今西祐介(2020)『言語の能格性』ひつじ書房. [link]
Imanishi, Y. (2021). A review of Composing Questions (by Hadas Kotek). English Linguistics, 38 (1), 164-175. [invited]
Imanishi, Y. (2020). On the connection between agreement and NP-ellipsis: Evidence from Kikai (Ryukyuan). 『英語学の深まり・英語学からの広がり』, 英宝社, 183-193. [invited]
Imanishi, Y. (2020). Parameterizing split ergativity in Mayan. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 38, 151-200. [prepublication on lingbuzz]
Imanishi, Y. (2019). The clause-mate condition on resumption: Evidence from Kaqchikel. Studia Linguistica, 73 (2), 398-441. [prepublication on lingbuzz]
Heffernan, K., Imanishi, Y., & Honda, M. (2018). Showcasing the interaction of generative and emergent linguistic knowledge with case marker omission in spoken Japanese. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 3 (1).
Imanishi, Y. (2017) Derived ergative in Ixil. Proceedings of the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), 259-266, Cascadilla Press.
Imanishi, Y. (2017) (Pseudo) noun incorporation and its kin. A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky, 427-436. MITWPL.
Imanishi, Y. (2017). A review of Agreement and its failures (by Omer Preminger). English Linguistics, 34 (1), 93-104. [invited]
Imanishi, Y. (2017). A derivational account of dependent ergative Case: The instrumental voice in Ixil. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 52), 267-281, The Chicago Linguistic Society. [preprint on lingbuzz]
今西祐介・へファナン ケビン・本田盛 (2016) 見かけ時間調査に見える口語におけるテンス・アスペクト省略現象の増加. Japanese Language and Change Conference 2016予稿集, 37-44.
今西祐介・へファナン ケビン・本田盛 (2015) 日本語の口語におけるテンス・アスペクトの省略現象. 日本言語学会第151回大会予稿集, 242-247.
Honda, M. & Imanishi, Y. (2015). The syntax of Kikai – A preliminary study. Journal of Policy Studies, 50, 61-68. [link]
Imanishi, Y. (2015). Minimal vs. maximal truncation in the Kansai Japanese hypocoristics. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 9), 222-234, MITWPL. [link]
Imanishi, Y. (2015). A note on the clausal typing hypothesis: A view from Kaqchike.『言葉のしんそう(深層・真相)』, 295-306, 英宝社.
Imanishi, Y. (2015). When ergative is default: A view from Mayan. Proceedings of the 32nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), 238-247. Cascadilla Press.
Imanishi, Y. & Mateo Pedro, P. (2015). Case and nominalization in Kaqchikel. Proceedings of the Second Formal Approaches to Mayan Linguistics (FAMLi II), 67-82, MITWPL. [link]
Imanishi, Y. (2014). Default ergative. Ph.D. dissertation, MIT, 2014 [published by MITWPL]. [lingbuzz] [MITWPL]
Imanishi, Y. (2013). How to merge a possessor wh in Kaqchikel (Mayan): Non-uniform merge and null resumption. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 42), 235-248, GLSA. [link]
Imanishi, Y. (2013). Hypocoristic formation in Kansai Japanese. Osaka University Working Papers in English Linguistics (OUPEL), 16, 73-97.
Imanishi, Y. & Mateo Pedro, P. (2013). Deriving nominals in Kaqchikel. In M. Kenstowicz (Ed.), Studies in Kaqchikel Grammar, 51-66, MITWPL. [link]
Imanishi, Y. (2009). A Note on Overt Object Shift in Japanese - A View from Microparametric Syntax. Papers, Essays and Reviews, 1, 73-97, Yonsei University Press, Korea.
Imanishi, Y. (2009). An ergative approach to dative subject constructions in Japanese and its consequences. Osaka University Working Papers in English Linguistics (OUPEL) 13, 39-81.
"Ongoing change in noun elaboration via bound suffixes in written Japanese", poster presented at 日本言語学会第165大会 (the 165th meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, online), November 12, 2022 (joint work with Kevin Heffernan). [refereed]
"Some remarks on agent exclusivity in nominalization", 関西言語学会第47回大会(The 47th Meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society), June 12, 2022. [invited]
"日本手話の文末指さしが指すものを調べる", 日本英文学会第93回大会 (オンライン開催), May 21, 2021 (joint work with Asako Uchibori). [invited]
"世界の言語と喜界語:喜界語が言語研究に問いかけるもの", presented at 喜界島中央公民館旧館ホール, September 7, 2019.
