
Courses Taught at University of Seoul

    • 43.520 (Semester 2, 2020): Multivariate Analysis
    • 92008 (Semester 2, 2020): Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics
    • 92049 (Semester 1, 2020): Regression Analysis
    • 47013 (Semester 1, 2020): Mathematical Statistics II
    • 92008 (Semester 2, 2019): Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics
    • 47011 (Semester 2, 2019): Mathematical Statistics I

Courses Taught at National University of Singapore

    • ST 5202 (Semester 2, 2018-2019): Applied Regression Analysis
    • ST 5201 (Semester 1, 2018-2019): Statistical Foundations of Data Science
    • ST 5202 (Semester 2, 2017-2018): Applied Regression Analysis
    • ST 5201 (Semester 1, 2017-2018): Statistical Foundations of Data Science
    • ST 5202 (Semester 2, 2016-2017): Applied Regression Analysis

Courses TA'ed at Stanford

    • STATS 116 (Summer 2016): Theory of Probability
    • STATS 204 (Spring 2016): Sampling
    • STATS 290 (Winter 2016): Paradigms of Computing with Data
    • STATS 60 (Summer 2015): Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus
    • STATS 60 (Spring 2015): Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus
    • STATS 313 (Winter 2015): Introduction to Graphical Models
    • STATS 363 (Fall 2014): Design of Experiments
    • STATS 200 (Summer 2014): Introduction to Statistical Inference
    • STATS 191 (Spring 2014): Introduction to Applied Statistics
    • STATS 305 (Fall 2013): Introduction to Statistical Modeling
    • STATS 300 (Summer 2013): Advanced Topics in Statistics
    • STATS 306B (Spring 2013): Methods for Applied Statistics: Unsupervised Learning
    • STATS 90 (Winter 2013): Mathematics and Statistics in the Real World (MATH 16)
    • STATS 116 (Fall 2012): Theory of Probability
    • STATS 110 (Summer 2012): Statistical Methods in Engineering and the Physical Sciences
    • STATS 207 (Spring 2012): Introduction to Time Series Analysis
    • STATS 290 (Winter 2011): Paradigms for Computing with Data