
This is https://sites.google.com/site/yuvalflicker/Subpages (9):

Genealogy  Early influencesMathematical Odyssey Engagement

Publications Summary 


Name: יוּבַל צְבִי פְלִיקֶר

This website concerns my interest in Mathematics.

Publications, some linked to pdf-files: Publications

Here is a Summary of this page

Simons meeting 2013, photo.

Algebraic K-theory and Arithmetic Będlewo, 20-26, 2017 participants

My math research interests include: Counting local systems over curves over finite fields, Automorphic and Admissible Representations, Automorphic forms over function fields, Arithmetic Geometry, Lifting of Representations, Hecke-Iwahori algebras, p-adic automorphic forms, Galois Cohomology, Local-Global Principles, Motives, Algebraic Groups, Covering Groups, Shimura Varieties, Affine Lie algebras, Affine super algebras, Quantum affine superalgebras, Kac-Moody algebras and groups, Schur-Weyl duality.

Name: Yuval Flicker

Email: yzflicker@gmail.com