"Case particle omission correlates with the object syntactic complexity: Evidence from the Corpus of Kansai Vernacular Japanese", presented at Exploiting Parsed Corpora: Applications in Research, Pedagogy, and Processing, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, December 9-10, 2017 (joint work with Kevin Heffernan and Masaru Honda). [refereed]
"Does clause-final pointing refer to a null topic in JSL?", presented at the 6th Meeting of Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics, the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka, Japan), September 22-24, 2017 (joint work with Asako Uchibori). [refereed]
"Predicting (im)possible languages: Nominalization and clause-type in Mayan and beyond", presented at Morphology & Lexicon Forum, Konan University, September 9-10, 2017. [invited]
"消えゆく言語を追って−理論言語学とフィールドワークの融合−" at Aichi University, June 2, 2017. [invited]
"Parameterizing split ergativity in Mayan: Implications for unaccusativity in nominalization", delivered at Kobe University, November 17, 2016. [invited]
"Derivational account of dependent ergative Case: The instrumental voice in Ixil", presented at the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 34), the University of Utah, April 29-May 1, 2016. [refereed]
"Linking case dropping in Japanese and pseudo noun incorporation in Niuean", presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation - Asia Pacific 4 (NWAV AP 4), National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, April 22-24, 2016 (joint work with Kevin Heffernan and Masaru Honda).[refereed]
A derivational account of dependent ergative Case: The instrumental voice in Ixil", presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 52), University of Chicago, April 21-23, 2016. [refereed]
"Be careful where ergative looks default: A phase-based account of (split) ergativity in Mayan and beyond", delivered at Keio Linguistics Colloquium, Keio University, March 26, 2016. [invited] "
"見かけ時間調査に見える口語におけるテンス・アスペクト省略現象の増加(An apparent time study of changes in the omission rate of tense/aspect in Spoken Japanese)", presented at Japanese Language Variation and Change Conference 2016 (JLVC 2016), National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, February 13-14, 2016 (joint work with Kevin Heffernan and Masaru Honda).[refereed]
"日本語の口語におけるテンス・アスペクトの省略 (Tense/aspect omission in colloquial Japanese)", presented at the 151st meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ), Nagoya University, November 28-29, 2015. (joint work with Kevin Heffernan and Masaru Honda).
"Ergative Case as a repair strategy: A voice from the instrumental voice in Ixil," presented at Generative Lyceum Syntax Workshop, Kwansei Gakuin University, March 27, 2015. [invited]
"Default ergative: A view from Mayan," presented (poster) at GLOW in Asia X, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, May 24-26, 2014. [refereed]
"Default ergative: A view from Mayan," presented (poster) at the 32nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 32), University of Southern California, March 7-9, 2014. [refereed]
"Default ergative: A view from Mayan," presented at Ling-Tea, McGill University, February 5, 2014.
"An alignment puzzle and nominalization in Mayan split ergativity," presented at Structure of a Specific Language: The Mayan Family (taught by Professor Jessica Coon), McGill University, February 4, 2014. [invited]
"When ergative is default: Ergativity in Mayan," presented (poster) at the The 88th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Minneapolis, January 2-5, 2014. [refereed]
"Default ergative in Mayan," talk/lecture given at the Kansai Branch of the English Literary Society of Japan (日本英文学会関西支部), Ryukoku University (龍谷大学), December 22 2013. [invited]
"Default ergative: A story of Ixil," presented at Syntax Square (MIT), December 3, 2013.
"Minimal vs. maximal truncation in the Kansai Japanese hypocoristics," presented at The 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 9), Cornell University, August 23-25, 2013. [refereed]
"When ergative is default: Ergativity in Mayan and beyond," presented at Osaka University (第90回 待兼山ことばの会), July 5, 2013. [invited]
"When ergative is default: Ergativity in Kaqchikel and Q’anjob’al (and Mayan)," presented at Syntax Square (MIT), March 19, 2013. [handout]
"Parameterizing (non-)split ergativity in Mayan," presented at Ling-Lunch (MIT), December 6, 2012.
"Deriving nominals in Kaqchikel Maya," presented at The Second Formal Approaches to Mayan Linguistics (FAMLi II), Patzún, Guatemala, August 1-4, 2012 (joint work with Pedro Mateo Pedro) [refereed] .
"Non-Uniform Merge of Argument WH and (Null) Resumption: A Case Study in Kaqchikel," presented at The 48th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 48), University of Chicago, April 19-21, 2012. [refereed]
“Non-Uniform Merge of Argument WH: A Case Study in Kaqchikel,” presented at The 22nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG 22), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, March 21-23, 2012. [refereed]
“Dual Merge in Kaqchikel (Mayan): Non-Uniform Merge and Null Resumption,” presented (poster) at 50th Anniversary of the MIT Graduate Program in Linguistics (Ling 50), December 9-11, 2011.
“How to Merge a Possessor WH in Kaqchikel (Mayan): Non-Uniform Merge and Null Resumption,” presented at The 42nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 42), the University of Toronto, Nov 11-13, 2011. [refereed]
“How to Merge a Possessor WH in Kaqchikel (Mayan): Non-Uniform Merge and Null Resumption,” presented at Syntax Square, MIT, 11/1/2011.
“Universal Grammar and Language Diversity: Sound and Structure,” presented at 総合政策学部研究会, Kwansei Gakuin University, 6/29/2011. [invited]
“On Q: A Case Study in Kaqchikel and Japanese,” presented at 沖縄理論言語学研究会, Okinawa University, 6/13/2011. [invited]
“On Q: A Case Study in Kaqchikel and Japanese,” presented at Osaka University, 6/3/2011.
"Another Missing Link - A View from Right Dislocation in Japanese." The 7th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 7), the University of Southern California, Oct.29-31, 2010 [refereed] [cancelled].
Fieldwork Experiences
Kikai island, Japan (Kikai): 2014 - present
Patzún, Guatemala (Kaqchikel): 2012 - present
Okinawa, Japan (Okinawan): 2011 summer
コラム「ことばの普遍性と多様性について」関西学院大学手話言語研究センター. 2022年4月
書評『中動態の世界:意志と責任の考古学』未草 (ひつじ書房ウェブマガジン).2021年8月