity Growth, On-the-Job Search, and Unemployment," (with Hiro Miyamoto), Journal of Monetary Economics, September-November 2011, 58(6-8): 666-680.

Work in Progress: 

"A Semiparametric Test of Agent’s Information Sets for Games of Incomplete Information," with Shin Kanaya and Salvador Navarro.

"A Hidden Markov Model of Peer Effects in Human Capital Production," with Jane Cooley Fruehwirth and Salvador Navarro.