
Yue Qin 覃栎

Associate Professor (Tenure-Track)

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,

Peking University

Email: qinyue@pku.edu.cn

University Website ; Linkedin; Google Scholar; ResearchGate


Research Fields: 

Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation

Coupled Human System and Natural Environment

Food-Energy-Water Nexus

Sustainable Development 


Apr 2nd 2024 - Our group-lead paper is published in Nature Water: "The asymmetric impacts of international agricultural trade on water use scarcity, inequality and inequity"!  You can access the full article here:  https://rdcu.be/dDlDW! Check out the press release: NW自然水; PKU-CESE; 科学网.

Aug 7th 2023 - My first-authored paper is published in Nature Water: "Global assessment of the carbon–water tradeoff of dry cooling for thermal power generation"!  Check out the press release: 科学网; PKU-CESE; NW自然水; 环境人Environmentor

Jul, 2023 -- I'am honored to be appointed as an associate editor at Earth's Future

Jul, 2023 -- I'am honored to be appointed an associate deputy editor at Climatic Change

Apr 26th, 2023 -- Please come to check out our co-convened 2023 EGU Meeting session HS5.7 - Multi-scale water-energy-food-environment (WEFE) nexus planning: from research to practice in managing socio-economic, climatic, and technological change

Jan, 2023 -- I'am honored to be appointed as an topic editor at Earth System Science Data

Dec, 2022 -- I'am honored to be awarded the CYWater Young Scientist Best Paper Award!

Oct 31st 2022 - My first-authored paper is published in Nature Climate Change: "Snowmelt risk telecouplings for irrigated agriculture"!  Check out the press release: 北大科研; PKU-CESE; 地学新文献; 环境人Environmentor

May 5th 2022 - My co-authored paper is published in Science: "Land-use emissions embodied in international trade". Check it out!  

Dec 31st 2021 - My first-authored paper is published in Environmental Science & Technology: "Environmental Consequences of Potential Strategies for China to Prepare for Natural Gas Import Disruptions"!  Check it out!

Dec 23rd 2021 - My co-authored paper is published in Nature Sustainability: "Environmental benefits and household costs of clean heating options in northern China". Check it out!  

Jul, 2021 --  I'am honored to join the editorial board at Sustainable Horizons

Jun 16th 2021 - My first-authored paper is published in Environmental Research Letters: "Global competing water uses for food and energy"!  Check it out!

May 2021 - I'll start a  tenure-track associate professor position at the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at  Peking University

Mar 25th 2021 - My co-authored paper is published in Environmental Research Letters: "The adaptive benefits of agricultural water markets in California". Check it out!  

Submit your research to our Research Topic Collection "Management of Unconventional Water Resources" at "Frontiers in Water" or "Frontiers in Sustainability". You can find out more details here: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/15890/management-of-unconventional-water-resources?utm_source=F-RTM&utm_medium=TED1&utm_campaign=PRD_TED1_T1_RT-TITLE! 

Sep 11th 2020 - My co-authored paper is published in Nature Communications: "Methane emissions from natural gas vehicles in China". Check it out!  

Aug 2020-- Invited talk at Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China). [Zoom]

Aug 2020 -- I am honored to receive the Lawrence A. Brown Faculty Fellowship. Check out Professor Lawrence A. Brown’s (Former President of the Association of American Geographers, AAG) Lasting Legacy

July 2020  -- Invited talk at The Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, UCL (UK). [Zoom]

April 20th 2020 - My first-authored paper is published in Nature Climate Change: "Agricultural risks from changing snowmelt"!  Check out the press release: OSU News; Science News; Phys.Org; Earth.Com

March 16th 2020 - My co-authored paper is published in Nature Food: " Impacts of ozone and climate change on yields of perennial crops in California"! Check it out! 

Feb 21st, 2020 -- My invited contribution to One Earth (Cell Press) on Cleaning City Skies is now online! I am honored to be invited together with twelve global experts in this field for this contribution. Please check out our Voices on Urban Air Pollution here: https://www.cell.com/one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(20)30044-0

Jan 24th, 2020 -- I am invited to give a talk on "Urban Asia Speaker Series" at the Department of Geography, OSU. 

Jan 14th, 2020 -- I am honored and humbled to receive the 4th COAA Yuxiang Early Career Award presented at the 2020 AMS COAA reception (the Chinese American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association) . The Yuxiang Early Career Award aims to recognize outstanding Chinese and Chinese-American young scholars in oceanic and atmospheric sciences and related fields. 

Dec 12th, 2019 -- Please come to check out our co-convened 2019 AGU FALL Meeting session GC42A - Multiscale Modeling of Human-Natural Earth System Interactions for Sustainable and Resilient Planning! 

Dec 11th, 2019 -- I will have an oral presentation at the 2019 AGU FALL Meeting (GC33D-04). Looking forward to meeting some of you there! (https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/meetingapp.cgi/Search/0?sort=Relevance&size=10&page=1&searchterm=GC33D).

Oct 11th, 2019 -- I was invited to present on 'Global Food-Energy-Water Nexus' at Princeton University. Looking forward to meeting some of you there! 

Oct 10th, 2019 -- I was invited to the Brainstorm Events on China Environmental Initiative at Princeton University. Looking forward to meeting some of you there! 

I've started a joint position at the Department of Geography and the Sustainability Institute at  The Ohio State University in August 2019 as a tenure-track assistant professor! 

July 2019  - My co-authored paper is published in Nature: "Committed emissions from existing energy infrastructure jeopardize 1.5 °C climate target"! Check it out!

June 2019  -  My first-authored paper is published in Nature Sustainability: "Flexibility and intensity of global water use"! Check out the press release: Nature Research Highlight; Nature Communities; UCI News.

March 19th, 2019 -  I'll give an invited talk at the Department of Economics and Management at Beihang University. 

March 16th-18th, 2019 - I'll join the 2019 Peking University Forum (北京大学工程科学优秀青年人才国际论坛). Looking forward to meeting some of you there! 

March 15th, 2019 - I'll give an invited talk at the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Peking University.

March 2019 - My first-authored paper was published on Atmospheric Environment: "Source attribution of black carbon affecting regional air quality, premature mortality and glacial deposition in 2000". Check it out! 

Jan 13th-15th, 2019 - I'll visit the Ohio State University for an invited talk. Looking forward to meeting some of you there! 

Jan 4th-7th, 2019 - I'll join the 2019 SUSTech University Forum (南科大交叉学科论坛). Looking forward to meeting some of you there! 

Dec 24th-26th, 2018 - I'll join the 2018 Beihang University WeiShi Forum (北航第五届国际青年学者唯实论坛). Looking forward to meeting some of you there! 

September 2018  -  My first-authored paper was published on Nature Sustainability: "Air quality-carbon-water synergies and trade-offs in China's natural gas industry"! Check out the press release: Nature communities; Princeton University Press; IIASA press release

June 2018  -  My first-authored paper was published on Energy Policy: "Challenges of using natural gas as a carbon mitigation option in China"!    

December 2017  -  I will start my postdoc position at the Department of Earth System Science at the University of California, Irvine!

September 2017  -  I defended my Ph.D. in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy at Princeton University! 

 April 2017 -  My first-authored paper was published on PNAS: "Air quality, health, and climate implications of China's synthetic natural gas development"!

Feb 2017-  My first-authored paper was published on Environmental Science & Technology: "Can switching from coal to shale gas bring net carbon reductions to China?"!