Profile (English)

Yuma Koizumi, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist

Google DeepMind

E-mail: koizumi.yuma {at} ieee {dot} org OR koizumiyuma {at} google {dot} com


  - Nov. 2022 - Current: Senior Research Scientist at Google

  - Nov. 2020 - Oct. 2022: Research Scientist at Google

  - Apr. 2014 - Nov. 2020: Research Scientist at NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories

  - Sep. 2015 - Mar. 2016: Part-Time Lecturer of Digital Data Processing, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Hosei University, Japan

  - Sep. 2017: Ph.D. degree in Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan

  - Mar. 2014: M.S. degree, Hosei University, Japan

  - Mar. 2012: B.S. degree, Hosei University, Japan

Research Interests

  - Speech Enhancement

  - Speech Synthesis

  - Speech Recognition

  - Anomaly Detection in Sounds

  - Machine Learning


  - Aug. 2023: Outstanding Reviewer Award, INTERSPEECH 2023, ISCA

  - Mar. 2022: ASJ Activity Contribution Award, The Acoustical Society of Japan

  - Nov. 2021: MIT Tech Review, Innovators Under 35 Japan [Link]

  - Oct. 2021: Best Speech Enhancement Paper award, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) 2021 [Link]

  - Jan. 2021: IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Japan Young Author Best Paper Award  

  - Nov. 2020: DCASE 2020 Challenge Judges’ award

  - Jul. 2020: 1st place in DCASE 2020 Challenge Task 6 "Automated audio captioning"

  - Mar. 2020: The Telecom System Technology Award, The Telecommunication Advancement Foundation (TAF)

  - Mar. 2019: Itakura Prize Innovative Young Researcher Award, The Acoustical Society of Japan

  - Sep. 2017: The Awaya Prize Young Researcher Award, The Acoustical Society of Japan

  - Mar. 2015: IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award, Information Processing Society of Japan

  - Sep. 2013: FUNAI Best Paper Award, Information Processing Society of Japan

  - Sep. 2012: The 6th Student Presentation Award, The Acoustical Society of Japan

  - Feb. 2012: MEXT Science Inter College Award, MEXT of Japan (MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) 


  - IEEE

  - Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ)

Volunteer Works

  - 2021 - Current: A councilor of the Acoustical Society of Japan

  - DCASE 2022 challenge task 2 "Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection for Machine Condition Monitoring Applying Domain Generalization Techniques", Task organizer

  - DCASE 2021 challenge task 2 "Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection for Machine Condition Monitoring under Domain Shifted Conditions", Task organizer

  - DCASE 2020 challenge task 2 "Unsupervised Detection of Anomalous Sounds for Machine Condition Monitoring", Task organizer

  - The 5th Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2020), Technical Program Chairs

  - 2019 - 2022: The representative of Students and Young Researchers Forum of The ASJ, Japan

  - 2017 - 2023: A Member of Students and Young Researchers Forum of The ASJ, Japan

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