Who We Are

The Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC is a Registered Prescribed Body Corporate created under the Native Title Act 1993 to manage the recognised Native Title rights and interests of the Yulluna people following the determination on the 28 March 2014. The Board of Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation consists of a representative of all of the Yulluna Traditional Owners.

On 1 June 2010, the Yulluna People applied for a determination of native title over an area of about 10,027 km2 in northwest Queensland, located south of Mt Isa and Cloncurry and to the west of Dajarra. The respondents to the application were the State of Queensland, the Boulia, Cloncurry and McKinlay Shire Councils, various mining and exploration companies and 12 pastoralists. On 21 February 2014, the parties filed an agreement pursuant to s 87 of the NTA seeking a consent determination.

Our vision is Yulluna people caring for Country in a viable economy using both traditional and modern knowledge.